CANTHOCAMPTIDAE Sars, 1906, emend. Monard, 1927, Lang, 1948
Cletocamptinae Gomes & Rivera, 2022
CLETOCAMPTOIDES Gomes & Rivera, 2022
Cletocamptoides helobius (Fleeger, 1980)
Cletocamptoides merbokensis (Gee, 1999)
Cletocamptoides biushelo Gomes & Rivera, 2022
ANTROCAMPTUS Chappuis, 1956
Antrocamptus catherinae Chappuis & Rouch, 1969 [France; karst waters]
Antrocamptus chappuisi Rouch, 1970 [France; springs]
Antrocamptus coiffaiti Chappuis, 1956 [Europe; caves]
Antrocamptus longifurcatus Rouch, 1970 [France; springs]
Antrocamptus stygius Rouch, 1970 [France; karst waters]
SYMPODELLA Kornev & Chertoprud, 2008
Carolinicola galapagoensis Mielke, 1997
CEUTHONECTES Chappuis,1924 ( syn. Morariodes Borutzky, 1930 )
The stygobitic genus Ceuthonectes at present includes 12, for the most part phreatic and endemic species; only Ceuthonectes serbicus Chappuis, 1924 is widespread in different groundwater habitats of Slovenia, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia. The species Ceuthonectes colchidanus, described by Borutzky (1930) as Morariodes colchidana from Georgia, was firstly synonymized by the same author with Ceuthonectes serbicus (Borutzky, 1952, 1972). Later on, Rouch (1980), Petkovski (1984), Cottarelli & Saporito (1985) and Karanovic (1999), considered the two species as distinct taxa; recently Apostolov (2000) pointed out that " les caractères morphologiques des exemplaires de Caucase dècrits sous le nom de Morariodes colchidana recouverent complètement ceux de Ceuthonectes serbicus Chappuis".
Ceuthonectes boui Apostolov, 2002 [France; cave waters]
Ceuthonectes bulbiseta Apostolov, 2002 [France; spring waters]
Ceuthonectes chappuisi Rouch, 1980 [France; ground waters]
Ceuthonectes colchidanus (Borutzky, 1930) (syn. Ceuthonectes serbicus Chappuis, 1924
Ceuthonectes gallicus Chappuis, 1928 [France; ground waters]
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Ceuthonectes haemusi Apostolov, 2000 [Bulgaria; cave waters]
Ceuthonectes hungaricus Ponyi, 1958 [Hungary; ground waters]
Ceuthonectes latifurcatus (Borutzky, 1931)
Ceuthonectes mirabilis Miura, 1964 [Japan; ground waters]
Ceuthonectes pescei Cottarelli & Saporito, 1985 [Sardinia, Italy; phreatic waters]
Ceuthonectes petkovskii Karanovic, 1999 [Montenegro; cave waters] (LEFT)
Ceuthonectes rouchi Brancelj, 1991 [Yugoslavia, Slovenia; cave and spring ? waters]
Ceuthonectes serbicus Chappuis, 1924 [Europe; ground waters]
Ceuthonectes vievilleae Rouch, 1908 [France; ground waters]
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Fibulocamptus bisetosus Hamond, 1987 [Australia; ponds]
Fibulocamptus gracilior Hamond, 1987 [Australia; dead or living plants]
Fibulocamptus tasmanicus Hamond, 1987 [Tasmania; leaf-litters] (left)
Fibulocamptus victorianus Hamond, 1987 [Australia; leaf-litters, mosses] |
GULCAMPTUS Miura, 1969
The genus Gulcamptus was proposed by Miura (1969) to accomodate G. uenoi discovered in cave waters of Korea; to date it include six species, one stygobiont, the others limited to marginal habitats, like streams and glaciated areas. The taxonomic status of the genus and the invalidation of the genus Neomaraenobiotus Flossner, 1992, as junior synonym of Gulcamptus, is treated in Reid & Ishida. (1996).
Gulcamptus alaskaensis Ishida, 1996 [Alaska; marsh, mosses]
Gulcamptus huronensis Reid, 1996 [USA, Alaska; lakes, interstitial]
Gulcamptus jesoanus Ishida & Kikuchi, 1994 [Japan; fresh waters]
Gulcamptus laurentiacus (Flossner, 1992) [Canada; wet mosses]
Gulcamptus uenoi Miura, 1969 [Korean; ground waters, caves]
Gulcamptus yoichiensis Ishida, 1995 [Japan; fresh waters]
The genus Lessinocamptus was established by Stoch (1997) to accomodate the species Canthocamptus insoletus from the cave "Buso della Rana" (north Italy) [formerly erroneously ascribed to the genera Moraria (Dussart, 1969; Pesce, 1985) or Morariopsis (Cottarelli, 1996) ] and two new species also from caves of north Italy (Lessinian Mountains).
Lessinocamptus caoduroi Stoch, 1997 [north Italy; cave waters]
Lessinocamptus insoletus (Chappuis, 1928) [north Italy; cave waters]
Lessinocamptus pivai Stoch, 1997 [north Italy; cave waters]
Spelaeocamptus incertus Petkovski, 1956 [Balkan Peninsula; caves, phretic waters]
Spelaeocamptus neotropicus Noodt, 1963 [Perù; interstitial]
Spelaeocamptus spelaeus (Chappuis, 1925) [Romania; ground waters]
The species Spelaeocamptus reductus Sterba, 1967 and Spelaeocamptus asiaticus Sterba, 1967 must be included in the genus Nitokra and Nitocrella respectively (Dussart & Defaye, 1990)
STYGEPACTOPHANES Moeschler & Rouch, 1984
Stygepactophanes occitanus Galassi et al., 2019 [France; grundwaters]
Stygepactophanes jurassicus Moeschler & Rouch, 1984 [Switzerland; springs] 
ITUNELLA Brady, 1896
Itunella arenaria Lee & Chang, 2008 [South Korea; brackish waters] 
Itunella bacescoi Chappuis & Serban, 1953
Itunella intermedia Apostolov, 1975 [Bulgaria; coastal phreatic waters] 
Itunella kieferi Karanovic, 2021
Itunella muelleri (Gagern, 1923) [Europe; brackish waters] 
Itunella tenuiremis (T. Scott, 1893) [Europe; brackish waters]
Itunella yendeokoensis Karanovi, 2021
Lofflerella dentata Rouch, 1962 [south America; limnopsammon]
Lofflerella chilensis Loffler, 1966 [south America; limnopsammon]
Lofflerella trisaetosa Loffler, 1966 [south America; limnopsammon]
Lofflerella rouchi Loffler, 1966 [south America; limnopsammon]
Lofflerella valdiviensis Ebert, 1976 [south America; limnopsammon]
Lofflerella marchantiae Ebert, 1976 [south America; limnopsammon]
Lofflerella sp. (Lewis, 1984) [New Zealand]
Paramorariopsis anae Brancelj, 1991 [Slovenia; caves]
Paramorariopsis brigidae Brancelj, 2011 [Slovenia; wells]
Paramorariopsis irenae Brancelj, 2006 [Slovenia; epikarst habitat]
PSEUDOMORARIA Brancelj, 1994
Pseudomoraria triglavensis Brancelj, 1994 [Slovenia; high-alpine reservoir]
GLACIELLA Kikuchi, 1994
Glaciella yalensis Kikuchi, 1994 [Nepal; glacier]
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