CANTHOCAMPTIDAE Sars, 1906, emend. Monard, 1927, Lang, 1948 ELAPHOIDELLA Chappuis, 1928
The genus Elaphoidella s.l., with about 217 described species and subspecis, is, after Parastenocaris, the largest and more widespread copepod genus.
The genus is distributed worldwide with species inhabiting various habitats in both epigean and hypogean environments
throughout different zoogeographic regions. The genus is characterized by a large number of stygobiotic taxa
(Boxshall & Defaye 2008; Mori & Brancelj 2008; Galassi et al. 2009), many of them common in percolating
water from unsaturated karstic habitats (i.e. epikarst) in the temperate zone (Brancelj 2009).
Apostolov (1985, 1988), according to the oligomerization of the swimming legs and the setation of the antennal exopodite, splitted the genus Elaphoidella into five genera, viz. Elaphoidella s. str., Elaphoidellopsis, Stygoelaphoidella, Neoelaphoidella and Praelaphoidella, suggesting as well the subdivision of Elaphoidella s. str. into two morphological groups, viz. gracilis-group and simplex-group, embracing species characterized by 6 or 4/5 setae on the distal article of the exopodite of leg 4, respectively.
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The separation of the nominate genera has been critically discussed by Reid (1990), who pointed out mutual inconsistencies in the diagnosis of the new proposed genera, as well as several omissions and blunders in Apostolov's World key of the genus, and later on by Karanovic (1998; 2001) who considers that made by Apostolov "one unsuccessful attempt of revision of the genus Elaphoidella" (left: E. bidens bidens). |
Hamond (1987) observed that old species descriptions and drawings of Canthocamptidae do not always agree with modern description standards and, in many cases, such defective descriptions could greatly confuse the status of some genera and subgenera in this family; in the same occasion, returned many genera within the family Canthocamptidae, including Elaphoidella s. str. to subgeneric status of the genus Canthocamptus Westwood.
Hamond's statement has been recently supported by Hishida (1994) who described a new Elaphoidella from Nepal showing transitional characteristics between Elaphoidella and Attheyella, confirming as well the need of a World revision of the genera within the family Canthocamptidae.
Presently the majority of the copepodologists support the generic status of Elaphoidella, and its separation into 10 species-groups, suggested by Lang (1948) and later on supplemented by Petkovski & Brancelj (1988):
Recently, Karanovic (2001) presented a key to the gracils-group of species, as well as established new synonyms of Elaphoidella phreatica, [E. pseudophreatica (partim), E. pseudojeanneli, E. cavatica. E. croatica, E. oglasae, E. italica]. Pending a comprehensive review of the genus Elaphoidella, as well as of the family Canthocamptidae, and sharing Reid's (1990) objections,
the name Elaphoidella s. l. is provisionally proposed for all the species in the genus, as well as the above synonynies will not considered in the following list.
Elaphoidella affinis Chappuis, 1933 [Sumatra; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella africana (Cottarelli & Bruno, 1994) [Sierra Leone; stream interstitial]
[= Stygoelaphoidella africana Cottarelli & Bruno, 1994]
Elaphoidella aberrans Chappuis, 1954 [Madagascar; mosses]
Elaphoidella abruzzei Pesce & Apostolov, 2006 (??)
Elaphoidella aioii Chappuis, 1928 [Japan; ground waters]
Elaphoidella algeriensis Rouch, 1987 [Algerie; wells] 
Elaphoidella amabilis Ishida, 1993 [Maryland, USA; springs] 
Elaphoidella anatolica Chappuis, 1953 [Turkey; ground waters]
Elaphoidella angelovi Michailova-Neikova, 1969 [Bulgaria; caves] (11)
Elaphoidella angirmii Loffler, 1968 [Nepal; ground waters?]
Elaphoidella apicata Chappuis, 1950 [India; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella apostoli nom. nov. for Stygoelaphoidella subterranea Apostolov, 1991 (Wells, 2007) [Bulgaria; cave waters] (?)
Elaphoidella apostolovi (Pesce & De Laurentiis, 1994) [Central Italy; wells] (= Elaphoidella parapostolovi nom. nov. for Neoelaphoidella intermedia Apostolov, 1999 (Wells, 2007) [Africa; lakes] 
Elaphoidella aprutina Pesce, Galassi & Apostolov, 1987 [Central Italy; wells] 
Elaphoidella aramburgi Chappuis, 1936 [Africa; mosses]
Elaphoidella armata (Delachaux, 1917) [Peru, Brazil, fresh waters]
Elaphoidella balcanica Apostolov, 1992 [Bulgaria; cave waters] 
Elaphoidella bidens bidens (Schmeil, 1894) [cosmopolitan ; fresh waters] (2)
Elaphoidella bidens coronata (Sars, 1904) 
Elaphoidella bidens decorata (Daday, 1901)
Elaphoidella bidens paranaensis Nogueira, 1959 [south America; ground waters, caves]
Elaphoidella bidens subterranea Nogueira, 1959 [Brazil; ground waters]
Elaphoidella bidens subtropica Kiefer, 1929
Elaphoidella birsteini (Borutzky, 1948) [Caucaso; caves]]
Elaphoidella bisetosa Apostolov, 1985 [Bulgaria; wells] 
[not E. elaphoides f. bisetosa Lang, 1957]
Elaphoidella bispina Dussart, 1984 [Venezuela; springs] 
Elaphoidella borutzky Michailova-Neikova, 1973 [Bulgaria; ground waters] (11) 
Elaphoidella botosaneanui Petkovski, 1973 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella boui Rouch, 1988 [Pyrenees; cave spring] 
Elaphoidella bouilloni Rouch, 1964 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella brancelji Sonoamuang & Watiroyran, 2021[Thailand; caves] 
Elaphoidella brehieri Apostolov, 2001 [France; cave waters] 
Elaphoidella brevicaudata Apostolov, 2002 [France; ground waters] 
Elaphoidella brevifurcata (Chappuis, 1936) [Brazil; fresh waters] (6)
Elaphoidella brevipes Chappuis, 1937 [Yugoslavia; ground waters]
Elaphoidella bromeliaecola Chappuis, 1928 [Indonesia; bromeliads]
Elaphoidella bryophila (Chappuis, 1928) [India, Java, mosses]
Elaphoidella bulbifera Chappuis, 1937 [Yugoslavia; ground waters]
Elaphoidella bulbiseta Apostolov, 1998 [Bulgaria; cave waters]
[=Stygoelaphoidella bulbiseta Apostolov, 1998] 
Elaphoidella bulgarica Apostolov, 1991 [Bulgaria; cave waters]
[=Stygoelaphoidella bulgarica Apostolov, 1991] 
Elaphoidella cabezasi Petkovski, 1982 [Cuba; ground waters]
Elaphoidella cadesi Reid, 2001 (in press) [USA]
Elaphoidella caeca Miura, 1964 [Japan; ground waters]
[=Praelaphoidella caeca (Miura, 1964) according to Apostolov, 1988]
Elaphoidella californica Wilson, 1975 [north America; fresh waters] 
Elaphoidella calypsonis Chappuis & Rouch, 1959 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella campestris Reid, 2001 (in press) [USA]
Elaphoidella capite-radiata Brehm, 1951 [New Guinea; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella carterae Reid, 1993 [Virginia, USA; spring] (lakes subterranean?) 
Elaphoidella cavatica Chappuis, 1957 [France; caves] (12)
Elaphoidella cavernicola Apostolov, 1992 [Bulgaria; cave waters] 
Elaphoidella cavicola Shen & Tai, 1965 [China; ground waters]
Elaphoidella charon Chappuis, 1936 [Yugoslavia; groundwaters]
Elaphoidella claudboui Apostolov, 2001 [France; groundwaters]
Elaphoidella cliffordae Chappuis, 1932 [Africa; mosses]
Elaphoidella coiffati Chappuis & Kiefer, 1952 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella colombiana Gaviria, 1993 [Colombia; lagoons] 
Elaphoidella confusa Stock (in press?) [north Italy; caves?]
Elaphoidella cornuta Chappuis, 1931 [Sumatra; phytotelms]
Elaphoidella coronata (Sars, 1904) (?)
Elaphoidella cottarellii Pesce & De Laurentiis, 1993 [central Italy; hyporheic] 
Elaphoidella crassa Chappuis, 1954 [India; ground waters]
Elaphoidella crassicaudis Chappuis, 1936 [Kenya; cave waters]
Elaphoidella crenobia Petkovski, 1973 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella croatica Petkovski, 1959 [Yugoslavia; ground waters] (12)
Elaphoidella cuspidata Chappuis, 1928 [India; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella cvetkae Petkovski, 1983 [Yugoslavia, Italy; ground waters] 
Elaphoidella cvetkovi Michailova-Neikova, 1967 [Bulgaria; ground waters]
Elaphoidella czerkessica Borutzky, 1972 [Caucaso; ground waters]
Elaphoidella damianae Kiefer, 1967 [Romania; ground waters]
Elaphoidella damasi damasi Chappuis, 1938 [Africa, Zaire; lakes]
Elaphoidella damasi nivalis Loffler, 1968 [Africa; lakes]
Elaphoidella damianae Wells, 2007 [syn. Elaphoidella dubia Damian, 1959 (Italy, Romania; ground waters)]
Elaphoidella denticulata Chappuis, 1929 [Europe; fresh waters] 
Elaphoidella dispersa Chappuis, 1934 [Africa, Hawai; fresh waters?]
Elaphoidella douglasi Reid, 2001 (in press) [USA]
Elaphoidella einslei Petkovski, 1973 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella elaphoides elaphoides (Chappuis, 1924)
Elaphoidella elaphoides bisetosa Lang, 1957
Elaphoidella elegantula nom. nov. for Stygoelaphoidella elegans Apostolov, 1991 (Wells, 2007) [Bulgaria; cave waters] 
Elaphoidella elgonensis Chappuis, 1936 [Kenya; lakes]
Elaphoidella elongata Chappuis, 1950 [India; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella eucharis Chappuis, 1953 [Greece; caves]
Elaphoidella fatimae Fefilova & Alexeev, 2018 [Borneo] 
Elaphoidella federicae Pesce & Galassi, 1988 [Corsica; wells] 
Elaphoidella femurata Bassamakov, 1987
Elaphoidella fluviusherbae Bruno, Reid & Perry, 2000 [USA, Florida; ground waters] 
Elaphoidella fonticola (Chappusi, 1937) Yugoslavia; ground waters]
Elaphoidella formosanus Shuh Sen-Young, 2010 [Taiwan; Mountain Lakes] 
Elaphoidella franci Petkovski, 1983 [Yugoslavia; ground waters]
Elaphoidella ganeshi Reid, 1998 [India, Brazil; fresh waters] (5)
Elaphoidella garbetensis Rouch, 1980 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella gordani Karanovic, 1998 [Montenegro; cave waters] 
Elaphoidella gracilis gracilis (G.O. Sars, 1863) [Europe, Israel, USA; ponds, lakes] (3)
Elaphoidella gracilis serrulata Damian & Botosaneanu, 1954 Romania; ground waters]
Elaphoidella grandidieri (Guerne & Richard, 1893) [Africa, Madagascar, Asia, Japan, central-southern America, Australia?; lakes, wells, springs] 
Elaphoidella hallensis Kiefer, 1963 [Europe; ground waters]
Elaphoidella helenae (Chappuis, 1953) [Turkey; ground waters]
Elaphoidella hellmichi Loffler, 1968 [Nepal; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella hirsuta Chappuis, 1941 Mauritus, reunion; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella hirsutus Shuh Sen-Young, 2010 [Taiwan; Mountain Lakes] 
Elaphoidella humboldti Loffler, 1963 [south America; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella humphreysi Karanovic, 2006 [Australia; bores] 
Elaphoidella hyalina Chappuis, 1932 [Africa; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella incerta (Chappuis, 1937) [Yugoslavia; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella infernalis Rouch, 1970 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella insularis Chappuis, 1956 [reunion; ground waters]
Elaphoidella intermedia Chappuis, 1931 [Africa; lakes]
Elaphoidella isana Watiroyram et al., 2021 [Thailand] 
Elaphoidella iskrecensis Apostolov, 1997 [Bulgaria; artificial cave] 
Elaphoidella italica Pesce, Galassi & Apostolov, 1987 [Central Italy; wells] (12) 
Elaphoidella jaesornensis Watiroyrami et al., 2015 [Thailand; caves] [PDF-SUMMARY]
Elaphoidella janas Cottarelli & Bruno [Sardinia, Italy; cave waters] 
Elaphoidella jakobii Nogueira, 1959 [Brazil; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella jasonis Chappuis, 1953 [Turkey; ground waters]
Elaphoidella jaesornensis Watiroyram., 2015 [Thailand] 
Elaphoidella javaensis (Chappuis, 1928) [fresh waters]
Elaphoidella jeanneli (Chappuis, 1928) [Europe; caves]
Elaphoidella jochenmartensis Dumont & Maas, 1988 [Nepal; leaf litters]
Elaphoidella jojoi Petkovski, 1982 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella juxtaputealis (Damian & Botosaneanu, 1954) [Romania; ground waters] (11)
Elaphoidella karamani karamani Chappuis, 1936 [Yugoslavia, Greece; ground waters] 
Elaphoidella karamani latifurcata Apostolov, 1976 [Bulgaria; ground waters]
Elaphoidella karllangi Petkovski, 1973 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella karstica Dussart & Defaye, 1990 [Slovenia; cave waters]
[=Neoelaphoidella kieferi Apostolov, in litt. (Dussart & Defaye, 1990)] (1)
Elaphoidella kenyensis kenyensis Chappuis, 1936 [Africa; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella kenyensis curticauda Chappuis, 1938 [Africa; lakes]
Elaphoidella kieferi Loffler, 1968 [Nepal; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella kodiakensis Wilson, 1975 [north America; fresh waters] 
Elaphoidella labani Loffler, 1973 [Indonesia; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella laevis Chappuis, 1950 [India; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella leruthi leruthi Chappuis, 1937 [Belgium, France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella leruthi meridionalis Chappuis, 1953 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella ligorae Watroyran et al., 2017 [Thailand; caves] 
Elaphoidella limnobia Chappuis, 1938 [Africa, Zaire; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella lindbergi Chappuis, 1941 [Inida; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella longifurcata Chappuis & Kiefer, 1952 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella longipedis Chappuis, 1931 [Madagascar, Asia; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella longiramus Watiroyran et al., 2022 [Thailand]
Elaphoidella longiseta Chappuis, 1932 [Africa; mosses]
Elaphoidella mabelae Galassi & Pesce, 1991 [Central Italy; springs] 
Elaphoidella madiracensis Apostolov, 1998 [France; phreatic waters]
Elaphoidella malayica Dussart,1982 [Martinique; springs] 
Elaphoidella margaritae Pesce & Apostolov, 1985 [Thailand; wells] 
Elaphoidella marjoryae Bruno, Reid & Perry, 2000 [USA, Florida; surface and ground waters] 
Elaphoidella massai Chappuis, 1936 [kenya; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella mauro Chappuis, 1956 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella michailovae Bassamacov, 1970 [Bulgaria; ground waters]
Elaphoidella millennii Brancelj, 2009 [Slovenia; karstic aquifer] 
Elaphoidella minos (Chappuis, 1956) [Greece, Crete; ground waters] (11)
Elaphoidella miurai Chappuis, 1955 [Japan; ground waters]
Elaphoidella montenegrina Karanovic, 1997 [Balkan Peninsula; cave waters]
Elaphoidella moreae Pesce, 1982 [Greece; wells]
Elaphoidella namnaoensis Brancelj et al., 2010 [Thailand; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella necessaria Kiefer, 1933 [Yugoslavia; ground waters]
Elaphoidella negroensis Kiefer, 1967 [Brazil; ground waters]
Elaphoidella neoarmata Petkovski, 1973 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella neotropica Petkovski, 1973 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella nepalensis Ishida, 1994 [Nepal; stream sediment] 
Elaphoidella nuragica Pesce & Galassi, 1986 [Sardinia, Italy; wells]
Elaphoidella nyongi Roen, 1956 [Africa, Camerun; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella oglasae Cottarelli & Torrisi, 1974 [Italy, Sardinia; ground waters] (12)
Elaphoidella pandurskyi Apostolov, 1992 
Elaphoidella paraaffinis Watroyran et al., 2017 [Thailand; caves] 
Elaphoidella pani Por, 1983 [Israel; springs] (10)
Elaphoidella parajakobii Reid & José, 1987 [Brazil; cave waters] 
[= junior synonym of E. jakobii Nogueira, 1959]
Elaphoidella paraelaphoides Pesce, Galassi & Apostolov, 1987 [Central Italy; wells] 
Elaphoidella paramuna Gaviria & DeFaye, 2015 [Colombia] 
Elaphoidella paraplesia Kiefer, 1967 [Brazil; ground waters]
Elaphoidella parapostolovi nom. nov. for Neoelaphoidella intermedia Apostolov, 1999 (Wells, 2007) [Africa; lakes]
Elaphoidella parvifurcata Petkovski, 1908 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella pectinata (Delachaux, 1924) [central and south America; fresh waters] (4)
Elaphoidella pescei Apostolov, 1986 [Bulgarie; wells] 
Elaphoidella petrovae Apostolov, 1986 [Bulgarie; wells] (9) 
Elaphoidella phreatica phreatica (Chappuis, 1925) [Europe; ground waters]
Elaphoidella phreatica aggtelekiensis Ponyi, 1958 [Hungary; ground waters] 
Elaphoidella phuphamanensis Boonyanusith et al. 2024
Elaphoidella pintoae Reid & José, 1987 [Brazil; cave waters] 
Elaphoidella plesai Pesce & Galassi, 1994 [Austria; cave waters]
Elaphoidella plutonis plutonis Chappuis, 1938 [Italy; caves, krenal, phreatic waters] (8)
Elaphoidella plutonis quadrispinosa Chappuis, 1938 [Italy; caves, wells]
Elaphoidella propecabezasi Boonyanusith et al. 2024
Elaphoidella prohumboldti Petkovski, 1980 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella prepedamasi Defaye & Heymer, 1996 [Africa, Zaire; leaf litters]
Elaphoidella proserpina Chappuis, 1934 [Austria; ground waters]
Elaphoidella pseudocornuta Dumont & Maas, 1988
Elaphoidella pseudojeanneli pseudojeanneli Ponyi, 1956 (12) 
Elaphoidella pseudojeanneli aggtelekiensis Ponyi, 1958 (12)
Elaphoidella pseudophreatica (Chappuis, 1928)
Elaphoidella putealis (Chappuis, 1925) [Europe; wells]
Elaphoidella pyrenaica Rouch, 1970 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella quemadoi Petkovski, 1982 [Cuba; ground waters]
Elaphoidella radkei Reid, 1987 [Colombia; artificial water containers]
Elaphoidella reducta Rouch, 1970 [France; ground waters](4)
Elaphoidella reedi Wilson, 1975 [north America; lakes] 
Elaphoidella romanica Kulhavy, 1969 [Romania; ground waters]
Elaphoidella rodrigensis Borutzky, 1969 [Rodriguez Islans; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella rossellae Pesce et al,. 1987 [Italy phreatic waters] (syn, of E, plutonis plutonis)
Elaphoidella ruffoi Chappuis, 1953 [Italy; caves]
Elaphoidella sabanillae Petkovski, 1982 [Cuba; ground waters]
Elaphoidella sanoamuangae Watroyram & Brancelj, 2016 [Thailand]
Elaphoidella schubarti Chappuis, 1936 [south America, fresh waters]
Elaphoidella serbica Petkovski & Brancelj, 1988 [Yugoslavia; cave waters] 
Elaphoidella sewelli sewelli (Chappuis, 1928) [Asia; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella sewelli americana Chappuis, 1930 [West Indian Islands; cave waters]
Elaphoidella sewelli africana Chappuis, 1932 [Africa; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella sewelli eremita Chappuis, 1928 [India; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella sewelli indica Chappuis, 1928 [India; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella sewelli minuta Chappuis, 1932 [Africa, Madagascar; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella sewelli occidentalis Chappuis, 1932 [Congo; cave waters]
Elaphoidella sewelli unisaetosa Chappuis, 1950 [India; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella shawangunkensis Strayer, 1988 [U.S.A.; interstitial]
Elaphoidella silverii Pesce, 1985 [Lesbos, Greece; wells] 
Elaphoidella silvestris Lewis, 1972 [New Zealand; fresh waters](4)
Elaphoidella similis Chappuis, 1931 [Sumatra; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella simplex simplex Chappuis, 1944 [Europe; ground waters]
Elaphoidella simplex szegedensis Kiefer, 1963 [Hungary; ground waters]
Elaphoidella synjakobii Petkovski, 1980 [Cuba; ground waters] 
Elaphoidella siolii Kiefer, 1967 [south America; ground waters]
[transferred to Attheyella (Canthosella) by Janetzky et al., 1996]
Elaphoidella slovenica Wells, 2007 (sin. Elaphoidella kieferi Petkovski & Brancelj, 1985)
Elaphoidella spinosa spinosa Chappuis, 1952 [Reunion; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella spinosa longifurca Bozic, 1969 [Reunion; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella stammeri Chappuis, 1936 [Yugoslavia; ground waters]
Elaphoidella stygobiotica Watiroyram & Koompoot, 2023 [Thailand]
Elaphoidella striblingi Reid 1990 [Costarica] [Canthocamptus (Elaphoidella) striblingi in the original description]
Elaphoidella stupkai Reid, 2001 (in press) [USA]
Elaphoidella stygia (Apostolov, 1989) [Bulgaria; cave waters] 
[= Stygoelaphoidella stygia Apostolov, 1989]
Elaphoidella suarezi Reid,1987 [Brazil, Colombia; fresh waters] (7)
Elaphoidella subcrenobia Petkovski, 1980 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella subplutonis Pesce, Galassi & Apostolov, 1987 [Central Italy; wells] 
[=Stygoelaphoidella subterranea Apostolov, 1991]
Elaphoidella superpedalis Shen & Tai, 1964 [China, Japan; fresh waters, lakes] 
Elaphoidella surinamensis (Delachaux, 1924) [south America, surinam; fresh waters] 
Elaphoidella synjakobii Petkovski, 1980
Elaphoidella tarmani Brancelj, 2009 [Slovenia; karstic aquifer] 
Elaphoidella tenera Chappuis, 1937 [Yugoslavia; ground waters] 
Elaphoidella taroi Chappuis, 1955 [Figj; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella thailandensis Watiroyrami et al., 2015 [Thailand; caves]
Elaphoidella thienemanni thienemanni Chappuis, 1931 [Sumatra; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella thienemanni serrulata Chappuis, 1931
Elaphoidella tiberina Pesce & Galassi, 1983 [Central Italy; wells]
Elaphoidella trisaetosa Chappuis, 1933 [Asia; fresh waters ]
Elaphoidella turgisetosa Petkovski, 1980 [Cuba; caves]
Elaphoidella uenoi Chappuis, 1958 [Japan; ground waters]
Elaphoidella unidens (Menzel, 1917) [Africa, Tanganika; lakes]
Elaphoidella uva Karanovic, 2001 [Montenegro; phreatic waters] 
Elaphoidella valkanovi Bassamacov, 1973 [Bulgaria; ground waters]
Elaphoidella vaga Chappuis, 1950 [India; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella vandeli Chappuis & Rouch, 1958 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella varians (Chappuis, 1955) [Europe; ground waters] (11)
Elaphoidella vasconica Rouch, 1970 [France; ground waters]
Elaphoidella vietnamica Borutzky, 1967 [Vietnam; ground waters]
Elaphoidella winkleri (Chappuis, 1928) [Romania; caves]
Elaphoidella wilsonae Hunt, 1979 [north America; fresh waters] 
Canthocamptus (Elaphoidella) striblingi Reid, 1990 [Costa Rica; bromeliads]
The species-names Neolaphoidella intermedia Apostolov, 1999 , and Stygoelaphoidella bulbiseta Apostolov, 1998, both from ground waters of Bulgaria, are preoccupied by Elaphoidella intermedia Chappuis, 1931 and Elaphoidella bulbiseta Apostolov, 1998 respectively.
Elaphoidella caeni ? ( in Monchenko, 1967) [URSS; ground waters?]
Elaphoidella finni Bourne, 1893 [Zanzibar; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella gariensis ? (in Monchenko, 1967) [URSS; ground waters?]
Elaphoidella laciniata (Van Douwe, 1911) [south America; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella natalis Brady, 1904 [south Africa; fresh waters]
Elaphoidella tenuicaudis (Herrick, 1884) [north America; fresh waters?]
Elaphoidella vicinum Por, 1967 [Israel; brackish waters?]
Elaphoidella pseudophreatica sensu Chappuis, 1954; Dussart, 1967
Elaphoidella cf. leruthi Chappuis, 1937
Elaphoidella capiteradiata Brehm, 1951
Attheyella natalis Brady, 1904
Canthocamptus tenuicaudis Herrick, 1894
Canthocamptus finni Bourne, 1893
Canthocamptus laciniatus Douwe, 1911
(1) Described as Elaphoidella kieferi by Petkovski & Brancelj (1985), this species has been renamed by Dussart & Defaye (1990) since another species with the same specific epithet was described by Loffler (1968) from lakes in Nepal
(2) syn. E. derjugini (Rylov, 1932)
(3) syn. E. subgracilis (Willey, 1934) Bruno et al. (2000) do not share this synonymy.
(4) questionable species
(5) Reid (1998) proposed this nomen novum for E. brevifurcata Chappuis, 1954 from India
(6) Chappuis (1936) described this species as E. pectinata brevifurcata, from Brazil; later on the name went through various vicissitudes, including being synonymized with Elaphoidella pectinata s. str. by Lang (1948). It was raised to species rank by Apostolov (1985), although he used it twice in different ways and mispelling it once, as Neoelaphoidella brevifurca and as Neoelaphoidella pectinata brevifurcata.
(7) synonym: Attheyella (Elaphoidella) bryobiota Ebert, 1976 (Reid, 1990)
(8) syn. Elaphoidella rossellae Pesce, Galassi & Apostolov, 1987
(9) synonym of E. valkanovi Basamakov, 1973 (Karanovic, 2001)
(10) synonym of E. denticulata Chappuis, 1029
(11) syn. of Elaphoidella elaphoides (according to Wells, 2007)
(12) syn. of Elaphoidella phreatica (according to Wells, 2007)
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