CANTHOCAMPTIDAE Sars, 1906, emend. Monard, 1927, Lang, 1948


Epactophanes is a questionablke genus, and its definition is still debated. According to most authors it should include a single species, Epactophanes richardi, which shows a wide distribution and variability, with numerous questionable subspecies. Recently Bruno & Cottarelli (1999) described the second species in the genus, Epactophanes philippinus, from ground waters of Philippines.

  • Epactophanes richardi Mrazek, 1893 [cosmopolitan; fresh waters, moss]
  • Epactophanes philippinus Bruno & Cottarelli, 1999 [Philippines; phreatic waters] [ABSTRACT]

    EPACTOPHANOIDES Borutzky, 1966

  • Epactophanoides udegeicus Borutzky, 1966 [URSS;?] Should be transferred to the re-established family Cylindropsillidae Huys & Conroy-Dalton, 2006.

    AFROCAMPTUS Chappuis, 1932

  • Afrocamptus uncinatus (Chappuis, 1932) [Africa; moss]

    THERMOMESOCHRA Ito & Burton, 1980

  • Thermomesochra reducta Ito & Burton, 1980 [Malay archipelago; hot springs]


    ORTHOPSYLLUS Brady & Robertson, 1873 (syn. Katacletodes Jakobi, 1954

    Huys (1990) created the family Orthopsyllidae for this genus (removed from Canthocamptidae), and for two new genera (Dionyx, Infrapedia). Later Mielke (1993) reported the genus Orthopsyllus in the family Canthocamptidae, on the contrary Bodin (1997) consider it in the Orthopsyllidae sensu Huys.

  • Orthopsyllus agnatus Klie 1950
  • Orthopsyllus coralliophilus Fiers, 1987 [New Guinea; coastal waters]
  • Orthopsyllus dubius Vervoort 1964
  • Orthopsyllus koprii Lee et al., 2011 [Antarctica]
  • Orthopsyllus linearis linearis (Claus, 1866) [Europe, Africa; marine environment, algal areas]
  • Orthopsyllus linearis bulbosus Noodt 1955
  • Orthopsyllus linearis curvaspina Mielke, 1993 [Costa Rica; marine environment, algal areas]
  • Orthopsyllus linearis illgi (Chappuis, 1958) [USA; marine]
  • Orthopsyllus linearis improportionatus (Jakobi, 1954) [Brazil; marine]
  • Orthopsyllus linearis major Klie, 1939 [Island; marine]
  • Orthopsyllus linearis setosus Boer, 1971 [France; wood?]
  • Orthopsyllus pectinicauda Vervoort 1964
  • Orthopsyllus propinquus Lang 1948
  • Orthopsyllus rugosus Nicholls (?)
  • Orthopsyllus sarsi Klie, 1941 [Norway; ?]
  • Orthopsyllus similis Nicholls 1942
  • Orthopsyllus spinicaudatus Krishnaswamy, 1957 [India; ?]
  • Orthopsyllus wallini Lang, 1934 [Tasmania; brackish waters]

    DIONYX Huys, 1990 (NOMEN NUDUM)


    PARAMEIROPSIDAE Corgosinho & Martínez Arbizu, 2010

    PARAMEIROPSIS Becker, 1974

    "The genus Parameiropsis was created by Becker (1974), to group the species Parameiropsis rapiens Becker, 1974 from an Atlantic deep-sea site at the Northern African coast and P. peruanus Becker, 1974 from the Peru Trench.

    Later, Itô (1983) described a third species, P. magnus Itô, 1983 from a deep-sea site off Mindanao in the western Pacific Ocean. The genus seems to be monophyletic and its species are typically collected from deep-sea sites.

    Each species has been described from a single female specimen, which is an indication of the rareness of this taxon" (from: Corgosinho & Gheerardyn, 2009)

  • Parameiropsis amphitriteae Corgosinho & Martínez Arbizu, 2010 [Laptev see; deep-sea sediments]
  • Parameiropsis antennafortis Corgosinho & Gheerardyn, 2009 [North-East Atlantic]
  • Parameiropsis kodosensis Cho et al., 2018 [East Pacific]
  • Parameiropsis magnus Itô, 1983 [Western Pacific]
  • Parameiropsis neptuni Corgosinho & Martínez Arbizu, 2010 [deep-sea sediments]
  • Parameiropsis peruanus Becker, 1974 [south America; marine coastal]
  • Parameiropsis poseidonicus Corgosinho & Martínez Arbizu, 2010 [SE Atlantic Ocean, Angola Basin; deep-sea sediments]
  • Parameiropsis rapiens Becker, 1974 [south America?; marine coastal]
  • Parameiropsis senckenbergi Corgosinho & Martínez Arbizu, 2010 [Guinea Basin; deep-sea sediments]
  • Parameiropsis tetraspinosa Cho et al., 2018 [East Pacific]
  • Parameiropsis wellsi Becker, 1974 [south America?; marine coastal] (nomen dubium)


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