Laophontinae T. Scott, 1905 sensu Huys and Lee, 2000

ESOLA Edwards, 1891

  • Esola bulbifera Huys & Lee, 2000
  • Esola bulligera (Farran, 1913) [Ireland; marine sand]
  • Esola canalis Huys & Lee, 2000
  • Esola lobata Huys & Lee, 2000
  • Esola longicauda longicauda Edwards, 1891 [Brazil, Indonesia, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Mediterranean and Marmara Seas; marine sandy beaches]
  • Esola galapagoensis (Mielke, 1981) [Galapagos; marine interstitial]
  • Esola longiremis (T. Scott, 1904) [Scotland; marine sand]
  • Esola profunda Huys & Lee, 2000 [Europe; marine]
  • Esola rosei (Monard, 1926) [France; marine sand]
  • Esola spelaea (Chappuis, 1938) [south Italy; anchialine waters] *
  • Esola typhlops typhlops (Sars, 1920) [north Europe; marine sand]
  • Esola typhlops pontoica Por, 1959 [Black sea]
  • Esola vervoorti Huys & Lee, 2000 [Europe; marine]
  • Esola wellsi Fuenes-Reineset al., 2021 [Colombia]

    * Troglophonte spelaea according to Huys & Lee (2000)

    ELAPHOLAOPHONTE Schizas & Shirley, 1994

  • Elapholaophonte decaceros Schizas & Shirley, 1994 [Philippines; interstitial]


  • Xanthilaophonte trispinosa (Sewell, 1940) [Indian and Pacific Oceans; crab associated]
  • Xanthilaophonte carcinicola Fiers, 1991 [Indonesia; crab associated]

    GORGONOPHILUS Buhl-Mortensen & Mortensen, 2004

  • Gorgonophilus canadensis Buhl-Mortensen & Mortensen, 2004 [Northwest Atlantic]

    FIERSIPHONTINA Bruno & Cottarelli, 2011

  • Fiersiphontina sensillata (Wells & Rao, 1987 ) [Andaman, Nicobar, Indonesia; marine interstitial]

    LAOPHONTINA Norman & T. Scott, 1905

  • Laophontina acantha Noodt, 1955 [France; marine interstitial]
  • Laophontina dubia Norman &T. Scott, 1905 [Scilly island, Anglesey, Gulf of Douarnenez, Italy (Sicily); marine coastal waters] *
  • Laophontina noodti Kunz, 1983 [Azores; marine coastal waters]
  • Laophontina posidoniae Fiers, 1986 [Gulf of Calvi; Posidonia associated]
  • Laophontina reducta Coull, 1980 [USA]
  • Laophontina sensillata Wells & Rao, 1987 [Andaman, Nicobar, Indonesia; marine interstitial] (syn. of Fiersiphontina Bruno & Cottarelli, 2011)
  • Laophontina triarticulata Coull, 1980 [USA]
  • Laophontina variabilis Coull, 1980 [USA]

    * synonym: Laophontina paradubia Cottarelli, 1983.


    WELLSIPHONTINA Fiers, 1991

  • Wellsiphontina distincta (Wells, 1967) [Africa, Mozambique; marine]
  • Wellsiphontina striata Fiers, 1991 [Africa, Kenya; marine intertidal pools]

    GALAPALAOPHONTE Mielke, 1981

  • Galapalaophonte alvaroi Björnberg 2014 [Brazil]
  • Galapalaophonte antillensis Fiers, 1991 [Guadalupe; marine interstitial]
  • Galapalaophonte biarticulata Fiers, 1991 [Guadalupe; marine interstitial]
  • Galapalaophonte carolinensis Fiers, 1991 [USA; marine interstitial]
  • Galapalaophonte chilensis Fiers, 1991 [Chile; marine coastal interstitial]
  • Galapalaophonte pacifica Mielke, 1981 [Galapagos; marine interstitial]
  • Galapalaophonte triarticulata Coull & Zio, 1980 [USA; marine interstitial]
  • Galapalaophonte variabilis (Coull & Zio, 1980) [USA; marine interstitial]


    FOLIOQUINPES Fiers & Rutledge, 1990

  • Folioquinpes mangalis Fiers & Rutledge, 1990 [New Guinea, USA; mangrove ecosystems]
  • Folioquinpes chathamensis (Sars, 1904) [Chatham Islands, Africa, India, Galapagos; marine]

    Recently Huys & Lee, 1918 suggested Folioquinpes pseudomangalis sp. n. and F. indicus sp. n. as new species for Folioquinpes mangalis Fiers & Rutledge, 1990 sensu Kim (2013) and Laophonte chathamensis Sars, 1905 sensu Sewell (1924), respectively.


  • Amerolaophontina reducta (Coull & Zio, 1980) [USA; marine interstitial]

    Page Updated March 09. 2024

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