AFROLAOPHONTE Chappuis, 1960

"The laophontid genus Afrolaophonte (Chappuis, 1960) is one of those remarkable interstitially living genera characterized by their cylindrical body and highly reduced appendages. Afrolaophonte shares these peculiar adaptations with other genera such as Laophontina, Galapalaophonte , etc., but is easily recognized by its morphology of the P4 in both sexes" (from: Fiers, 1990)

  • Afrolaophonte aequatorialis Cottarelli & Mura, 1982 [Maldive Islands; marine interstitial]
  • Afrolaophonte brevipes (Chappuis, 1954) [Madagascar; marine psammon]
  • Afrolaophonte brignolii Cottarelli 1986 [Indonesia; marine coastal interstitial]
  • Afrolaophonte chilensis Mielke, 1985 [Chile; marine interstitial]
  • Afrolaophonte ensiger Wells & rao, 1987 [Andaman Islands; marine interstitial]
  • Afrolaophonte koreana Karanovic, 2022
  • Afrolaophonte leonis Cottarelli & Mura, 1982 [Maldive Islands; marine interstitial
  • Afrolaophonte michae Cottarelli, 1986 [Indonesia; marine coastal interstitial]
  • Afrolaophonte michaelae Cottarelli & Mura, 1982 [Maldive Islands; marine interstitial]
  • Afrolaophonte monodi Chappuis, 1960 [Dakar; marine psammon]
  • Afrolaophonte pori Marsy, 1970 [Israel, Italy; marine sandy beaches]
  • Afrolaophonte renaudi (Chappusi & Delamare Deboutteville,1956 [Bahamas; marine interstitial]
  • Afrolaophonte schmidti Mielke, 1981 [Galapagos; marine interstitial]
  • Afrolaophonte stocki Fiers, 1990 [Guadalupe; marine interstitial]


    JEJULAOPHONTE Back & Lee, 2014

  • Jejulaophonte hyeopjaeensis Back & Lee, 2014 [Korea; intertidal]

    PARECHINOLAOPHONTE Song et al. 2023

  • Parechinolaophonte tropica (Ummerkutty, 1970)

    PSEUDECHINOLAOPHONTE Song et al., 2923

  • Pseudechinolaophonte minuta (Cottarelli & Forniz, 1991)
  • Pseudechinolaophonte mordoganensis (Kuru, Sönmez & Karaytug, 2019)
  • Pseudechinolaophonte veniliae (Cottarelli, Forniz & Bascherini, 1992)

    APOLETHON Wells, 1967

  • Apolethon articulatus Lee & Chang, 2008 [Korea; brackish waters]
  • Apolethon bilobatus Shen & Tai, 1973 [China; marine]
  • Apolethon fumator Wells, 1967 [Africa, Mozambique; marine sand]
  • Apolethon hippoperus Schizas & Shirley, 2006 [Alaska; interstitial]
  • Apolethon trigonus Shen & Tai, 1973 [China; marine]

    ARCHILAOPHONTE Willen, 1995

  • Archilaophonte maxima Willen, 1995 [Weddell Sea]


  • Arenolaophonte stygia Lang, 1965 [USA; marine interstitial]

    BATHYESOLA Huys & Lee, 2000

  • Bathyesola compacta Huys & Lee, 2000

    APPLANOLA Huys & Lee, 2000

  • Applanola hirsuta Huys & Lee, 2000

    ARCHESOLA Huys & Lee, 2000

  • Archesola typhlops Huys & Lee, 2000
  • Archesola typhlops pontoica Huys & Lee, 2000
  • Archesola hamondi Huys & Lee, 2000
  • Archesola longiremis Huys & Lee, 2000

    ASELLOPSIS Brady & Robertson, 1873

  • Asellopsis arenicola Chappuis, 1954 [Madagascar; marine interstitial] (syn. Tapholeon arenicolus (Chappuis, 1954)
  • Asellopsis bacescui Por, 1959 [Blak Sea]
  • Asellopsis chappuisius Krishnaswamy, 1957 [India; marine psammon] (syn. Tapholeon chappuisius (Krishnaswamy, 1957)
  • Asellopsis duboscqui Monard, 1926 [Europe, Tunisie; marine]
  • Asellopsis hispida Brady & Robertson, 1873 [north Sea] (Asellopsis hispidus in the original description)
  • Asellopsis intermedia (T. Scott, 1895) [Europe, north Africa; marine]
  • Asellopsis littoralis Nicholls, 1940 [St. Lawrence; marine]
  • Asellopsis penicillata Por, 1964 [Israel; marine interstitial]
  • Asellopsis sarmatica Jakubisiak, 1938 [Blak Sea]

    CORNYLAOPHONTE Willen, 1996

  • Cornylaophonte pleisteri Willen, 1996 [Weddell Sea]

    COULLIA Hamond, 1973 (syn. Eolaophonte Apostolov, 1990; Phycolaophonte Pallares, 1975

  • Coullia clysmae (Por & Marcus, 1972) [Egypt, Suez canal]
  • Coullia heteropus Hamond, 1973 [USA; marine]
  • Coullia platychelipusioides (Noodt, 1958) [Canary islands;marine]
  • Coullia insularis (Pallares, 1975) comb. nov. (Huys, 2009)
  • Coullia tongariki (Gómez & Boyko, 2006) comb. nov. (Huys, 2009)
  • Coullia mediterranea (Apostolov, 1990) comb. nov. (Huys, 2009)


    ECHINOLAOPHONTE Nicholls, 1941

  • Echinolaophonte armiger armiger (Gurney, 1927) [Europe, north Africa, Bermuda; marine]
  • Echinolaophonte briani Lang, 1965 [USA; marine]
  • Echinolaophonte armiger typica Lang, 1965
  • Echinolaophonte brevispinosa (Sars, 1908) [Europe; marine]
  • Elapholaophonte decaceros Schizas & Shirley, 1994
  • Echinolaophonte gladiator (Vervoort, 1964) [Carolina islands; marine]
  • Echinolaophonte hystrix (Brian, 1928) [?: ?]
  • Echinolaophonte horrida (Norman, 1876) [Europe; marine]
  • Echinolaophonte longantennata Apostolov, 1990 [Monaco]
  • Echinolaophonte mirabilis (Gurney, 1927) [Egypt; fresh waters, lakes]
  • Echinolaophonte minuta Cottarelli & Forniz , 1991
  • Echinolaophonte mordoganensis Kurt etal., 2019 [Turkey]
  • Echinolaophonte musa Song et al., 2023 [Korea]
  • Echinolaophonte oshoroensis Ito, 1969 [Japan; marine]
  • Echinolaophonte tetracheir Mielke, 1981 [Galapagos; marine interstitial]
  • Echinolaophonte tropica Ummerkutty, 1970 [India; marine coastal waters]
  • Echinolaophonte veniliae Cottarelli, Forniz & Bascherini, 1992 [Italy; marine coastal interstitial]
  • Echinolaophonte villabonae Fuentes Reines & Suarez Morales, 2017 [Colombia]


    HARRIETELLA T. Scott, 1906

  • Harrietella simulans (T. Scott, 1894) [north Europe; marine]

    HEMILAOPHONTE Jakubisiak, 1932

  • Hemilaophonte janinae Jakubisiak, 1932 [Black Sea]
  • Hemilaophonte clysmae Por & Marcus, 1972

    HOPLOLAOPHONTE Hamond, 1973

  • Hoplolaophonte aculeata Hamod, 1973 [USA; marine interstitial]

    AEQUINOCTIELLA Cottarelli et al., 2008

  • Aequinoctiella cavallettii Cottarelli et al., 2008 [Kepulauan Archipelago; interstitial]
  • Aequinoctiella sagarum Cottarelli et al., 2008 [Philippines; interstitial]


  • Klieonychocamptoides arganoi Cottarelli & Mura, 1980 [Maldive]
  • Klieonychocamptus discipes Nooodt, 1958 [Canary islands; marine inbterstitial] (syn. Psammoplatypus discipes (Noodt, 1958)
  • Klieonychocamptus kliei kliei (Monard, 1935) [France; marine sand]
  • Klieonychocamptus kliei adriaticus (Petkovski, 1954) [Adriatic Sea]
  • Klieonychocamptus kliei confluens Noodt, 1958 [Canary Islands; marine sand]
  • Klieonychocamptus kliei ponticus Marcus, 1971 [Blak sea]
  • Klieonychocamptus ponticus (Serban & Plesa, 1957) [Black Sea]


  • Klieonychocamptoides arenicola (Chappuis & Delamare Deboutteville, 1956) [Bahamas; marine interstitial]
  • Klieonychocamptoides arganoi Cottarelli & Mura, 1980 [Maldive Islands; marine interstitial]
  • Klieonychocamptoides itoi Mielke, 1981 [Galapagos; marine interstitial]
  • Klieonychocamptoides remanei Noodt, 1958 [Canary Islands; marine interstitial]

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