AMEIRIDAE Monard, 1927, emend. Lang, 1936


Nitocrella stammeri Chappuis, 1938 is a stygobitic species, widely distributed in coastal subterranean habitats (anchialine caves, wells) of the Mediterranean. The distribution of the species in habittas not far from the coastal lines of the Pleistocenic Mediterranean suggest a recent origin from marine ancestors.


Distribution of Nitocrella stammeri Chappuis: 1. Puglia (Ruffo, 1955, 1958; Pesce et al., 1978); 2. Turkey (Chappuis, 1953); 3. Puglia (Pesce et al., 1978); 4. Lazio (Cottarelli & Fasano, 1978); 5. Marche (Pesce, 1980); 6. Sardinia (Pesce & Maggi, 1980); 7. Sicily (Cottarelli & Fasano, 1978, ); 8. Greece (Pesce, 1981); 9. Spain (Rouch, 1985); 10. Greece, Rhodos (Pesce, unpubl.); 11. Calabria (unpublished).

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