PSEUDOTACHIDIIDAE Lang, 1936; sensu Willen (2000) (syn. Danielsseniidae; Paranannopidae Por, 1986)

"The family Pseudotachidiidae Lang, 1936 was raised to family rank from the subfamily Pseudotachidiinae Lang 1936, previously placed in the family Thalestridae Sars, 1905, by Willen (1999, 2000) in the course of reviewing the Thalestridimorpha Lang, 1948. The family is known as a large taxon comprising 4 subfamilies and 29 genera with worldwide distribution, and as the most abundant taxon from deep-sea sediments in the Angola Basin and the Antarctic Weddell Sea (Willen 2005, 2008)"(from; Song et al, 2020)

Recently, in the course of a general review of the Thalestridimorpha Lang, 1948, Willen (1999, 2000) raised the Pseudotachiidae Lang, 1936 to family rank, removing it from the family Thalestridae Sars, 1905 to which they had been previously assigned as a subfamily.

In the same occasion the author subdivided the family into four subfamilies, viz. Paranannopinae, Pseudomesochrinae, Donsiellinae and Pseudotachidiinae, as well as reunited the families Ambunguipedidae Huys, 1990 and Hamondiidae Huys, 1990 with the family Rhynchothalestridae.

"The Pseudotachidiidae are a quite large and successful taxon within the Harpacticoida concerning number of species and subtaxa as well as a worldwide distribution range. Many species are known from the deep sea.

Several monophyletic subgroups have already been identified (Hicks 1988, Willen 1996, 1999, 2000), as there are the Paranannopinae Por, 1986, Pseudomesochrinae Willen 1996, Donsiellinae Lang, 1944, Pseudotachidius T. Scott, 1898 (compare Hicks 1988; Willen 1996, 1999; Veit-Kohler and Willen 1999). Idomene Phillipi, 1843 and Dactylopodella Sars, 1905 are not yet or only partly revised (Hicks 1989; Willen 1999)." (Willen, 2005).



According to Huys (2009) Paranannopinae is a nomen nudum based on an unavailable generic name and is replaced by Danielsseniinae Huys & Gee in Huys et al., 1996.

Afrosenia Huys & Gee, 1996
Anapophysia Huys & Gee, 1996
Archisenia Huys & Gee, 1993
Bathypsammis Huys & Gee, 1993
Carolinicola Huys & Thistle, 1989
Cylindronannopus Coull, 1973
Danielssenia Boeck, 1872
Fladenia Gee & Huys, 1990
Jonesiella Brady, 1880 [syn. Sentirenia Huys & Gee, 1992]
Leptotachidia Becker, 1974
Micropsammis Mielke, 1974 (nomen nudum)
Mucrosenia Huys & Gee, 1994
Nyxis Willem, 2009
Paradanielssenia Huys et al., 1996
Paranannopus Lang, 1936 (nomen nudum)
Peltisenia Huys & Gee, 1996
Prionos Huys & Gee, 1996
Psammis Sars, 1910
Sentiropsis Huys & Gee, 1996
Telopsammis Gee & Huys, 1991

TELOPSAMMIS Gee & Huys, 1991

  • Telopsammis galapagoensis (Mielke, 1997)
  • Telopsammis pelobionta Kornev & Chertoprud, 2008
  • Telopsammis secunda (Mielke, 1975)

    NYXYS Willen , 2009

  • Nyxis rostrocularis Willen, 2009 [Souyh Atlantic]

    AFROSENIA Huys & Gee, 1996

  • Afrosenia spinipes (Wells, 1967)


  • Cylindronannopus bispinosus Schriever, 1985
  • Cylindronannopus elongatus (Becker, 1972) (=Paranannopus elongatus Becker, Noodt & Schriever, 1979)
  • Cylindronannopus primus Coull, 1973

    LEPTOTACHIDIA Becker, 1974

  • Leptotachidia apousia Kim et al., 2019 [northwestern Pacific]
  • Leptotachidia iberica Becker, 1974
  • Leptotachidia senaria Kim et al., 2019 [northwestern Pacific]

    SENTIROPSIS Huys & Gee, 1996

  • Sentiropsis minuta (Coull, 1969)
  • Sentiropsis coreana Kim et al., 2011 [Korea; marine]
  • Sentiropsis vietnamensis Gomez & Chertoprud, 2009 [Vietnam; sublittoral zone]

    FLADENIA Gee & Huys, 1990

  • Fladenia intermedia Wells,1965
  • Fladenia robusta Huys etal., 1996

    JONESIELLA Huys etal., 1996 (syn. Sentirenia Huys & Gee, 1992

  • Jonesiella brucei Scott T. & Scott A., 1901 (syn.Pseudomesochra brucei (Scott T. & Scott A., 1901)
  • Jonesiella fusiformis Huys etal., 1996
  • Jonesiella eastwardae (Coull, 1971)
  • Jonesiella hyaenae Thompson I.C., 1889 (syn. Thompsonula hyaenae (Thompson I.C., 1889)
  • Jonesiella perezi (Monard, 1935) (syn. Jonesiella fusiformis (Brady & Robertson, 1876)
  • Jonesiella spinulosa (Brady, 1880) (syn. Danielssenia typica Boeck, 1873)

    CAROLINICOLA Huys & Thistle, 1989

  • Carolinicola trisetosa (Coull, 1973)
  • Carolinicola galapagoensis Mielke , 1997

    MICROPSAMMIS Mielke, 1964 (nomen nudum)

  • Micropsammis galapagoensis Mielke, 1997 (=Telopsammis galapagoensis (Mielke, 1997)
  • Micropsammis noodti Huys et al., 1996
  • Micropsammis secunda (Huys et al .,1996) (=Telopsammis secunda (Mielke, 1975)

    MUCROSENIA Huys & Gee, 1994

  • Mucrosenia kendalli Gee & Huys, 1994 [Spitsbergen]

    DANIELSSENIA Boeck, 1873

  • Danielssenia eastwardae Coull, 1971 (syn. Jonesiella eastwardae (Coull, 1971)
  • Danielssenia fusiformis (Brady, 1880)(syn. Danielssenia typica Boeck, 1873)
  • Danielssenia intermedia Wells, 1965 (syn. Fladenia intermedia (Wells, 1965); Fladenia robusta (Sars G.O., 1921)
  • Danielssenia minuta Coull, 1969 (syn. Sentiropsis minuta (Coull, 1969)
  • Danielssenia paraperezi Soyer, 1970 (syn. Jonesiella fusiformis (Brady & Robertson, 1876)
  • Danielssenia perezi Monard, 1935 (syn, Jonesiella fusiformis (Brady & Robertson, 1876)
  • Danielssenia quadriseta Gee, 1988
  • Danielssenia reducta Gee, 1988
  • Danielssenia robusta Sars G.O., 1921 (syn. Fladenia robusta (Sars G.O., 1921)
  • Danielssenia sibirica Sars G.O., 1898 (syn. Archisenia sibirica (Sars G.O., 1898)
  • Danielssenia similis Chislenko, 1978 (taxon inquirendum)
  • Danielssenia spinipes Wells, 1967 (syn. Afrosenia spinipes (Wells, 1967)
  • Danielssenia spiridonovi Garlitska & Chertoprud. 2021 [Arctic]
  • Danielssenia spitsbergensis Gee & Huys, 1994
  • Danielssenia stefanssoni Willey, 1920 (syn. Archisenia sibirica (Sars G.O., 1898)
  • Danielssenia typica Boeck, 1873
  • Danielssenia robusta (Sars G.O., 1921) (syn. Fladenia robusta (Sars G.O., 1921)
  • Danielssenia paraperezi Soyer, 1970 (syn. Jonesiella fusiformis (Brady & Robertson, 1876)


  • Paradanielssenia biclavata Huys et al., 1996
  • Paradanielssenia christineae Gee & Huys, 1994
  • Paradanielssenia clavata Gee, 1988
  • Paradanielssenia confluenta Kornev & Chertoprud, 2008
  • Paradanielssenia kathleenae Gee & Huys, 1994
  • Paradanielssenia kunzi Soyer, 1970
  • Paradanielssenia meikae Willen, 2008 [Angola; deep sea]
  • Paradanielssenia triseta Kornev & Chertoprud, 2008


    PSEUDOMESOCHRA T. Scott, 1902 (syn. Stenheliopsis Sars G.O., 1906)

    The genus Pseudomesochra presently includes 22 species, but more can presumably be expected to be still now unknown.

  • Pseudomesochra aberrans Bodin, 1968
  • Pseudomesochra abyssalis Becker & Schriever, 1979
  • Pseudomesochra affinis (Sars G.O., 1920)
  • Pseudomesochra beckeri Becker & Schriever, 1979
  • Pseudomesochra brucei T. & A. Scott, 1901 [Hoffnung Island; marine]
  • Pseudomesochra crispata Brady, 1910
  • Pseudomesochra divaricata Sars, 1906 [north Europe; marine]
  • Pseudomesochra gemina Coull, 1973
  • Pseudomesochra gertwilleni Willen, 1996 [Weddell Sea]
  • Pseudomesochra laptevensis Willen, 1996 [Laptev Sea]
  • Pseudomesochra latifurca Sars, 1911 [Norway; marine]
  • Pseudomesochra latifurcata (Sars G.O., 1906)
  • Pseudomesochra longifurcata T. Scott, 1902
  • Pseudomesochra longiseta Vasconcelas et al., 2008 [South Atlantic] [syn. Keraia longiseta (Vasconcelos, George & Santos, 2008)]
  • Pseudomesochra media Sars, 1911 [north Europe; marine]
  • Pseudomesochra meridianensis Willen, 1996 [Weddell Sea]
  • Pseudomesochra minor Becker, 1974
  • Pseudomesochra parvula Willey, 1932 accepted as Nannomesochra arupinensis (Brian, 1925)
  • Pseudomesochra perplexa Bodin, 1968
  • Pseudomesochra schheibeli Schriever, 1982
  • Pseudomesochra similis Lang, 1936 [Sweden; marine]
  • Pseudomesochra tamara Smirnov, 1946 (sy, Keraia tamara (Smirnov, 1946))
  • Pseudomesochra tatianae Drzycimski, 1968

    Species incerta sedis

    Pseudomesochra? perplexa Bodin, 1968; Willen (1996b) discussed the questionable generic désignation of this species.

    KERAIA Willen & Dittmar, 2009

  • Keraia ricardae Willen & Dittmar, 2009 [Guinea Basin]
  • Keraia longirostrata Apostolov 2011 [Iceland]
  • Keraia longiseta (Vasconcelos, George & Santos, 2008)

    Key to species of Pseudomesochrinae

    SUBFAMILY DONSIELLINAE Lang, 1944 [under construction]

    Apodonsiella Hicks, 1988
    Donsiella Stephensen, 1936
    Oligoxilora Hicks, 1988
    Pseudonsiella Hicks, 1988
    Xilora Hicks, 1988

    APODONSIELLA Hicks, 1988

  • Apodonsiella indica Hicks, 1988

    OLIGOXYLORA Hicks, 1988

  • Oligoxylora cooksoni Hicks, 1988

    DONSIELLA Stephensen, 1936

  • Donsiella anglica Hicks, 1988
  • Donsiella bisetosa Hicks, 1988
  • Donsiella limnoriae Stephensen, 1936
  • Donsiella phycolimnoriae Hicks, 1990
  • Donsiella victoriae Hicks, 1988

    PSEUDONSIELLA Hicks, 1988

  • Pseudonsiella aotearoa Hicks, 1988
  • Pseudonsiella longicaudata Kim S.H. & Kim W., 1997

    XILORA Hicks, 1988

  • Xylora bathyalis Hicks, 1988
  • Xylora calyptogeneae Willen, 2006 [New Ireland] (=Xylora bathyalis Hicks, 1988 according to Huys, 2016)
  • Xylora longiantennulata Kim & Kim, 2010 [Korea]
  • Xylora neritica Hicks, 1988

    SUBFAMILY PSEUDOTACHIDIINAE Lang, 1936 [under construction]

    Dactylopodella Sars, 1905
    Idomene Philippi, 1843
    Idomenella (Scott T., 1894)
    Pseudotachidius T. Scott, 1898
    Xouthous Thomson, 1883

    IDOMENELLA (Scott T., 1894)

  • Idomenella antarctica (Giesbrecht, 1902)
  • Idomenella coronata (Scott T., 1894)
  • Idomenella intermedia (Lang, 1934)
  • Idomenella janetae (Hicks, 1989)
  • Idomenella paracoronata Huys, 2016
  • Idomenella rostrata (Scott T., 1893)

    XOUTHOUS Thomson, 1883 (syn, Idomene Philippi, 1843 sensu Sars G.O., 1906 ; Megarthrum Norman & Scott T., 1906)

    The genus Xouthous Thomson, 1883, previously known as Idomene Philippi, 1843 was re-established by Huys (2009), with X. novaezealandiae 1883 collected from Dunedin, New Zealand as its type species.

  • Xouthous aemula (Thomson et Scott,1903) (= Idomene aemula (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
  • Xouthous andamanensis Veroort (1964)
  • Xouthous antarcticus (Giesbrecht, 1902 (= Idomenella antarctica (Giesbrecht, 1902)
  • Xouthous australis (Brady, 1910) (taxon inquirendum)
  • Xouthous borealis (Sars G.O., 1911)
  • Xouthous cookensis (Pallares, 1975)
  • Xouthous coronatus (T. Scott,1894) (=Idomenella coronata (Scott T., 1894)
  • Xouthous ferrieri (Scott T., 1912)
  • Xouthous intermedia (Lang, 1934) (=Idomenella intermedia (Lang, 1934)
  • Xouthous kabylica Monard, 1936 (taxon inquirendum)
  • Xouthous laticaudatus Veroort (1964) (= Idomene laticauda (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
  • Xouthous maldivae Sewell, 1940 sensu Wells and Rao (1987)
  • Xouthous. namibiensis Huys, 2016
  • Xouthous naroensis Karanovic 2023 [Korea]
  • Xouthous novaezealandiae Thompson, 1981
  • Xouthous parasimulans (Médioni & Soyer, 1968) (=Idomene parasimulans Médioni & Soyer, 1967
  • Xouthous pectinatus (Scott, T. & Scott, A., 1898) (= Dactylopusia pectinata (Scott T. & Scott A., 1897)
  • Xouthous purpurocinctus sensu Veroort (1964)
  • Xouthous pusillus (Brady, 1910)
  • Xouthous sarsi Huys, 2009
  • Xouthous scotti (Lang, 1948)
  • Xouthous simulans (Brady, 1910)
  • Xouthous wellsi Huys, 2016
  • Xouthous yeonghooni Song & Lee, 2020 [Korea]

    PSEUDOTACHIDIUS T. Scott, 1898

  • Pseudotachidius abyssalis Becker 1974,
  • Pseudotachidius bipartitus Montagna, 1980
  • Pseudotachidius bipartitus pacificus Itô, 1983
  • Pseudotachidius brevisetosus Montagna, 1980
  • Pseudotachidius coronatus Scott, 1898
  • Pseudotachidius horikoshii Itô, 1983
  • Pseudotachidius ibericus Becker & Schriever, 1979
  • Pseudotachidius jubanyyensis Veiz-Koles & Willen, 2009 [Antarctic]
  • Pseudotachidius minimus Lang, 1948
  • Pseudotachidius minutus Itô, 1983
  • Pseudotachidius peruanus Becker, 1974
  • Pseudotachidius similis Lang, 1948
  • Pseudotachidius vikingus Drzycimski, 1968

    DACTYLOPODELLA Sars, 1905 (syn. Vallentinia Norman & Scott T., 1906)

  • Dactylopodella clypeata Moore ,1976
  • Dactylopodella flava Sars , 1910
  • Dactylopodella incerta Vervoort, 1964
  • Dactylopodella janetae Hicks, 1989
  • Dactylopodella ornata (Norman & Scott T., 1906) accepted as Dactylopodella flava (Claus, 1866) (junior subjective synonym according to Hicks, 1989)
  • Dactylopodella rostrata Lang, 1948 (syn. Idomenella rostrata (Scott T., 1893)
  • Dactylopodella tisboides (Claus, 1863) accepted as Dactylopusia tisboides (Claus, 1863)
  • Dactylopodella vervoorti Moore, 1976
  • Dactylopodella vulgaris (Sars M., 1905) accepted as Dactylopusia vulgaris Sars G.O., 1905 represented as Dactylopusia vulgaris vulgaris Sars G.O., 1905

    IDOMENE Philippi, 1843, sensu Sars G.O., 1906 (=Xouthous Thomson G.M., 1883)

  • Idomene aberrans Por, 1964 accepted as Peltisenia aberrans (Por, 1964)
  • Idomene aemula Lang, 1948
  • Idomene antarctica(Giesbrecht, 1902) (=Idomenella antarctica (Giesbrecht, 1902)
  • Idomene australis Brady, 1910 accepted as Xouthous australis (Brady, 1910) (species incertae sedis)
  • Idomene borealis Lang, 1948 (=Xouthous borealis (Sars G.O., 1911)
  • Idomene cookensi Pallares, 1975 (=Xouthous cookensis (Pallares, 1975)
  • Idomene coronata (Scott T., 1894) accepted as Idomenella coronata (Scott T., 1894)
  • Idomene ferrieri Lang, 1948 (=Xouthous ferrieri (Scott T., 1912)
  • Idomene forficata Philippi, 1843, sensu Sars G.O., 1906 accepted as Xouthous sarsi Huys, 2009
  • Idomene intermedia Lang, 1934 (=Idomenella intermedia (Lang, 1934)
  • Idomene kabylica Lang, 1948 (=Xouthous kabylica Monard, 1936
  • Idomene laticaudata Lang, 1948 (=Idomene laticauda (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
  • Idomene maldiviae Wells & Rao, 1987 (=Xouthous maldiviae Sewell, 1940
  • Idomene novae-zealandiae Lang, 1948 (=Xouthous novaezealandiae Thomson G.M., 1883
  • Idomene parasimulans Médioni & Soyer, 1967
  • Idomene pectinata Lang, 1948 (=Dactylopusia pectinata (Scott T. & Scott A., 1897)
  • domene peresi Bodin, 1964
  • Idomene purpurocincta Lang, 1965 (=Xouthous purpurocinctum (Norman & Scott T., 1905)
  • Idomene pusilla Lang, 1948 (=Xouthous pusillus (Brady, 1910) (soecies incertae sedis)
  • Idomene scotti (Scott ,1912) (=Xouthous scotti (Lang, 1948)
  • Idomene simulans Lang, 1948 (=Xouthous simulans (Brady, 1910)

    DACTYLOPUSIIDAE Lang, 1936 (syn. Dactylopusiinae)

    Dactylopodoipsis Sars, 1911
    Dactylopusia Norman, 1903
    Dactylopusioides Brian, 1928
    Diarthrodes Thomson, 1882
    Paradactylopodia Lang, 1944
    Sewelliapusia Huys, 2009 (syn. Sewellia Lang, 1965)

    SEWELLOPUSIA Huys, 2009 (syn. Sewellia Lang, 1965)

  • Sewelliapusia tropica (Sewell, 1940)


  • Dactylopodopsis bathybates Monard, 1936 (= Paradactylopodia bathybates (Monard, 1936)
  • Dactylopodopsis dilatata Sars G.O., 1911

    DACTYLOPUSIA Norman, 1903 (Syn. Dactylopodia Lang, 1944; Dactylopus Claus, 1863 (preoccupied by Dactylopus Gill, 1859 (Pisces

  • Dactylopusia abyssi (Boeck, 1873) (=Pararobertsonia abyssi (Boeck, 1873)
  • Dactylopusia aemula Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903 (syn. Xouthous aemula (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
  • Dactylopusia amphiascopsis (Lang, 1948)
  • Dactylopusia antarctica Giesbrecht, 1902 (syn. Idomenella antarctica (Giesbrecht, 1902)
  • Dactylopusia bahamensis (Edwards, 1891)
  • Dactylopusia bathybates (Monard, 1936) (syn. Paradactylopodia bathybates (Monard, 1936)
  • Dactylopusia brevicornis (Claus, 1866) (syn. Paradactylopodia brevicornis (Claus, 1866)
  • Dactylopusia brevifurca (Czerniavsky, 1868)
  • Dactylopusia brodzkiae (Chislenko, 1967)
  • Dactylopusia crassicornis Brady, 1910
  • Dactylopusia crassipes (Lang, 1965)
  • Dactylopusia ceylonica Thompson & Scott 1903 (?)
  • Dactylopusia decostata (Pallares, 1975)
  • Dactylopusia dentata Thompson & Scott 1903 (?)
  • Dactylopusia euryhalina Monard, 1935
  • Dactylopusia falcifera Willey, 1935
  • Dactylopusia finmarchica Scott T., 1903
  • Dactylopusia fragilis Monard, 1928
  • Dactylopusia frigida Scott T., 1912
  • Dactylopusia hamiltoni Herdman 1901 (?)
  • Dactylopusia havelocki Thompson & Scott 1903 (?)
  • Dactylopusia hirsuta Thompson & Scott 1903 (?)
  • Dactylopusia laticaudata Thompson & Scott 1903 (?)
  • Dactylopusia longipes (Boeck, 1873)
  • Dactylopusia longyearbyenensis (Mielke, 1974)
  • Dactylopusia mediterranea Lang, 1934
  • Dactylopusia micronyx Sars G.O., 1905
  • Dactylopusia mixta (Scott T., 1903)
  • Dactylopusia neglecta Sars G.O., 1905
  • Dactylopusia nicaeensis (Claus, 1866)
  • Dactylopusia ornata Norman & Scott T., 1905
  • Dactylopusia paratisboides (Lang, 1965)
  • Dactilopusia pauciarticolata Chang & Song, 1997 [Korea]
  • Dactylopusia pectenis (Pallares, 1975)
  • Dactylopusia pectinata (Scott T. & Scott A., 1897)
  • Dactylopusia platysoma Thompson & Scott 1903 (?)
  • Dactylopusia pontica (Apostolov, 1968)
  • Dactylopusia porrecta (Claus, 1863)
  • >Dactylopusia purpurocincta (?)
  • Dactylopusia robinsonii (Scott A., 1902)
  • Dactylopusia robusta Thompson & Scott 1903 (?)
  • Dactylopusia signata Willey, 1920
  • Dactylopusia spinipes Brady, 1910
  • Dactylopusia stroemii (Baird, 1850)
  • Dactylopusia tenuicornis Claus, 1863
  • Dactylopusia tisboides (Claus, 1863)
  • Dactylopusia tropica Sewell (?)
  • Dactylopusia valida Norman & Scott T., 1905
  • Dactylopusia wrangeli (Chislenko, 1982)


  • Dactylopusioides fodiens Shimono, Iwasaki & Kawai, 2004
  • Dactylopusioides macrolabris (Claus, 1866)
  • Dactylopusioides malleus Shimono, Iwasaki & Kawai, 2007
  • Dactylopusioides stampaliae Brian, 1928 accepted as Dactylopusioides macrolabris (Claus, 1866)

    Key to species of Dactylopusioides


  • Paradactylopodia bathybates (Monard, 1936)
  • Paradactylopodia brevicornis (Claus, 1866)
  • Paradactylopodia hexarticulata Kunz, 1975
  • Paradactylopodia incerta (Vervoort, 1964)
  • Paradactylopodia koreana Chang & Song, 1997 [Korea]
  • Paradactylopodia latipes (Boeck, 1865)
  • Paradactylopodia oculata (Gurney, 1927)
  • Paradactylopodia serrata Lang, 1965
  • Paradactylopodia simillima (Brady, 1910)
  • Paradactylopodia trioculata Hiks, 1988 [New Zealand]
  • Paradactylopodia striata Kunz, 1983 [Azores; littoral psammon]

    DIARTRODES Thomson, 1882 (syn. Parawestwoodia Sharpe, 1910; Pseudothalestris Brady, 1883;Pseudowestwoodia Scott T., 1894; Westwoodia Dana, 1852 (preoccupied name for a Hymneoptera)

  • Diarthrodes aegidaeus (Brian, 1927)
  • Diarthrodes aegidaeus (Brian, 1927)
  • Diarthrodes apostolovii Gomez et al, 2008 [Vietnam]
  • Diarthrodes assimilis (Sars G.O., 1906)
  • Diarthrodes brevipes Morales & Fuente, 2018 [Caribbean coast of Colombia]
  • Diarthrodes bodini Morales & Fuente, 2018 [Caribbean coast of Colombia]
  • Diarthrodes campbelliensis Lang, 1948
  • Diarthrodes cystoecus Fahrenbach, 1954
  • Diarthrodes dissimilis Lang, 1965
  • Diarthrodes drachi Bodiou, 1974
  • Diarthrodes dubius (Brian, 1921) (syn. Diarthrodes ponticus (Krichagin, 1877); Diarthrodes ponticus ponticus (Krichagin, 1877)
  • Diarthrodes fahrenbachi Bodin, 1968
  • Diarthrodes falcipes Marinoni, 1964
  • Diarthrodes feldmanni Bocquet, 1953
  • Diarthrodes glaber Wells, 1967
  • Diarthrodes gomezi Morales & Fuente, 2018 [Caribbean coast of Colombia]
  • Diarthrodes gravellicola Soyer, 1975
  • Diarthrodes gurneyi Lang, 1948
  • Diarthrodes hexasetosus Gómez, Chertoprud & Morales-Serna, 2008
  • Diarthrodes hirami Por, 1967
  • Diarthrodes hexasetosus Gomez et al, 2008 [Vietnam]
  • Diarthrodes imbricatus (Brady, 1883)
  • Diarthrodes imitator Gomez et al, 2008 [Vietnam]
  • Diarthrodes intermedius (Scott T., 1912)
  • Diarthrodes jindoensis Karanovic 2023 [Korea]
  • Diarthrodes latisetosus Chislenko, 1978
  • Diarthrodes lilacinus Pallares, 1977
  • Diarthrodes major (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895)
  • Diarthrodes mediterraneus (Monard, 1928) (syn. Diarthrodes ponticus (Krichagin, 1877)
  • Diarthrodes minutus (Claus, 1863)
  • Diarthrodes monensis (Brady, 1902) (syn. Diarthrodes major (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895)
  • Diarthrodes nanus (Scott T., 1914)
  • Diarthrodes novaezealandiae Thomson G.M., 1883
  • Diarthrodes nhatrangensis Gomez et al, 2008 [Vietnam]
  • Diarthrodes nobilis (Baird, 1846)
  • Diarthrodes parvulus Pallares, 1977
  • Diarthrodes purpureus (Gurney, 1927)
  • Diarthrodes pusillus (Brady, 1910)
  • Diarthrodes pygmaeus (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895)
  • Diarthrodes roscoffensis (Monard, 1935)
  • Diarthrodes sarsi (Scott A., 1909)
  • Diarthrodes saturni (Farran, 1913) (syn. Diarthrodes ponticus (Krichagin, 1877) ; Diarthrodes ponticus ponticus (Krichagin, 1877)
  • Diarthrodes savinkinii Gomez et al, 2008 [Vietnam]
  • Diarthrodes septemtrionalis Huys, 2016 (D. roscoffensis (Monard, 1935b) sensu Kornev & Chertoprud, 200)
  • Diarthrodes tetrastachyus Yeatman, 1976
  • Diarthrodes tripartitus Gomez et al, 2008 [Vietnam]
  • Diarthrodes tumidus (Brady, 1910)
  • Diarthrodes unisetosus Lang, 1965
  • Diarthrodes zavodniki Apostolov & Petkovski, 1980

    Key to species of Diarthrodes Thomson, 1883

    More information about the genus Diarthrodes can be found in Morales & Fuente, 2018

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