"The most impressive resource at the Smithsonian's World of Copepods is a complete bibliography with some 39,000 references dating back to 1600. You can also search a list of all known copepod scientific names or scour the database of 5000 type specimens held by the museum. There's also a worldwide directory of copepod researchers. The Copepods Web Portal is a new community site from zoologist Giuseppe Pesce of the University of L'Aquila in Italy. Though still under construction, the site already offers a checklist of Italian copepods as well as reviews of some of the groups of copepods that inhabit groundwater."(NETWATCH, edited by Mitch Leslie)

Copepods - http://copepods.interfree.it/

This community site from Giuseppe Pesce of the University of L'Aquila in Italy is still under construction but offers a checklist of Italian copepods, reviews of groundwater species and linkages to other relelvant sites such as the Smithsonian Institution's 39,000 references dating back to the 1600s."

These pages by Dr Giuseppe Pesce of the Department of Environmental Science at the University of L'Aquila in Italy present a selection of resources relating to copepods, the largest and most diverse group of crustaceans. The site provides a brief (but not yet complete) overview of the ten copepod orders. An introduction to the group which covers systematics, ecology and distribution and a checklist of Italian species.

Other sections contain a directory of copepodologists, references and numerous external links to online journals and other sites of interest to copepod researchers. Copepoda; Crustacea; Zoologists.

Jeff R. Cordell-Links Cordell Homepage


This is the home page of the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History’s World of Copepods. It is the home of the Wilson Copepod

The site of the University of Oldenburg

One of the most active centers of copepod research-and home of the World Association of Copepodologists.

University L'Aquila (webmaster Giuseppe L. Pesce)

The copepod web portal at the University L’Aquila (Italy) Department of Natural Sciences. Excellent descriptions of the copepod orders and families, and taxonomic lists of genera and species.

1 - Caro Pesce, scusa il ritardo con cui rispondo - sono stato in America per qualche girono e poi, al ritorno, influenzato per qualche giorno. Grazie per gli auguri, che ricambio molto cordialmente, e per il sito che hai messo in piedi e che mi sembra utilissimo e per organizzato, sia per i dati da te direttamente inseriti, sia per i link che contiene. Ad maiora! (January 14.2001)

Prof. Alessandro Minelli - Dept. of Biology - University of Padova
Via Ugo Bassi 58 B - 35131 PADOVA - ITALY

2 - Dear Giuseppe, thank you for sending the list. Your web site looks fine and useful- good work! Best Victor (December 11.2000)

Dr. Alekseev V. - Academy of Science - Zoological Institute, Lab. Experimental Hydrobiology
Universitetskaya nab 1, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia
e-mail: victor@zoology.spb.ru

3 - Well your web page is beatiful but, overcoat, is very interesting.

My Email:carabajal@mad.servicom.es

4 - very interesting page. Copepodes are some funny creatures

Alessandro Ronzitti -
My Email:aronzitt@freemail.it

5 - A long, steep incline, at times buggy, always quite taxing, and then down beneath the trail, I see your site and I am able to set up camp, refresh myself with some of the earth's blood and strategize entrance into this fountain of life. Thank you for joing such helpful information.

C.A. Hartley -
My Email:seasquare@hotmail.com

6 - Sono contento che sia stato realizzato un lavoro di cosi' grande utilità, è una pensata straordinaria!!

Alessandro Ronzitti -
My URL:http://space.tin.it/io/aronzitt
My Email:dreamss@tin.it

7 - Comments: Great site!

Paul Griffiths -

My URL:http://www.island.net/~subterra
My Email:pgriff@island.net

8 - Charming! Can I understand that you (or somebody else) studied the sponge from that anchihaline cave? Can I get any details? Best regards,

Boris Sket -
My Email:b.sket@uni-lj.si

9 - thank you for all your hard work with the list serve and the web-site. You are doing a terrific job keeping everyone in touch and informed. Yours sincerely, Marie H. Bundy (05.01.2001)

Marie H. Bundy -
Academy of Natural Sciences - Estuarine Research Center (ANSERC)
10545 Mackall Rd. St. Leonard, MD 20685

10 - Dr. Pesce, First of all, I want to congratulate for your work in the home page of the World Copepodologists. On the other hand I would like to know what I have to do to include my name in this list. I have been worked in this field since 1980. I am a member of WAC and I received the Monoculus until the number 5. Best regards Angela (February 7. 2001)

Angela Maria Bezerra Varella, Dra.
Coordenação de Pesquisas em Biologia Aquática - CPBA
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia - INPA
Av. André Araújo 1756 Aleixo - 69083-000 Manaus - AM - Brasil

11 - Caro Prof. Pesce, ... I miei complimenti per la webpage, o meglio, le webpages, che si sono rivelate uno strumento essenziale per il mio lavoro qui in Florida. La ringrazio e la saluto. Maria Cristina Bruno

Department of Environmental Sciences - University "della Tuscia"
Via S.C. de Lellis - 01100- Viterbo Italy
Temporary address: South Florida Natural Resources Center
Everglades National Park - 40001 State Road 9336 - Homestead FL, 33034 USA

12 - Dear Prof. Dr. Giuseppe, I have succeeded to access to your web portal on copepods. The web is a very nice work; it is complete and provides a lot of information on copepods. It is a tool for the study of copepods. I am sure copepodologists who read it got, like I do, some time to thank and congratulate you. Yours sincerely, Deo Baribwegure

Baribwegure D.
D. University of Ghent Laboratory Animal Ecology Ledeganckstratt 35
Ghent, B-9000 Belgium

13 - Dear Professor Pesce

today I had a look to your superb Web site. Peter Pospsil used it last year and told me about it. At the time we down loaded information. But this web now seems to be much more useful and I must say that I will immediately give the information to one of my students working on the biodiversity. It seems that one can extend with your web the work published in Stygofauna Mundi. This is extremely useful for young people starting to work with your group. Thanks again for this magnificent work!
best wishes Dan

From: "Dan Danielopol"
To: "pesce"
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 15:23:37 +0100

14 -Hello from the US.

I read today in Science about your site. Congratulations ! It really is great. Has anyone been able to grow any of the fresh water Copepods in culture in a lab setting, so as to obtain a pure culture of a single species ? I would be interested to know this in order to perhaps study their biology a bit more closely on the molecular level. Thanks again for your good work.

Steve Kagen, M.D. skagen@allernet.com

15 - Dear Dr.Pesce

...The rest looks perfect. Let me tell you tha tI find your web page extremely useful and comprehensive.
best wishes

From: Damia Jaume, IMEDEA (CSIC.UIB) - Miquel Marquez 21
07190 Esporles (Iles Balears), Spain
January 24.2002

16 - Dear Dr. Pesce

Thank you very much for updating the email address. I am in the process of preparing the web site of the World Association of Copepodologists, and I will certainly make reference to your Copepod web portal, and also your web page on groundwater biology. Both of them contain extremely useful information for aquatic biologists in general, and copepodologists in particular. Best wishes

Rubens Lopes State University of Santa Cruz, Brazil
List moderator Copepoda List

17 - I like this website very useful for my reference collection. I am working particularly on the systematics & Biodiverity on the copepods (Cyclopoids, Calanoids, Harpacticoids) of Chennai (Southern most part of India) coast & Inland waters.

Mantha Gopikrishna - India (Thursday 01/10/2002 11:09:01pm)

18 - Hello, I've just had a look at the copepod web portal, and it looks very good. I'm particularly impressed with the taxanomic information with marine harpacticoids being of particular interest to me.


Bill Wilson
Senior Scientific Officer- School of Earth and Geographical Sciences
The University of Western Australia

19 - Dear Professor Giuseppe Pesce

what a surprise to hear from you! I visited your website and found it the nicest and best designed website in our business! Congratualtions!

Now, I have to upgrade my site -- peer pressure! I wanted to do it anyway. I have so many more behaviors to show that I need a better structure and more information on the webpages. The "Copepod World" page will change somewhat because there are the other Copepod Worlds on the Internet.

The best way to refer to my site is with this link I will establish to links to the literature and the work of the students this September. Again, really nice design! All the best, sincerely yours, Rudi Strickler (July 08. 2002)

20 - Gent.le Prof. Pesce,

sono un ricercatore del Dipartimento di Biologia di Padova, che da alcuni anni tiene vari corsi nell'ambito del settore BIO/07, Ecologia. Per quanto i corsi siano diventati ormai di poche ore, cerco sempre di accennare qualcosa sul significato del mimetismo. Mi piacerebbe pertanto poter avere il suo bellissimo CD sul mimetismo animale ed il suo permesso per far vedere a lezione qualche sua immagine. La ringrazio per l'attenzione e le faccio i più vivi complimenti per il suo sito davvero straordinario(tra l'altro mi occupo di zooplancton marino ed ho molto apprezzato il copepod web portal)

Dott. Monica Bressan
Dept. of Biology - University of Padova
Via U. Bassi 58/B - 35121 PADOVA - ITALY

21 - Dear Prof. Lucio,

Thank you very much for the nice email and all the best in the New Year to you too. It is nice to hear that your health is getting better and that you are working again on your database. It is a very important and useful tool for many taxonomists and nontaxonomists and we copepodologists are very lucky to have colleagues like you, that are willing to devote their time and energy to such a demanding task.

T. Karanovic
January 20. 2007

22 - Dear Dr. Pesce,

Thank you for your message. Of course, I will send you my recent pdf’s; my scanning machine died on me some weeks ago and I am in the process of buying a new one. I will start sending you 2004 articles and then the most recent, in different messages.

Also, I want to congratulate you on your website, it is both elegant, useful and updated, a rare combination, really. Thank you for this Herculean effort! With very best wishes,

Eduardo Suárez-Morales - Senior Researcher
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur ECOSUR-Chetumal. Mexico
April. 04. 2007

23 - Dear Giuseppe,

I would like to say Thank You because first of all I admire your work including your web page It is Great, very helpfull for students, scientists and others.

Congratulation for your work I will inform You about my new papers worm wishes from Poland

Lech Kotwicki


Copyright © 1999-2016 G. L. Pesce - All Rights Reserved. Text and images on this website may not be
redistributed or put as part of any collection (image archives, CDs etc) without prior written permission.