STEPHIDAE Sars G.O., 1902 Giesbrecht, 1893
"Copepods of the family Stephidae generally inhabit the
hyperbenthos of neritic regions or marine caves
(Mauchline, 1998). Only four genera,comprising
35 species, are known: Stephos, T. Scott, 1892; Parastephos, Sars, 1902 and Miostephos, Bowman, 1976"
MIOSTEPHOS Bowman, 1976 
Miostephos cubrobex Bowman, 1976
Miostephos leamingtonensis Yeatman, 1980
Parastephos esterlyi Fleminger, 1988
Parastephos occatum Damkaer, 1971
Parastephos pallidus Sars G.O., 1902 
Speleohvarella gamulini Kršinic, 2005 
STEPHOS Scott T., 1892 (syn. Moebianus Giesbrecht, 1893)
Stephos angulatus Bradford-Grieve, 1999
Stephos antarcticum Wolfenden, 1908
Stephos arcticus Sars G.O., 1909
Stephos balearensis Carola & Razouls, 1996 (syn. Stephos margalefi Riera, Vives & Gili, 1991) 
Stephos boettgerschnackae Krsinic, 2012
Stephos canariensis Boxshall, Stock & Sanchez, 1990
Stephos concavus Moon, Soh & Cho, 2020 
Stephos cryptospinosus Zagami, Campolmi & Costanzo, 2000
Stephos deichmannae Fleminger, 1957
Stephos exumensis Fosshagen, 1970
Stephos fernandoi Suárez-Morales, Gutiérrez-Aguirre, Cervantes-Martínez & Illife, 2017 
Stephos fortipes Moon, Soh & Cho, 2020 
Stephos fultoni Scott T. & Scott A., 1898
Stephos geojinensis Moon, Youn & Venmathi Maran, 2015 
Stephos gyrans (Giesbrecht, 1893)
Stephos grieveae Krsinic, 2015
Stephos hastatus Bradford-Grieve, 1999
Stephos jejuensis Moon, Soh & Cho, 2020 
Stephos kurilensis Kos, 1973
Stephos lamellatus Sars G.O., 1902 
Stephos longipes Giesbrecht, 1902
Stephos lucayensis Fosshagen, 1970
Stephos maculosus Andronov, 1974
Stephos margalefi Riera, Vives & Gili, 1991 
Stephos marsalensis Costanzo, Campolmi & Zagami, 2000
Stephos minor Scott T., 1892
Stephos morii Greenwood, 1978
Stephos neptuni (Cleve, 1905) (syn. Tharybis neptuni (Cleve, 1904)
Stephos pacificus Ohtsuka & Hiromi, 1987
Stephos perplexus Wilson C.B., 1950 (syn. Undinula vulgaris (Dana, 1849)
Stephos pentacanthos Chen & Zhang, 1965
Stephos projectus Moon, Youn & Venmathi Maran, 2015 
Stephos robustus Ohtsuka & Hiromi, 1987
Stephos rustadi Strömgren, 1969
Stephos scotti Sars G.O., 1902
Stephos sinuatus Willey, 1923 (syn. Stephos arcticus Sars G.O., 1909
Stephos tropicus Mori, 1942 (syn, Stephos morii Greenwood, 1978)
Stephos tsuyazakiensis Tanaka, 1967
Stephos vivesi Jaume, Boxshall & Gràcia, 2008
MOEBIANUS Giesbrecht, 1893 syn. of Stephos Scott T. 1892
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