EURYTEIDAE Monchenko 1975
EURYTE Philippi 1843 (syn. Ancheuryte Herbst, 1989;Thorellia Boeck, 1865)
The genus Euryte presently includes ten named species and subspecies, worldwide distributed in shallow and deeper waters; some species have been found living in sand interstices or associated with corals and seaweed.
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Euryte bellatula Humes, 1991 [New Caledonia] (?)
Euryte brevicauda Sewell, 1949 [Indian Ocean]
Euryte curticornis Sars, 1913 [East Atlantic Ocean]
Euryte grata Herbst, 1989 [West Indies, Puerto Rico; marine coastal waters] 
Euryte jaumei Karanovic, 2014 [Spain; marine]
Euryte koreana Karaman, 2014 [Korea; marine]
Euryte longicauda Philippi 1843 emend. Giesbrecht, 1900 [European coasts, Suez; sea, caves]
Euryte longicauda minor T. Scott, 1905 [U.K., Norway; sea] 
Euryte longiseta Grandori, 1925
Euryte notabilis (Herbst, 1989)
Euryte propinqua Brady, 1910
Euryte pseudorobusta Vervoort 1964 [Pacific Ocean]
Euryte robusta Giesbrecht, 1900 [Cosmopolitan; sea waters]
Euryte sewelli Vervoort, 1964 [Indian Ocean]
Euryte similis Scott, 1912 [East Atlantic Ocean]
Euryte verecunda Humes, 1992 [Panama; coral associated] (=Coraleuryte verecunda (Humes, 1992)  |
ANCHEURYTE Herbst, 1989 (syn. Euryte Philippi, 1843 )
Ancheuryte notabilis Herbst, 1989 [West Indies, Puerto Rico; marine coastal waters] (= Euryte notabilis (Herbst, 1989) 
CORALEURYTE Karanovic, 2014
Coraleuryte bellatula (Humes, 1991)
Coraleuryte verecunda (Humes, 1992)
FRATIIDAE Ho, Conradi & López-González, 1998 
FRATIA Ho, Conradi & Lopez-Gonzalez, 1998 
Fratia gaditana Ho, Conradi & López-González, 1998 
CUCUMARICOLIDAE Bouligand & Delamare-Deboutteville, 1959
CUCUMARICOLA Paterson, 1958
Cucumaricola curvatus Avdeev, 1977
Cucumaricola notabilis Paterson, 1958
BOTRYLLOPHILIDAE Sars G.O., 1921 (syn.Haplostomidae Sars G.O., 1921:
Haplostominae Chatton & Hatton, 1924)
BOTRYLLOPHILUS Hesse, 1864 (syn. Blakeanus Wilson C.B., 1921; Kossmechthrus Della Valle, 1883 )
Botryllophilus abbotti Ooishi & Illg, 1989 
Botryllophilus angustus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus antarcticus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus aspinosus Schellenberg, 1922
Botryllophilus bamfieldensis Ooishi, 2000 
Botryllophilus banyulensis Brément, 1909 
Botryllophilus bergensis Schellenberg, 1921
Botryllophilus bermudensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus brevipes Brément, 1909 (syn. Botryllophilus sarsi Ooishi, 2002 )
Botryllophilus conicus Conradi, Lopez-Gonzalez & Garcia-Gomez, 1994 
Botryllophilus coniorhynchus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus constellatus Hesse, 1866
Botryllophilus corniger (Wilson, C.B., 1921) (syn.Botryllophilus norvegicus Schellenberg, 1921)
Botryllophilus curtipes Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Botryllophilus dentirostris Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus distinctus Ooishi, 2012
Botryllophilus groenlandicus (Hansen, 1923) (syn. Botryllophilus norvegicus Schellenberg, 1921) 
Botryllophilus guadeloupensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus inaequipes Hansen, 1923 
Botryllophilus koreensis Seo & Lee, 1995 
Botryllophilus kozloffi Ooishi, 2014
Botryllophilus longicaudatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus longipes Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus macropus Canu, 1892
Botryllophilus millari Ooishi, 2014
Botryllophilus neapolitanus Ooishi, 2006 
Botryllophilus norvegicus Schellenberg, 1921
Botryllophilus nudisetatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus paucisetosus Lee & Kim, 2022
Botryllophilus pentachaetus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus pentamerus Lee & Kim, 2022
Botryllophilus randalli Stock, 1970
Botryllophilus ruber Hesse, 1864
Botryllophilus sarsi Ooishi, 2002
Botryllophilus spinulosus Ooishi, 2012 
Botryllophilus stenurosus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Botryllophilus symmetricus Ooishi, 2014
Botryllophilus tuberculatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
HAPLOSACCUS Chatton & Harant, 1924
Haplosaccus ardius Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplosaccus elongatus Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplosaccus sacculus (Chatton & Brément, 1910)
HAPLOSTOMA Chatton & Harant, 1924 (syn. Aphelostoma Brement, 1909; Aplostoma Canu, 1886); Ceuthopodus Hesse, 1866; Cryptopodus Hesse, 1865; Tranestoma Wilson C.B., 1924)
Haplostoma affinis (Scott T., 1906)
Haplostoma alba (Hesse, 1868)
Haplostoma albicatum Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostoma amarouci (Blake, 1929) (syn. Haplostomides amarouci (Blake, 1929)
Haplostoma ambiguum Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostoma banyulensis (Brément, 1909)
Haplostoma bispinosum Ooishi, 2009 
Haplostoma brevicauda (Canu, 1886)
Haplostoma canui Chatton & Harant, 1924
Haplostoma dentatum Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostoma depressum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma dudleyae Ooishi, 1998
Haplostoma elegans Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostoma elongatum Ooishi, 2009 
Haplostoma eruca (Norman, 1869)
Haplostoma fusiforme Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma gibberum (Schellenberg, 1922)
Haplostoma gibbera (Schellenberg, 1922) (syn. Haplostoma gibberum (Schellenberg, 1922)
Haplostoma gracile Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma hibernica (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895) (syn. Haplostomides hibernicus (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895)
Haplostoma humesi Ooishi, 1995
Haplostoma junctum Ooishi, 2009 
Haplostoma mammiferum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma megallanica (Chatton & Brément, 1910) (syn. Haplostomella magellanica (Chatton & Brément, 1910)
Haplostoma kimi Seo & Lee, 2001
Haplostoma laticaudatum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma madagascarensis Ooishi, 2009
Haplostoma mammiferum Kim & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma manadoense Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma minutum Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostoma mizoulei Monniot C., 1962
Haplostoma paucidens Lee & Kim , 2022
Haplostoma pingue Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma pygmaeum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma quadridens Lee & Kim , 2022
Haplostoma rectangulatum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma saccula (Chatton & Brément, 1910) (syn. Haplosaccus sacculus (Chatton & Brément, 1910)
Haplostoma setiferum Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostoma simplex Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma sycozoae Salfi, 1926 (syn. Haplostomella sycozoae (Salfi, 1926)
Haplostoma symbioticum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostoma vanuatuense Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
HAPLOSTOMELLA Chatton & Harant, 1924 (syn. Rhabdomorpha Fukui, 1965)
Haplostomella australiensis Gotto, 1970
Haplostomella bilobata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostomella binodosa Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Haplostomella biseta Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Haplostomella borealis Marchenkov & Boxshall, 2003 
Haplostomella crassa Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Haplostomella distincta Ooishi & Illg, 1977 
Haplostomella dubia Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostomella halocynthiae (Fukui, 1965)
Haplostomella magellanica (Chatton & Brément, 1910)
Haplostomella malacocera Chatton & Harant, 1924
Haplostomella multinodosa Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostomella oceanica Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostomella ooishiae Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostomella reducta Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostomella sycozoae (Salfi, 1926)
Haplostomella tuberculata Chatton & Harant, 1924
Haplostomella uniseriata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
HAPLOSTOMIDES Chatton & Harant, 1924
Haplostomides amarouci (Blake, 1929)
Haplostomides bellus Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostomides bermudensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Haplostomides brementi Chatton & Harant, 1924
Haplostomides gottoi Ooishi, 2008 
Haplostomides hibernicus (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895)
Haplostomides hawaiiensis Ooishi, 1994
Haplostomides hibernicus (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895)
Haplostomides luteolus Ooishi & Illg, 1977
Haplostomides otagoensis Ooishi, 2001 
Haplostomides partitus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Haplostomides sanamyani Marchenkov & Boxshall, 2003
Haplostomides scotti Chatton & Harant, 1924
Haplostomides similis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
PAULILLGIA Monniot C., 1982
Paulillgia polycarpae Monniot C., 1982
SCHIZOPROCTUS Aurivillius, 1885 (syn. Pteropygus Sars G.O., 1921)
Schizoproctus bisetatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Schizoproctus fijiensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Schizoproctus frigidus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Schizoproctus fusiformis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Schizoproctus inflatus Aurivillius, 1885
Schizoproctus magnus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Schizoproctus mollis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Schizoproctus oligomerus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Schizoproctus pinguis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Schizoproctus tripartitus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Schizoproctus vestitus (Sars G.O., 1921)
Blakeanus Wilson C.B., 1921 (= Botryllophilus Hesse, 1864; Ceuthopodus Hesse, 1866 (= Haplostoma Chatton & Harant, 1924; Cryptopodus Hesse, 1865 (= Haplostoma Chatton & Harant, 1924)
Haplostominae Chatton & Hatton, 1924 (syn. Botryllophilidae Sars G.O., 1921; Kossmechthrus Della Valle, 1883 (syn. Botryllophilus Hesse, 1864; Pteropygus Sars G.O., 1921 (syn.Schizoproctus Aurivillius, 1885;
Rhabdomorpha Fukui, 1965(syn. Haplostomella Chatton & Harant, 1924; Tranestoma Wilson C.B., 1924 (syn. Haplostoma Chatton & Harant, 1924.
BUPRORIDAE Thorell, 1859
BUPRORIDES Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Buprorides trilobatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
BUPRORUS Thorell, 1859
Buprorus caudatus Illg & Dudley, 1980 
Buprorus loveni Thorell, 1859
ENTEROGNATHIDAE Illg & Dudley, 1980
ENTEROGNATHUS Giesbrecht, 1900
Enterognathus comatulae Giesbrecht, 1900
Enterognathus inabai Ohtsuka, Shimomura & Kitazawa, 2012
Enterognathus lateripes Stock, 1966
Gomphopodarion byssoicum Humes, 1974
PARENTEROGNATHUS Ohtsuka, Kitazawa & Boxshall, 2010
Parenterognathus troglodytes Ohtsuka, Kitazawa & Boxshall, 2010
ZANCLOPUS Calman, 1908
Zanclopus antarcticus Gravier, 1912
Zanclopus cephalodisci Calman, 1908
ENTEROPSIDAE Thorell, 1859ENTEROCOLA van Beneden, 1860 (syn. Biocryptus Hesse, 1865; Intercola Hesse, 1862)
Enterocola adnatus Ooishi, 2014
Enterocola africanus López-González, Conradi & Garcia-Gómez, 1993
Enterocola angustus Kim & Boxshall. 2921
Enterocola australis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enterocola beaumonti Scott T. & Scott A., 1895 (syn. Haplostomides beaumonti (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895)
Enterocola betencourti Canu, 1891 (syn. Enterocola fulgens van Beneden, 1860)
Enterocola bilamellata Sars G.O., 1921
Enterocola brementi Illg & Dudley, 1980
Enterocola clavelinae Chatton & Harant, 1924
Enterocola coniculus Ooishi, 2014
Enterocola curticaudus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enterocola daudinae Chatton & Harant, 1924 (syn. Enterocola clavelinae Chatton & Harant, 1924
Enterocola dicaudatus Marchenkov & Boxshall, 2005 
Enterocola eruca Norman, 1869 (syn. Haplostoma eruca (Norman, 1869)
Enterocola fertilis Illg & Dudley, 1980 
Enterocola fulgens van Beneden, 1860
Enterocola gottoi Conradi, Lopez-Gonzalez & Garcia-Gomez, 1992
Enterocola hessei Chatton & Harant, 1924
Enterocola hibernica Scott T. & Scott A., 1895 (syn.Tranestoma hibernica (Scott T. & Scott A., 1895) 
Enterocola horridus Lee & Kim, 2022
Enterocola ianthina Illg & Dudley, 1980
Enterocola laticeps Illg & Dudley, 1980 
Enterocola longicaudatus Lee & Kim, 2022
Enterocola mabulensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enterocola mammifera Chatton & Harant, 1922
Enterocola megalova Gotto, 1962
Enterocola monnioti Marchenkov & Boxshall, 2005 
Enterocola neocaledonicus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enterocola nodulosus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enterocola oligosetosus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Enterocola ooishiae O'Reilly, 2008 
Enterocola parapterophorus Marchenkov & Boxshall, 2005 
Enterocola parvus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enterocola petiti Guille, 1964
Enterocola precaria Illg & Dudley, 1980 
Enterocola pterophorus Chatton & Brément, 1909
Enterocola quadrisetus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enterocola robustus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enterocola sedentarius Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Enterocola seticaudus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Enterocola setifera Hansen, 1923 (syn. Enterocola setiferus Hansen, 1923) 
Enterocola sulcatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enterocola sydnii Chatton & Harant, 1924
Enterocola tuberculatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Enterocola unisetosus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
ENTEROCOLIDES Chatton & Harant, 1922
Enterocolides ecaudatus Chatton & Harant, 1922
Enterocolides elongatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enterocolides pacificus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
ENTEROPSIS Aurivillius, 1885 (syn. Haligryps Aurivillius, 1885; Ichnograde Hesse, 1864; Plantipode Hesse, 1864;Synthetys Canu, 1886)
Enteropsis abbotti Illg & Dudley, 1980 
Enteropsis aculeatus (Aurivillius, 1885) (syn.Enteropsis sphinx Aurivillius, 1885)
Enteropsis arcticus Marchenkov, 1994
Enteropsis capitulatus Illg & Dudley, 1980 
Enteropsis chattoni Monniot C., 1961
Enteropsis elongata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enteropsis fusiformis Ooishi, 2009
Enteropsis georgianus Schellenberg, 1922
Enteropsis hispida Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enteropsis minor Illg & Dudley, 1980 
Enteropsis nudus Kim I.H. & Moon, 2011 
Enteropsis obtusa Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enteropsis onychophorus Schellenberg, 1922
Enteropsis roscoffensis Chatton & Brément, 1909
Enteropsis ruber (Hesse, 1864)
Enteropsis sphinx Aurivillius, 1885
Enteropsis superbus Illg & Dudley, 1980 
Enteropsis tasmanica Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enteropsis teres (Aurivillius, 1885) (syn. Enteropsis sphinx Aurivillius, 1885)
Enteropsis tromsoensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Enteropsis vararensis Scott T., 1901 (syn. Mychophilus roseus Hesse, 1866)
LEQUERREA Chatton & Harant, 1924
Lequerrea canui Illg & Dudley, 1980 
Lequerrea perezi Chatton & Harant, 1924 
MONNIOTICOPIA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Monnioticopa firma Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Monnioticopa manadoensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Monnioticopa minuta Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Monnioticopa planicoxa Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Monnioticopa prima Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
MYCHOPHILUS Hesse, 1865 (syn Adranesius Hesse, 1865)
Mychophilus capillatus Kim I.H. & Moon, 2011 
Mychophilus curvatus Chatton & Brément, 1909 (syn. Mychophilus roseus Hesse, 1866
Mychophilus elatus (Hesse, 1869)
Mychophilus fallax Stock, 1967
Mychophilus hesperius Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Mychophilus notialis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Mychophilus pachygaster Hesse, 1866 (syn.Mychophilus roseus Hesse, 1866
Mychophilus palmatus López-González & Conradi, 1996 
Mychophilus roseus Hesse, 1866
Mychophilus rosovula Gray, 1933 (syn. Mychophilus roseus Hesse, 1866
Mychophilus ruber (Hesse, 1865) (syn. Botryllophilus ruber Hesse, 1864
Mychophilus vararensis (Scott T., 1901) (syn. Mychophilus roseus Hesse, 1866
PERIBOIA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Periboia tahitiensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Biocryptus Hesse, 1865 accepted as Enterocola van Beneden, 1860 Subfamily Enterocolinae Chatton & Hatton, 1924 =Enteropsidae Thorell, 1859 ;Haligryps Aurivillius, 1885 = Enteropsis Aurivillius, 1885; Ichnograde Hesse, 1864 =Enteropsis Aurivillius, 1885; Intercola Hesse, 1862 = Enterocola van Beneden, 1860; Plantipode Hesse, 1864= Enteropsis Aurivillius, 1885; Synthetys Canu, 1886= Enteropsis Aurivillius, 1885,
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