(= Propodoplea Lang, 1948)
Misophrioida is a well defined order of Copepoda currently comprising three families and 16
genera. Species of this order inhabit mainly marine oligotrophic
environments such as anchialine caves and deep-sea hyperbenthic
"A phylogenetic analysis of the family
(BOXSHALL 1989) revealed two monophyletic groups, the
Misophria-group and the Archimisophria-group. Species
of basal genera of both groups within the cladogram inhabit
deep-sea waters and within each group anchialine habitats
have been colonized independently. This supports the
hypothesis of a deep-sea origin of the order.
The number of
known species is very small as compared with most other
copepod orders. This may be because the habitats in which
misophrioids occur are less accessible and more difficult to
sample." [from: P. M. Arbizu & S. Seifried, 1996].
"Misophrioids are noteworthy for displaying the most
primitive states known in the podoplean copepods for
some characters. They probably represent a branch that
diverged early from the podoplean lineage within the
1996a). The order is also remarkable for its biogeography:
some of its cave-dwelling representatives show extreme
disjunct distributions and are currently interpreted as faunal
relicts of ancient seas" [from: Jaume & Boxshall, 1997].
Misophrioid copepods primarily occur in the hyperbenthic
zone in both coastal areas and deep-sea habitats (Boxshall
1989). However, many new misophrioids described in last
four decades have been found in anchialine caves (Boxshall
1987; Boxshall and Iliffe 1986, 1990; Huys 1988; Jaume and
Boxshall 1996a, b; Jaume et al. 1998; Jaume et al. 2001). The
species of the family Speleophriidae are mainly from
anchialine habitats (Boxshall and Jaume 2000) (Krsinic, 2016). Misophrioid copepods primarily occur in the hyperbenthic
zone in both coastal areas and deep-sea habitats (Boxshall
1989). However, many new misophrioids described in last
four decades have been found in anchialine caves (Boxshall
1987; Boxshall and Iliffe 1986, 1990; Huys 1988; Jaume and
Boxshall 1996a, b; Jaume et al. 1998; Jaume et al. 2001).
ARCTICOMISOPHRIA Martinez-Arbizu & Seifried, 1996 
Arcticomisophria bathylaptevensis Martinez-Arbizu & Seifried, 1996 [Laptev sea, Arctic ocean] 
Arcticomisophria hispida Jaume & Boxshall, 1997 [north Atlantic; hyperbenthos]
Benthomisophria cornuta Hulsemann & Grice, 1964 [north Atlantic; hyperbenthos]
Benthomisophria palliata Sars, 1909 [north Europe?; sea waters]
DIMISOPHRIA Boxshall & Iliffe, 1987]
Dimisophria cavernicola Boxshall & Iliffe, 1987 [Lanzarote; anchialine waters]
Boxshall & Jaume (1999) identified two lineages within the order Misophrioida: one consisting of the family Misophriidae Brady, 1878, including seven genera, and the monotipic family Palpophriidae Boxshall & Jaume, 2000; the other family, Speleophriidae Boxshall & Jaume, 2000, including eight genera. Misophriidae are primarily hyperbenthic, representatives of the other two families can be found in anchialine caves. This last habitat could be interpreted "as resulting from a dispersal and colonization episode prior to the closure of the Tethys Sea" (Boxshall & Jaume, 2000). On the right, table of relationships between genera of Misophrioida (from Boxshall & Jaume, 2000). | | | | | |  |
FOSSHAGENIELLA Jaume & Boxshall, 1997 
Fosshageniella glabra Jaume & Boxshall, 1997 [north Atlantic; hyperbenthos]
MISOPHRIA Boeck, 1865
Misophria japonica Tanaka, 1966 [Izu; sea waters] (syn. Benthomisophria cornuta Hulsemann & Grice, 1964)
Misophria kororiensis Boxshall & Iliffe 1987 [anchialine caves on Indo-West Pacific] (syn. Stygomisophria kororiensis (Boxshall & Iliffe, 1987) )
Misophria maculata Tanaka, 1966 [Izu; sea waters] (syn. Benthomisophria palliata Sars G.O., 1909)
Misophria pallida Boeck, 1865 [north Europe; sea waters] 
Misophria sinensis Boxshall, 1990 (syn. Misophriopsis sinensis (Boxshall, 1990)
MISOPHRIELLA Boxshall, 1983
Misophriella schminkei Martinez Arbizu & Jaume, 1999 [Antarctic Sea] 
Misophriella tetraspina Boxshall, 1983 [north Atlantic; near- bottom plankton]
MISOPHRIOPSIS Boxshall, 1983
Misophriopsis australis Martinez Arbizu & Jaume, 1999 [Antarctic Sea] 
Misophriopsis dichotoma Boxshall, 1983 [north Atlantic; near- bottom plankton]
Misophriopsis longicauda Humes, 1999 [north eastern Pacific; hydrothermal vents]
Misophriopsis okinawensis Huys, Ohtsuka, Boxshall & Ito, 1992 [Japan; hyperbenthic] 
Misophriopsis sinensis (Boxshall, 1990) [Japan; sea waters]
STYGOMISOPHRIA Oktsuka, Huys, Boxshall & Ito, 1992 
Stygomisophria kororiensis (Boxshall & Iliffe, 1987) [Koror Island, Palau; anchialine waters] 
PALPOPHRIIDAE Boxshall & Jaume, 2000
PALPOPHRIA Boxshall & Iliffe, 1987
Palpophria aestheta Boxshall & Iliffe, 1987 [Lanzarote; anchialine waters]
SPELEOPHRIIDAE Boxshall & Jaume, 2000
ARCHIMISOPHRIA Boxshall, 1983 
Archimisophria discoveryi Boxshall, 1983 [North Atlantic Ocean]
Archimisophria squamosa Alvarez, 1985 [Brazil; sea bottom-plankton]
Boxshallia bulboantennulata Huys, 1988 [Canary islands; anchialine waters] 
MEXICOPHRIA Boxshall, Zylinski, Jaume, Iliffe & Suárez-Morales, 2014 
Mexicophria cenoticola Boxshall, Zylinski, Jaume, Iliffe & Suárez-Morales, 2014
EXPANSOPHRIA Boxshall & Iliffe, 1987
Expansophria galapagensis Boxshall & Iliffe, 1990 [Galapagos; anchialine waters]
Expansophria dimorpha Boxshall & Iliffe, 1990 [Lanzarote; anchialine waters]
Expansophria sarda Boxshall & Iliffe, 1996 [Italy, Sardinia; anchialine cave waters]
Expansophria apoda Boxshall & Iliffe, 1990 [Palau; anchialine waters]
HUYSIA Jaume, Boxshall & Iliffe, 1998 
Huysia bahamensis Jaume, Boxshall & Iliffe, 1998 [Bahamas; anchialine waters] 
PROTOSPELEOPHRIA Jaume, Boxshall & Iliffe, 1998 
Protospeleophria lucayae Jaume, Boxshall & Iliffe, 1998 [Bahamas; anchialine waters]
SPELEOPHRIA Boxshall & Iliffe, 1986; Jaume & Boxshall, 1996 
 | | | |
Speleophria is a very poorly diversified, strictly stygobitic genus, inhabiting karstic anchialine caves of raised salinity (>18‰) in widely separate territories.
Only three described species are known to date, viz.S. bivexilla Boxshall & Iliffe, 1986 (left), from Bermuda (NW
Atlantic), S. gymnesica Jaume & Boxshall, 1996, from Mallorca (Balearic Is., Mediterranean) and Speleophria bunderae Jaume, Boxshall & Humphreys, 2001 from Australia. |
Speleophria bivexilla Boxshall & Iliffe, 1986 [Bermuda; cave waters] 
Speleophria bunderae Jaume, Boxshall & Humphreys, 2001 [W-Australia; anchialine cenotes] 
Speleophria campaneri Boxshall & Iliffe, 1990 (syn. Speleophriopsis campaneri (Boxshall & Iliffe, 1990)
Speleophria germanyanezi Suárez-Morales, Cervantes-Martínez, Gutiérrez-Aguirre & Iliffe, 2017 
Speleophria gymnesica Jaume & Boxshall, 1996 [Balearic Islands; cave waters]
Speleophria mestrovi Krsinic, 2008 [Adriatic Sea; anchialine cave] [PDF-SUMMARY]
Speleophria nullarborensis Karanovic & Eberhard, 2009 [Australia; cave waters]
Speleophria scottodicarloi Boxshall & Iliffe, 1990 (syn. Speleophriopsis scottodicarloi (Boxshall & Iliffe, 1990) Key to species of the genus Speleophria (based on adult females)
SPELEOPHRIOPSIS Jaume & Boxshall, 1996
Speleophriopsis balearicus Jaume & Boxshall, 1996 [Balearic Islands; anchialine cave waters]
Speleophriopsis campaneri (Boxshall & Iliffe, 1990)
Speleophriopsis canariensis Jaume & Boxshall, 1996 [Canary Islands; anchialine cave waters]
Speleophriopsis mljetensis Krinic, 2017
Speleophriopsis scottodicarloi (Boxshall & Iliffe, 1990) [oceanic islands; sea waters]
Key to genera and species of the Misophrioids
| Anchialine Fauna of the Bahamas by T. M. Iliffe |
Boxshall G.A. & Jaume Damia. 1999. On the origin of misophrioid copepods from anchialine caves. Crustaceana (Leiden). 72 (8); 957-965.
Boxshall G.A. & Jaume Damia. 2000. Discoveries of cave misophrioids (Crustacea: Copepoda) shed new light on the origin of anchialine faunas. Zool. Anz., 238.
Jaume D. & G.A. Boxshall. 1996. A new genus and two new species of cave-dwelling misophrioid copepods from the Balearic Islands (Mediterranean). J. Nat. Hist., 30: 989-1006.
Jaume D. & G.A. Boxshall. 1997. A new genus and two new species of misophrioid copepods (Crustacea) from the North Atlantic hyperbenthos. Sarsia, 82. 39-54.
Jaume D., G.A. Boxshall & T.M. Iliffe. 1998. Two new genera of Misophrioid copepods (Crustacea) from an anchialine cave in the Bahamas. J. Nat. Hist., 32: 661-681.
Jaume D., G.A. Boxshall & W. F. Humphreys. 2001. New stygobiont copepods (Calanoida; Misophrioida) from Bundera Sinkhole, an anchialine cenote in north-western Australia. Zool. J. Linn. Soc.,133:1-24.
Karanovic & Eberhard 2001.Second representative of the order Misophrioida (Crustacea, Copepoda)
from Australia challenges the hypothesis of the Tethyan origin of some
anchialine faunas.Zootaxa 2059: 51-68 (2009) Krsinic F. 2016. A new species of Speleophriopsis (Copepoda: Misophrioida)
from an anchialine cave in the Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean.Marine Biodiversity 2016
Martinez Arbizu P. & D. Jaume. 1999. New hyperbenthic species of Misophriopsis and Misophriella, first record of misophrioid copepods (Crustacea) from Antarctic waters. Helgl. Mar. Res., 53: 102-117.
Martinez Arbizu P. & S. Seifried. 1996. The phylogenetic position of Arcticomisophria bathylaptevensis gen. et sp. n. (Crustacea: Copepoda) a new misophrioid from hyperbenthic deep-sea watres in the Laptev Sea (arctic Ocean). Sarsia, 81: 285-295.

Sincere thanks to Damia Jaume and T. M. Iliffe for assistance and useful suggestions | PAGE UPDATED NOVEMBER 09. 2024 |
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