PENTACHAETUS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Pentachaetus longisetatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Pentachaetus palauensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Pentachaetus spinatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
PERIPROCTA Stock, 1967
Periproctia acutirostris Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia angusta Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia bisetigera Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia biuncata Stock, 1967
Periproctia biunguifera Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia hexachaetata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia horrida Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia laticaudata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia latirostris Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020
Periproctia longirostris Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia obtusa Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020
Periproctia obtusispinata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia onchopodata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia robusta Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia spinata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia spissa Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia stocki Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Periproctia triuncata Stock, 1967
Pholeterides furtiva Illg, 1958 
Pholeterides pilosa Kim I.H. & Moon, 2011 
PHYLLODELPHYS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Phyllodelphys capensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Pomphopygus pinguis Illg, 1958 
PROCAMPODELPHYS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020
Procampodelphys bidentatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020
Procampodelphys biramus (Stock, 1967)
Procampodelphys diplosomae (Illg & Dudley, 1961)
Procampodelphys nodosus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020
Procampodelphys unipedatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
PRODOROIXYS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Prodoroixys antarctica Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Prodoroixys bathybia Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
PRONOTODELPHYS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Pronotodelphys caledonica Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Pronotodelphys villosa (Ooishi, 1962)
PROPHIODEIDES Chatton & Brément, 1915
Prophioseides abdominalis (Chatton & Brément, 1911)
Prophioseides ampullacea Ooishi, 1972
Prophioseides biramus Stock, 1967 (syn. Procampodelphys biramus (Stock, 1967)
Prophioseides brevis Stock, 1967 (syn. Janius brevis (Stock, 1967)
Prophioseides delamarei Illg & Dudley, 1961
Prophioseides diplosomae Illg & Dudley, 1961 (syn. Procampodelphys diplosomae (Illg & Dudley, 1961)
Pygodelphys antarctica (Schellenberg, 1922) 
Pygodelphys aquilonaris Illg, 1958 
Pygodelphys chilensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Pygodelphys inflata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Pygodelphys lamellipes (Schellenberg, 1922) 
Pygodelphys novaeseelandius (Schellenberg, 1922) 
Pygodelphys patriciae Stock, 1967
PYTHODELPHYS Dudley & Solomon, 1966
Pythodelphys acruris Dudley & Solomon, 1966
Pythodelphys illgi Ooishi, 1998
REMEX Monniot C., 1983
Remex obesus Monniot C., 1983
SALPICOLA Richiardi, 1880 (nomen nudum)
SCARIDELPHYS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Scaridelphys deplanata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020
Scaridelphys papillata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Scolecimorpha insignis Sars G.O., 1926
Scolecimorpha huntsmani Henderson, 1930 (syn. Scolecodes huntsmani (Henderson, 1930)
Scolecimorpha joubini (Chatton, 1909) (syn. Ophioseides cardiocephalus Hesse, 1864)
SCOLECODES Illg, 1958 
Scolecodes helicinus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Scolecodes huntsmani (Henderson, 1930) 
Scolecodes pugetensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Scolecodes rectus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
SCOLIOSOMA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Scoliosoma dimerosum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Scoliosoma haplomerosum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
SESIR, 1967
Sesir parvipes Stock, 1967
SICYODELPHYS Lafargue & Laubier, 1968
Sicyodelphys bocqueti Lafargue & Laubier, 1968
SOCOTRADELPHYS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Socotradelphys unipedata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Sphaerothylacus polycarpae Sluiter, 1884
SYMPYGUS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Sympygus punctatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Thoracodelphys bisetata Lee & Kim, 2022 
Thoracodelphys caledonica Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020
Thoracodelphys cerasta Lee & Kim, 2022 
Thoracodelphys chelipus Stock, 1967
Thoracodelphys depressa Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Thoracodelphys longiseta Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Thoracodelphys papuensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Thoracodelphys quadriseta Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Thoracodelphys tertius Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Thoracodelphys uniseta Stock & Humes, 1970
TUBIPEDIA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Tubipedia anisocladia Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
UNIMEIRA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Unimeria hirsuta Lee & Kim, 2022
Unimeria longipedata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
VAODA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Vaoda depressa Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 
Agnathaner Canu, 1892 = Pachypygus Sars G.O., 1921; Cephalodelphys Lafargue & Laubier, 1977 = Achelidelphys Lafargue & Laubier, 1977 (synonym);
Conchlodelphys Lafargue & Laubier, 1968 = Cochlodelphys Lafargue & Laubier, 1968 (misspelling);
Diceratus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2020 = Diceratocopus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021; Gastrodes Hesse, 1866 = Hypogastrion Wilson C.B., 1924 (synonym);
Gunentophorus Buchholz, 1869 = Gunenotophorus Costa O.G., 1838;
Ophioseide Hesse, 1864 = Ophioseides Hesse, 1864 (misspelling);
Paryphes Kerschner, 1879 = Bonnierilla Canu, 1891; Paryphes Kerschner, 1879 = Bonnierilla Canu, 1891 (preoccupied by Paryphes Burmeister, 1835 (Heteroptera));
Pseudonotodelphys Gurney, 1927 = Paranotodelphys Schellenberg, 1922; Sphaeronotus Claus, 1864 = Gunenotophorus Costa O.G., 1838 ; Syndelphys Lafargue & Laubier, 1977 = Achelidelphys Lafargue & Laubier, 1977; Ustina Illg, 1951 = Notopterophoroides Schellenberg, 1922.
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