syn. Caligoida; Lerneopodidea

ASTEROCHERIDAE Giesbrecht, 1899 (syn. Ascomyzontidae Thorell, 1859)

AMALOMYZON Kim & Lee, 2023

  • Amalomyzon elongatum Kim & Lee, 2023

    DOKDOCHERES Kim & Lee, 2023

  • Dokdocheres rotundus Kim & Lee, 2023

    CYCLOCHERES Kim I.H., 2010

  • Cyclocheres Kim I.H., 2010

    CYSTOMYZON Stock, 1981

  • Cystomyzon dimerum Stock, 1981

    DERMATOMYZON Claus, 1889

  • Dermatomyzon boxshalli Lee, J.M. & I.H. Kim, 2017
  • Dermatomyzon elegans Claus, 1889
  • Dermatomyzon gibberum Scott T. & Scott A., 1894 (syn. Scottomyzon gibberum (Scott T. & Scott A., 1894)
  • Dermatomyzon giesbrechti Brady, 1910
  • Dermatomyzon imbricatum Brady, 1910 (syn. Rhynchomyzon imbricatum (Brady, 1910)
  • Dermatomyzon nigripes nigripes (Brady & Robertson, 1876)

    DISCOPONTIUS Nicholls, 1944

  • Discopontius discoides Nicholls, 1944

    DOROPONTIUS Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903

  • Doropontius denticornis Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903

    GASCARDAMA Kim I.H., 2010

  • Gascardama longisiphonata Kim I.H., 2010

    GERULUSOSACCULUS Ivanenko & Defaye, 2004

  • Gerulusosacculus commutabilis Ivanenko & Defaye, 2004

    GLYPTOCHERES Humes, 1987

  • Glyptocheres comanthinae Humes, 1987
  • Glyptocheres extrusus Humes, 1987

    GOMUMUCHERES Humes, 1996

  • Gomumucheres angularis Humes, 1996

    HAMMATIMYZON Stock, 1981

  • Hammatimyzon dimorphum Stock, 1981
  • Hammatimyzon zibrowii Stock, 1981

    HERMACHERES Stock, 1987

  • Hermacheres diploriae Stock, 1987
  • Hermacheres montastreae Stock, 1989

    HETAIROSYNA Humes, 1991

  • Hetairosyna galaxeae Humes, 1996
  • Hetairosyna laciniata Humes, 1991
  • Hetairosyna sororia Humes, 1991
  • Hetairosyna terpna Humes, 1991
  • Hetairosyna wedensis Humes, 1996


  • Hetairosynella aculeata Kim I.H., 2010
  • Hetairosynella angulata Kim I.H., 2010
  • Hetairosynella biufurcata Kim I.H., 2010


  • Hetairosynopsis bucculentus Humes, 1996

    HOLOBINUS Lee, J. & I.H. Kim, 2017

  • Holobinus angustus Lee, J. & I.H. Kim, 2017

    HUMESCHERES Kim I.H., 2005

  • Humescheres boholensis Kim I.H., 2005

    HUMESIMYZON Kim I.H., 2010

  • Humesimyzon pusillum Kim I.H., 2010

    INDOMYZON Ummerkutty, 1966

  • Indomyzon qasimi Ummerkutty, 1966

    INERMOCHERES Boxshall, 1990

  • Inermocheres quadratus Boxshall, 1990

    KIMCHERES Bandera & Conradi, 2016

  • Kimcheres fastigatus (Kim I.H., 2010)

    KOLOCHERES Johnsson, 1999

  • Kolocheres angustus Johnsson, 1999

    LAPEROCHERES Ivanenko, 1998

  • Laperocheres koorius Ivanenko, 1998

    MEANDROMYZON Stock, 1989

  • Meandromyzon coronatum Stock, 1989

    MESOCHERES Norman & Scott T., 1905

  • Mesocheres anglicus Norman & Scott T., 1905

    MIMACHERES Leigh-Sharpe, 1934

  • Mimacheres collyra Leigh-Sharpe, 1934

    MONOCHERES Stock, 1966

  • Monocheres cagarrensis Johnsson & Bustamante, 1997
  • Monocheres mauritianus Stock, 1966
  • Monocheres sergioi Suárez-Morales, 2016

    NEOASTEROCHERES Canário, Rocha, Neves & Johnsson, 2017

  • Neoasterocheres breviseta Canário, Rocha, Neves & Johnsson, 2017
  • Neoasterocheres dysideae (Humes, 1996)
  • Neoasterocheres enewetakensis (Humes, 1997)
  • Neoasterocheres humesi (Varela, 2012)
  • Neoasterocheres rotundus (Malt, 1991)
  • Neoasterocheres scutatus (Stock, 1966)
  • Neoasterocheres serrulatus (Humes, 1996)

    OBESIELLA Ridewood, 1903

  • Obesiella lyonsiellae Ridewood, 1903

    OEDOMYZON Stock, 1981

  • Oedomyzon tripodum Stock, 1981

    ONYCHOCHERS Stock & Gooding, 1986

  • Onychocheres alatus Stock & Gooding, 1986

    OPHIUROCHERES Humes, 1998

  • Ophiurocheres bellulus Humes, 1998

    ORECTURUS Humes, 1992

  • Orecturus amplus Humes, 1996
  • Orecturus antillensis Varela, 2011
  • Orecturus bahiensis Johnsson, 1998
  • Orecturus bracatus (Stock & Kleeton, 1963)
  • Orecturus canariensis Bandera, Conradi & López-González, 2007
  • Orecturus excavatus (Humes, 1989)
  • Orecturus finitimus Humes, 1993
  • Orecturus forticulus Humes, 1993
  • Orecturus grandisetiger Humes, 1992
  • Orecturus longicaudatus Kim I.H. & Song, 2003
  • Orecturus ortizi Varela & Lalana, 2007
  • Orecturus sakalavicus Humes, 1994
  • Orecturus similis Kim I.H. & Song, 2003


  • Paracontiophorus ovatus (Thomson G.M., 1883)


  • Parasterocheres cristatus Humes, 1996

    PARASTEROPONTIUS Johnsson, 1999

  • Parasteropontius bandicola (Humes, 1992)
  • Parasteropontius latus (Humes, 1992)

    PAUROCHERES Lee J. & I.H. Kim, 2018

  • Paurocheres dentatus Lee J. & I.H. Kim, 2018

    PELTOMYZON Stock, 1975

  • Peltomyzon rostratum Stock, 1975

    PHYLLOCHERES Humes, 1996

  • Phyllocheres petalus Humes, 1996

    PLATYMYZON Lee J. & I.H. Kim, 2018

  • Platymyzon umbonatum Lee J. & I.H. Kim, 2018

    PSILOMYZON Stock, 1965

  • Psilomyzon laetitiae Zagami, Costanzo & Brugnano, 2014
  • Psilomyzon pauciseta Stock, 1965
  • Psilomyzon sarcotragusicola Zagami, Costanzo & Brugnano, 2014

    RHYNCOMYZON Giesbrecht, 1895

  • Rhynchomyzon compactum Alvarez, 1988
  • Rhynchomyzon dubium (Brady, 1910)
  • Rhynchomyzon falco Giesbrecht, 1895
  • Rhynchomyzon imbricatum (Brady, 1910)
  • Rhynchomyzon purpurocinctum (Scott T., 1893)
  • Rhynchomyzon rubrovittatum Sars G.O., 1915

    SCOTTOCHERES Giesbrecht, 1897

    "The genus Scottocheres was erected by Giesbrecht (1897) to accommodate the species Acontiophorus elongatus(Scott T and Scott A, 1894), previously assigned to Acontiophorus, Brady, 1880.

    Scottocheres is a cosmopolitan group recorded in the Mediterranean Sea, Pacific, Atlantic, and Antarctic Oceans. All identified hosts are sponges, except S.gracilis, S.stylifer, S.latus, and S.longifurca, which have non-informed hosts. There are, three species of Scottocheres registered along the Brazilian coast (Johnsson & Neves S. elongatus, S.laubieri, and S.youngi. The latter is endemic, associated with the sponge Monanchora(Carter, 1883)" (from:Canario et al., 2022)

  • Scottocheres elongatus (Scott T. & Scott A., 1894)
  • Scottocheres gracilis Hansen, 1923
  • Scottocheres latus Nicholls, 1944
  • Scottocheres laubieri Stock, 1967
  • Scottocheres longifurca Giesbrecht, 1897
  • Scottocheres mipoensis Kim I.H., 2016
  • Scottocheres spinoparva Canario et al., 2022 [Brazil]
  • Scottocheres stocki Malt, 1991
  • Scottocheres stylifer Giesbrecht, 1902
  • Scottocheres youngi Johnsson, 2002

    SETACHERES Johnsson, Bahia & Neves, 2016

  • Setacheres abrolhensis (Johnsson, 1998)
  • Setacheres aplysinus (Johnsson, 2002)
  • Setacheres eudistomus Johnsson, Bahia & Neves, 2016
  • Setacheres lunatus (Johnsson, 1998)
  • Setacheres paraboecki (Johnsson, 1998)
  • Setacheres picinguabensis Johnsson, Rocha & Neves, 2001
  • Setacheres portobarrensis Borges, Neves & Johnsson, 2017
  • Setacheres spinopaulus (Johnsson, 1999)
  • Setacheres unicus Johnsson, Rocha & Neves, 2001
  • Setacheres ventricosus (Brian, 1928)

    SINOPONTIUS Boxshall, 1990

  • Sinopontius aesthetascus Boxshall, 1990
  • Sinopontius punctatus Boxshall, 1990


  • Siphonopontius robustus Malt, 1991

    STENOMYZON Kim I.H., 2010

  • Stenomyzon edentatum Kim I.H., 2010

    STOCKMIZON Bandera & Huys, 2008

  • Stockmyzon crassus Bandera & Huys, 2008
  • Stockmyzon mucronipes comb. nov.(Stock, 1960)

    THERMOCHERES Kim I.H., 2010

  • Thermocheres pacificus Lee et al., 2022 [Korea]
  • Thermocheres validus Kim I.H., 2010

    TUPHACHERES Stock, 1965

  • Tuphacheres Stock, 1965

    TYCHOMYZON Humes, 1991

  • Tychomyzon petalum Humes, 1991


    BRYCHIOPONTIUS Humes, 1974

  • Brychiopontius falcatus Humes, 1974


  • Neobrychiopontius galeronae Mahatma, Martínez Arbizu & Ivanenko, 2008


  • Pseudobrychiopontius brevicaudus Avdeev, 2017


    | MAY 07. 2024 |

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