SPELEOITHONIDAE Rocha & Iliffe, 1991
SPELEOITHONA Rocha C.E.F. & Iliffe, 1991
The family Speleoithonidae, recently described by Rocha & Iliffe (1991), includes small copepods, close to Oithonidae, at present known only for anchialine waters of the Bahamas and Bermuda Islands.
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Speleoithonidae is considered to be a sister group of Oithonidae. It is believed that Speleoithona evolved in its "restricted habitat, developing very characteristic features, while retaining some primitive traits" (Rocha and Iliffe, 1991) (left: S. bermudensis). |
Speleoithona bermudensis Rocha & Iliffe, 1993 [Bermuda Islands; anchialine cave]
Speleoithona eleutherensis Rocha & Iliffe, 1991 [ Eleuthera Islands, Bahamas; anchialine cave]
Speleoithona salvadorensis Rocha & Iliffe, 1991 [ San Salvador, Bahamas; anchialine cave]
Rocha, Carlos Eduardo F. and Thomas M. Iliffe. 1991. Speleoithonidae, a new family of Copepoda (Cyclopoida) from anchialine caves on the Bahama Islands. Sarsia, 76:167-175, 28 figures.
Choreftria shiranui Ueno, 2022 [Japan]
LERNAEIDAE Cobbold, 1879 (syn, Catlaphilidae Tripathi, 1960 )
Lernaeenicinae Wilson C.B., 1917
Lernaeinae Wilson C.B., 1917
LICHOMOLGIDAE Kossmann, 1877 (syn. Lichomolginae Sewell, 1949)KEY TO THE GENERA OF THE LICHOMOLGIDAE 
ALUPA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Alupa geminata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
ANTARCTOMOLGUS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Antarctomolgus molgulae Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
ASCIDIOXYNUS Humes & Stock, 1972 
Ascidioxynus bermudensis Humes & Stock, 1973 
Ascidioxynus floridanus Humes & Stock, 1973 
Ascidioxynus ibericus López-González, Megina & Conradi, 1999
Ascidioxynus jamaicensis (Wilson C.B., 1921)
ASTERICOLA Rosoll, 1888
Astericola astropectinis (Humes & Cressey, 1958)
Astericola carens Humes, 1986 (syn. Synstellicola carens (Humes, 1986)
Astericola clausii Rosoll, 1888
Astericola dentifer (Humes, 1969)
Astericola frequens (Humes & Cressey, 1958)
Astericola lautus (Humes & Cressey, 1958)
Astericola luidiae (Humes & Cressey, 1958)
BOTULOSOMA Carton, 1974
Botulosoma endoarrhenum Carton, 1974
DEBRUMA Humes & Stock, 1972 
Debruma clavelinae Humes & Stock, 1973 
Debruma deplanata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
DIDEMNOMOLGUS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Didemnomolgus crenulatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
DIOGENELLA Stock, 1968 
Diogenella deichmannae Humes & Ho, 1970
Diogenella impar Humes & Ho, 1970
Diogenella seticauda Stock, 1968
Diogenella spinicauda Stock, 1968 
DIOGENIDIUM Edwards, 1891
Diogenidium deforme Stock, 1968 
Diogenidium nasutum Edwards, 1891 
Diogenidium spinulosum Stock, 1968 
Diogenidium tectum Humes & Ho, 1971
DONTIMOLGUS Moon & Kim I.H., 2011
Dontimolgus brevicaudatus Moon & Kim I.H., 2011
EPIMOLGUS Bocquet & Stock, 1956 (syn Alimeda Heegaard, 1962)
Epimolgus orientalis (Heegaard, 1962)
Epimolgus pruvoti (Monod & Dollfus, 1932) (syn. Leptinogaster pruvoti (Monod & Dollfus, 1932)
Epimolgus trochi (Canu, 1899)
Gelastomolgus spondyli Humes, 1968
HENICOXIPHIUM Illg & Humes, 1971 
Henicoxiphium redactum Illg & Humes, 1971
HERRMANNELLA Canu, 1891 (syn. Boeckia Brady, 1872 Ischnurella Pelseneer, 1929; Pestalichomolgus Wilson C.B., 1924;
Pseudolichomolgus Pesta, 1909)
Herrmannella barneae (Pelseneer, 1929)
Herrmannella bullata Humes & Stock, 1973
Herrmannella caribaea (Humes, 1970)
Herrmannella columbiae (Thompson I.C. in Thompson, Scott & Herdman, 1897)
Herrmannella concinna Scott, 1909 (?)
Herrmannella cubensis Varela, 2011
Herrmannella dentata Avdeev, 1987
Herrmannella dissidens (Humes, 1970)
Herrmannella duggani Holmes & Minchin, 1991
Herrmannella exigua Kim I.H., 1993 
Herrmannella haploceras (Bocquet & Stock, 1959)
Herrmannella hiatellai Avdeev, 1975 
Herrmannella hoonsooi Kim I.H., 1992
Herrmannella inflatipes (Humes & Cressey, 1958)
Herrmannella kodiakensis Humes, 1995
Herrmannella longicaudata Avdeev, 1975 
Herrmannella longichaeta Avdeev, 1975 
Herrmannella macomae Kim I.H. & Sato, 2010 
Herrmannella mesodesmatis (Humes, 1967)
Herrmannella panopeae (Illg, 1949)
Herrmannella parva Norman & Scott T., 1905)
Herrmannella pecteni (Sowinsky, 1884)
Herrmannella perplexa (Illg, 1949)
Herrmannella protothacae (Humes, 1967)
Herrmannella robusta Thompson& Scott 1903 (?)
Herrmannella rostrata Canu, 1891
Herrmannella saxidomi Illg, 1949
Herrmannella serendibica Thompson & Scott 1901
Herrmannella soleni Kim I.H. & Ho, 1991
Herrmannella tivelae (Illg, 1949)
Herrmannella valida Sars G.O., 1918
Heteranthessius dubius (Scott T., 1903)
Heteranthessius furcatus Stock, 1971
Heteranthessius hoi López-González & Conradi, 1995
Heteranthessius scotti Bocquet, Stock & Benard, 1959
Heteranthessius unisetatus Lee et al., 2022 [Korea]
Humesulus lobatus Ho, 1982
Lichomolgella isseli Gallingani, 1952
Lichomolgella pusilla Sars G.O., 1918
Lichomolgidium bipartitum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Lichomolgidium cynthiae (Brian, 1924) (syn. Lichomolgidium sardum Kossmann, 1877)
Lichomolgidium sardum Kossmann, 1877
Lichomolgidium tupuhiae Jones J.B., 1975
LICHOMOLGUS Thorell, 1859 (syn. Sepicola Claus, 1860)
Lichomolgus adelphus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
Lichomolgus alatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Lichomolgus albens Thorell, 1859
Lichomolgus angustus Kim I.H., 2009 
Lichomolgus anomalus Scott, 1909 (?)
Lichomolgus arcanus Humes & Cressey, 1958
Lichomolgus arcuatipes Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar] (?) 
Lichomolgus arenicolus Brady. 1879
Lichomolgus asaphidis Humes, 1959
Lichomolgus bidentipes Ho, 1980
Lichomolgus brevicaudatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Lichomolgus buddhensis Thomson & Scott 1903 (?)
Lichomolgus bullatus Kim I.H., 2000 
Lichomolgus campulus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar](?)
Lichomolgus canui Sars G.O., 1917
Lichomolgus chamarum Humes, 1968
Lichomolgus conjunctus Humes & Ho, 1967 [Madagascar] (?) 
Lichomolgus constrictus Humes 1979 (?) 
Lichomolgus crassus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar] (?) 
Lichomolgus cristatus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
Lichomolgus dentipes Thomson & Scott 1903 (?)
Lichomolgus diazonae Gotto, 1961
Lichomolgus digitatus Hume & Hp. 1968 [Madagascar](?)
Lichomolgus eganae Gotto, 1975 
Lichomolgus elegans 
Lichomolgus elegantulus Stock, 1960
Lichomolgus elevatus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
Lichomolgus forficula Thorell, 1859 
Lichomolgus foxi Gurney 1927 (?)
Lichomolgus fuciculus Brady. 1879
Lichomolgus furcillatus Thorell, 1859
Lichomolgus fusiformis Kim I.H., 2009
Lichomolgus geminus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar](?)
Lichomolgus gigas Thompson & Scott 1903 (?)
Lichomolgus glabripes Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?) 
Lichomolgus gracilis Thompson & Scott 1903 (?)
Lichomolgus gracilipes Scott, 1909 (?)
Lichomolgus hetaericus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
Licomolgus hians Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?) 
Lichomolgus hippopi Humes, 1976
Lichomolgus hoi Stock, 1995
Lichomolgus ieversi Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903 
Licomolgus incisus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
Lichomolgus indicus Ummerkutty, 1962
Lichomolgus infirmus Moon & Kim I.H., 2011
Lichomolgus inflatus Tanaka, 1961
Lichgomolgus insectus Humes 1969 (?)
Lichomolgus insolens Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
Lichomolgus lepidotus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Lichomolgus leptodermatus Gooding, 1957
Lichomolgus lobophorus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar] (?)
Lichomolgus longispinifer Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?) 
Lichomolgus marginatus Thorell, 1859
Lichomolgus minor Scott A., 1902
Lichomolgus nakaii Matsuzaki & Ogawa, 1989 
Lichomolgus organicus Humes & Ho, 1967 [Madagascar] (?)
Lichomolgus papuensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Lichomolgus pectinatus Moon & Kim I.H., 2011
Lichomolgus prolixipes Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar] (?) 
Lichomolgus rhadinus Humes & Ho 1967 (?)
Lichomolgus robustus Thmpson & Scott 1903 (?)
Lichomolgus sadoensis Ho, 1980 
Lichomolgus similis Ho & Kim I.H., 1991
Lichomolgus singularipes Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
Lichomolgus simplex Thomson & Scott 1903 (?)
Lichomolgus spathophorus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
Lichomolgus spondyli Yamaguti, 1936
Lichomolgus telestophylus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?) 
Lichomolgus tridacnae Humes, 1972 
Lichomolgus triquetus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?) 
Lichomolgus uncus Jones J. B., 1976 
Lichomolgus verseveldti Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
Lichomolgus aculeatus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] 
Lichomolgus cuneipes Humes % Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] 
Lichomolgus exilipes Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] 
Lichomolgus fissisetiger Humes % Ho, 1968 [Madagascar]
Lichomolgus gentilis Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] 
Lichomolgus spinulifer Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] 
Lichomolgus varirostratus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] 
Lichomolgus organicus Humes & Ho, 1967
Lichomolgus conjunctus Humes & Ho, 1967
LOBOMOLGUS Ho & Kim I.H., 2009
Lobomolgus foveolatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Lobomolgus okinawaensis Ho & Kim I.H., 2009
MODIOLICOLA Aurivillius, 1883
Modiolicola avadeevi Kim I.H., 1995
Modiolicola bifidus Tanaka, 1961 
Modiolicola gracilicaudus Avdeev, 1977 
Modiolicola gracilis Wilson C.B., 1935
Modiolicola inermis Canu, 1891
Modiolicola inflatipes Humes & Cressey, 1958 (syn.Herrmannella inflatipes (Humes & Cressey, 1958) (
Modiolicola insignis Aurivillius, 1883
Modiolicola jamaicensis Wilson C.B., 1921 (syn. Ascidioxynus jamaicensis (Wilson C.B., 1921)
Modiolicola maximus (Thompson I.C., 1893)
Modiolicola peronidius Avdeev, 1987
Modiolicola trabalis Humes, 1959
NEOMENICOLA Avdeev & Avdeev, 1991
Neomenicola gibber Avdeev & Avdeev, 1991
PACLABIUS Kossmann, 1877
Paclabius tumidus Kossmann, 1877
PARAPANAIETIS Hoshina & Sugiura, 1953
Parapanaietis tegulae Hoshina & Sugiura, 1953
Parapanaietis turbo Hoshina & Kuwabara, 1958
Paraphiloconcha meretricis Yamaguti, 1936
Parastericola rimosus Kim I.H., 2007
PHILOCONCHA Yamaguti, 1936
Philoconcha amygdalae Yamaguti, 1936
Philoconcha paphiae Yamaguti, 1936
PROTOMOLGUS Moon & Kim I.H., 2011
Protomolgus duplex Moon & Kim I.H., 2011
Protomolgus singularis Moon & Kim I.H., 2011
Pterioidicola antennatus Kim I.H., 2003 
SPHEROMOLGUS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021 
Spheromolgus rarus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
STELLICOLA Kossmann, 1877 (syn. Linckiomolgus Stebbing, 1900; Paralichomolgus Thompson I. & Scott A., 1903)
Stellicola antheneae Humes, 1995
Stellicola astrivagus Humes, 1986
Stellicola caeruleus (Stebbing, 1900)
Stellicola curticaudatus (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
Stellicola dentifer Humes, 1969 [Jamaica] 
Stellicola femineus Humes & Ho, 1967
Stellicola flexilis Humes, 1976
Stellicola hochbergi López-González & Pascual, 1996
Stellicola holothuriae (Ummerkutty, 1962) 
Stellicola illgi Humes & Stock, 1973
Stellicola longicaudatus (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
Stellicola novaecaledoniae Humes, 1976
Stellicola oreastriphilus Kossmann, 1877
Stellicola parvulipes Humes, 1976
Stellicola pleurobranchi Kossmann, 1877
Stellicola pollex Humes & Ho, 1967
Stellicola stebbingi Nair & Pillai, 1986
Stellicola thorelli Kossmann, 1877
SYNSTELLICOLA Humes & Stock, 1972 
Synstellicola acanthasteris (Humes, 1970)
Synstellicola affinis (Humes & Ho, 1967)
Synstellicola carens (Humes, 1986)
Synstellicola gracilis (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
Synstellicola kossmanni (Humes & Ho, 1967)
Synstellicola lankensis (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903) 
Synstellicola longicauda Ho, 1982
Synstellicola longiseta (Humes & Ho, 1967)
Synstellicola paracarens Kim I.H., 1992 
Synstellicola pichoni (Humes & Ho, 1966) 
Synstellicola similis Ho, 1982
Synstellicola thromidiae Humes, 1995
Zygomolgides coronicolus Stock, 1995
ZYGOMOLGUS Humes & Stock, 1972 (syn. Lichomolgides Gotto, 1954) 
Zygomolgus cuanensis (Gotto, 1954)
Zygomolgus curtiramus (Bocquet & Stock, 1962)
Zygomolgus dentatus Kim I.H., 2006
Zygomolgus didemni (Gotto, 1956)
Zygomolgus poucheti (Canu, 1891)
Zygomolgus tenuifurcatus (Sars G.O., 1917)
KELLERIIDAE Humes & Boxshall, 1996
Kelleridae is a copepod family found in all continents,
mainly in tropical latitudes (Oomoto and Ueda, 2016) and
is composed by 21 valid species, 20 in the genus Kelleria
(Walter and Boxshall, 2021) and one in the genus Kelleriella Hong & Kim, 2021. It has a coastal epibenthic
habit, with occasional presence in the plankton.
KELLERIA Gurney, 1927
Kelleria andamanensis Sewell, 1949
Kelleria australiensis Bayly, 1971
Kelleria camortensis Sewell, 1949
Kelleria corioensis Arnott & McKinnon, 1981
Kelleria gurneyi Sewell, 1949 (taxon inquirendum)
Kelleria gradata Stock, 1967
Kelleria grandisetiger Kim I.H., 2006, syn.Kelleria andamanensis Sewell, 1949
Kelleria indonesiana Mulyadi, 2009
Kelleria japonica Oomoto & Ueda, 2016
Kelleria javaensis Mulyadi, 2009, syn, Kelleria regalis Gurney, 1927
Kelleria latipes Hong & Kim, 2021 [Thailand]
Kelleria multiovigera Kim I.H., 2009
Kelleria pararegalis Oomoto & Ueda, 2016
Kelleria pectinata (Scott A., 1909)
Kelleria phuketensis Hong & Kim, 2021 [Thailand]
Kelleria portiviva Kim I.H., 2006
Kelleria propinquus (Scott T., 1894)
Kelleria purpurocincta Gurney, 1927
Kelleria reducta Gómez, 2006
Kelleria regalis Gurney, 1927
Kelleria robusta Hong & Kim, 2021 [Thailand]
Kelleria rubimaculata Krishnaswamy, 1952
Kelleria undecidentata Kim I.H., 2006
Kelleria vaga Kim I.H., 2000
Kelleria vasfera Kim I.H. & Hong, 2014
KELLERIELLA Hong & Kim, 2021 
Kelleriella quadridens Hong & Kim, 2021 [Thailand]
CHORDEUMIIDAE Boxshall, 1988
Arthrochordeumium appendiculosum Stephensen, 1918
Arthrochordeumium asteromorphe Stephensen, 1933
CHORDEUMIUM Stephensen, 1918
Chordeumium obesum (Jungersen, 1914)
LERNAEOSACCUS Heegaard, 1951
Lernaeosaccus ophiacanthae Heegaard, 1951
OPHIOICODES Heegaard, 1951
Ophioicodes asymmetrica (Pyefinch, 1940)
OPHIOIKA Stephensen, 1933
Ophioika appendiculata Stephenson, 1935
Ophioika asymmetrica (Pyefinch, 1940) (syn. Ophioicodes asymmetrica (Pyefinch, 1940)
Ophioika ophiacanthae Stephensen, 1933
Ophioika tenuibrachia Heegaard, 1951
PARACHORDEUMIUM Calvez, 1938 (SYN. Amphiurophilus Delamare-Deboutteville, 1962;
Ophioithys Heegaard, 1951; Parachordemium Calvez, 1938 (misspelling).
Parachordeumium amphiurae (Hérouard, 1906)
Parachordeumium bocqueti (Goudey-Perričre, 1979)
Parachordeumium hendleri (Goudey-Perričre, 1979)
Parachordeumium humesi (Goudey-Perričre, 1979)
Parachordeumium tetraceros Calvez, 1938 (syn. Parachordeumium amphiurae (Hérouard, 1906)
Amphiurophilus Delamare-Deboutteville, 1962 syn. Parachordeumium Calvez, 1938;
Chordeuma Jungersen, 1914 syn. Chordeumium Stephensen, 1918;
Ophioica Stephensen, 1933 syn. Ophioika Stephensen, 1933;
Ophioithys Heegaard, 1951 syn. Parachordeumium Calvez, 1938;
Parachordemium Calvez, 1938 syn. Parachordeumium Calvez, 1938 (misspelling)
APLOPODUS Hesse, 1869
Aplopodus rufus Hesse, 1870
ASCIDICOLA Thorell, 1859 (syn. Coiliacola Hesse, 1863)
Ascidicola aculeoretusa Lang, 1949 (syn Ascidicola rosea Thorell, 1859)
Ascidicola antarctica Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Ascidicola philippinensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Ascidicola rosea Thorell, 1859
Ascidicola secundus Kim I.H. & Moon, 2011 (Ascidicola secunda in Kim & Boxshall, 2021)
Ascidicola setigera (Hesse, 1863) (syn. Ascidicola rosea Thorell, 1859
BATHYCOPOLA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Bathycopola brevicaudata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Bathycopola dicarpae Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Bathycopola karubar Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Bathycopola setifera Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Ceratrichodes albidus Hesse, 1866
Ceratrichodes flavus Hesse, 1870
HAMISTYELICOLA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Hamistyelicola lighti (Illg & Dudley, 1980)
Hamistyelicola monniotorum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
HYPNOTICUS Wilson C.B., 1924 (syn. Hypnodes Hesse, 1865)
Hypnoticus flavus (Hesse, 1865)
LYGEPHILE Hesse, 1865
Lygephile violaceus Hesse, 1865
NARCODINA Wilson C.B., 1924 (syn. Narcodes Hesse, 1865)
Narcodina macrostoma (Hesse, 1865)
POLYOON Hesse, 1878
Polyoon luteum Hesse, 1878
STYELICOLA Lützen, 1968
Styelicola bahusia Lützen, 1968
Styelicola elongata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
Styelicola lighti Illg & Dudley, 1980 (syn. Hamistyelicola lighti (Illg & Dudley, 1980)
Styelicola omphalus Kim I.H., Cruz-Rivera, Sherif & El-Sahhar, 2016
Review of the family Ascidicolidae
GADILICOLIDAE Boxshall & O'Reilly, 2015GADILICOLA Boxshall & O'Reilly, 2015
Gadilicola daviesi Boxshall & O'Reilly, 2015
Podolabis Hesse, 1864 (taxon inquirendum); Adranesius Hesse, 1865 (syn.Mychophilus Hesse, 1865;
Coiliacola Hesse, 1863 syn.Ascidicola Thorell, 1859;
Hypnodes Hesse, 1865 syn. Hypnoticus Wilson C.B., 1924; Narcodes Hesse, 1865 syn.Narcodina Wilson C.B., 1924.
Families uncertain sedis
Ruhtra humesi Kim 2003 from the alcyonacean coral Stereonephthya inordinata
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