SPELEOITHONIDAE Rocha & Iliffe, 1991

SPELEOITHONA Rocha C.E.F. & Iliffe, 1991

The family Speleoithonidae, recently described by Rocha & Iliffe (1991), includes small copepods, close to Oithonidae, at present known only for anchialine waters of the Bahamas and Bermuda Islands.

Speleoithonidae is considered to be a sister group of Oithonidae. It is believed that Speleoithona evolved in its "restricted habitat, developing very characteristic features, while retaining some primitive traits" (Rocha and Iliffe, 1991) (left: S. bermudensis).

  • Speleoithona bermudensis Rocha & Iliffe, 1993 [Bermuda Islands; anchialine cave]

  • Speleoithona eleutherensis Rocha & Iliffe, 1991 [ Eleuthera Islands, Bahamas; anchialine cave]

  • Speleoithona salvadorensis Rocha & Iliffe, 1991 [ San Salvador, Bahamas; anchialine cave]


    Rocha, Carlos Eduardo F. and Thomas M. Iliffe. 1991. Speleoithonidae, a new family of Copepoda (Cyclopoida) from anchialine caves on the Bahama Islands. Sarsia, 76:167-175, 28 figures.

    CHOREFTRIIDAE Ueno, 2022

    CHOREFTRIA Ueno, 2022

  • Choreftria shiranui Ueno, 2022 [Japan]

    LERNAEIDAE Cobbold, 1879 (syn, Catlaphilidae Tripathi, 1960 )

    Lernaeenicinae Wilson C.B., 1917
    Lernaeinae Wilson C.B., 1917

    LICHOMOLGIDAE Kossmann, 1877 (syn. Lichomolginae Sewell, 1949)


    ALUPA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

  • Alupa geminata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

    ANTARCTOMOLGUS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

  • Antarctomolgus molgulae Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

    ASCIDIOXYNUS Humes & Stock, 1972

  • Ascidioxynus bermudensis Humes & Stock, 1973
  • Ascidioxynus floridanus Humes & Stock, 1973
  • Ascidioxynus ibericus López-González, Megina & Conradi, 1999

  • Ascidioxynus jamaicensis (Wilson C.B., 1921)

    ASTERICOLA Rosoll, 1888

  • Astericola astropectinis (Humes & Cressey, 1958)
  • Astericola carens Humes, 1986 (syn. Synstellicola carens (Humes, 1986)
  • Astericola clausii Rosoll, 1888
  • Astericola dentifer (Humes, 1969)
  • Astericola frequens (Humes & Cressey, 1958)
  • Astericola lautus (Humes & Cressey, 1958)
  • Astericola luidiae (Humes & Cressey, 1958)

    BOTULOSOMA Carton, 1974

  • Botulosoma endoarrhenum Carton, 1974

    DEBRUMA Humes & Stock, 1972

  • Debruma clavelinae Humes & Stock, 1973
  • Debruma deplanata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

    DIDEMNOMOLGUS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

  • Didemnomolgus crenulatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

    DIOGENELLA Stock, 1968

  • Diogenella deichmannae Humes & Ho, 1970
  • Diogenella impar Humes & Ho, 1970
  • Diogenella seticauda Stock, 1968
  • Diogenella spinicauda Stock, 1968

    DIOGENIDIUM Edwards, 1891

  • Diogenidium deforme Stock, 1968
  • Diogenidium nasutum Edwards, 1891
  • Diogenidium spinulosum Stock, 1968
  • Diogenidium tectum Humes & Ho, 1971

    DONTIMOLGUS Moon & Kim I.H., 2011

  • Dontimolgus brevicaudatus Moon & Kim I.H., 2011

    EPIMOLGUS Bocquet & Stock, 1956 (syn Alimeda Heegaard, 1962)

  • Epimolgus orientalis (Heegaard, 1962)
  • Epimolgus pruvoti (Monod & Dollfus, 1932) (syn. Leptinogaster pruvoti (Monod & Dollfus, 1932)
  • Epimolgus trochi (Canu, 1899)

    GELASTOMOLGUS Humes, 1968

  • Gelastomolgus spondyli Humes, 1968

    HENICOXIPHIUM Illg & Humes, 1971

  • Henicoxiphium redactum Illg & Humes, 1971

    HERRMANNELLA Canu, 1891 (syn. Boeckia Brady, 1872
    Ischnurella Pelseneer, 1929; Pestalichomolgus Wilson C.B., 1924; Pseudolichomolgus Pesta, 1909)

  • Herrmannella barneae (Pelseneer, 1929)
  • Herrmannella bullata Humes & Stock, 1973
  • Herrmannella caribaea (Humes, 1970)
  • Herrmannella columbiae (Thompson I.C. in Thompson, Scott & Herdman, 1897)
  • Hermannella concinna Scott, 1909 (?)
  • Herrmannella cubensis Varela, 2011
  • Herrmannella dentata Avdeev, 1987
  • Herrmannella dissidens (Humes, 1970)
  • Herrmannella duggani Holmes & Minchin, 1991
  • Herrmannella exigua Kim I.H., 1993
  • Herrmannella haploceras (Bocquet & Stock, 1959)
  • Herrmannella hiatellai Avdeev, 1975
  • Herrmannella hoonsooi Kim I.H., 1992
  • Herrmannella inflatipes (Humes & Cressey, 1958)
  • Herrmannella kodiakensis Humes, 1995
  • Herrmannella longicaudata Avdeev, 1975
  • Herrmannella longichaeta Avdeev, 1975
  • Herrmannella macomae Kim I.H. & Sato, 2010
  • Herrmannella mesodesmatis (Humes, 1967)
  • Herrmannella panopeae (Illg, 1949)
  • Herrmannella parva Norman & Scott T., 1905)
  • Herrmannella pecteni (Sowinsky, 1884)
  • Herrmannella perplexa (Illg, 1949)
  • Herrmannella protothacae (Humes, 1967)
  • Herrmannella rostrata Canu, 1891
  • Herrmannella saxidomi Illg, 1949
  • Herrmannella soleni Kim I.H. & Ho, 1991
  • Herrmannella tivelae (Illg, 1949)
  • Herrmannella valida Sars G.O., 1918

    HETERANTHESSIUS Scott T., 1904

  • Heteranthessius dubius (Scott T., 1903)
  • Heteranthessius furcatus Stock, 1971
  • Heteranthessius hoi López-González & Conradi, 1995
  • Heteranthessius scotti Bocquet, Stock & Benard, 1959
  • Heteranthessius unisetatus Lee et al., 2022 [Korea]

    HUMESULUS Ho, 1982

  • Humesulus lobatus Ho, 1982

    LICHOMOLGELLA Sars G.O., 1918

  • Lichomolgella isseli Gallingani, 1952
  • Lichomolgella pusilla Sars G.O., 1918

    LICHOMOLGIDIUM Kossmann, 1877

  • Lichomolgidium bipartitum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Lichomolgidium cynthiae (Brian, 1924) (syn. Lichomolgidium sardum Kossmann, 1877)
  • Lichomolgidium sardum Kossmann, 1877
  • Lichomolgidium tupuhiae Jones J.B., 1975

    LICHOMOLGUS Thorell, 1859 (syn. Sepicola Claus, 1860)

  • Lichomolgus adelphus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus alatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Lichomolgus albens Thorell, 1859
  • Lichomolgus angustus Kim I.H., 2009
  • Lichomolgus anomalus Scott, 1909 (?)
  • Lichomolgus arcanus Humes & Cressey, 1958
  • Lichomolgus arcuatipes Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus arenicolus Brady. 1879
  • Lichomolgus asaphidis Humes, 1959
  • Lichomolgus bidentipes Ho, 1980
  • Lichomolgus brevicaudatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Lichomolgus bullatus Kim I.H., 2000
  • Lichomolgus campulus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar](?)
  • Lichomolgus canui Sars G.O., 1917
  • Lichomolgus chamarum Humes, 1968
  • Lichomolgus conjunctus Humes & Ho, 1967 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus constrictus Humes 1979 (?)
  • Lichomolgus crassus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus cristatus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus dentipes Thomson & Scott 1903 (?)
  • Lichomolgus diazonae Gotto, 1961
  • Lichomolgus digitatus Hume & Hp. 1968 [Madagascar](?)
  • Lichomolgus eganae Gotto, 1975
  • Lichomolgus elegantulus Stock, 1960
  • Lichomolgus elevatus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus forficula Thorell, 1859
  • Lichomolgus foxi Gurney 1927 (?)
  • Lichomolgus fuciculus Brady. 1879
  • Lichomolgus furcillatus Thorell, 1859
  • Lichomolgus fusiformis Kim I.H., 2009
  • Lichomolgus geminus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar](?)
  • Lichomolgus glabripes Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus gracilipes Scott, 1909 (?)
  • Lichomolgus hetaericus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Licomolgus hians Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus hippopi Humes, 1976
  • Lichomolgus hoi Stock, 1995
  • Lichomolgus ieversi Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903
  • Licomolgus incisus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus indicus Ummerkutty, 1962
  • Lichomolgus infirmus Moon & Kim I.H., 2011
  • Lichomolgus inflatus Tanaka, 1961
  • Lichgomolgus insectus Humes 1969 (?)
  • Lichomolgus insolens Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus lepidotus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Lichomolgus leptodermatus Gooding, 1957
  • Lichomolgus lobophorus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus longispinifer Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus marginatus Thorell, 1859
  • Lichomolgus minor Scott A., 1902
  • Lichomolgus nakaii Matsuzaki & Ogawa, 1989
  • Lichomolgus organicus Humes & Ho, 1967 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus papuensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Lichomolgus pectinatus Moon & Kim I.H., 2011
  • Lichomolgus prolixipes Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madacascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus rhadinus Humes & Ho 1967 (?)
  • Lichomolgus sadoensis Ho, 1980
  • Lichomolgus similis Ho & Kim I.H., 1991
  • Lichomolgus singularipes Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus spathophorus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus spondyli Yamaguti, 1936
  • Lichomolgus telestophylus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus tridacnae Humes, 1972
  • Lichomolgus triquetus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)
  • Lichomolgus uncus Jones J. B., 1976
  • Lichomolgus verseveldti Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar] (?)


  • Lichomolgus aculeatus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar]
  • Lichomolgus cuneipes Humes % Ho, 1968 [Madagascar]
  • Lichomolgus exilipes Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar]
  • Lichomolgus fissisetiger Humes % Ho, 1968 [Madagascar]
  • Lichomolgus gentilis Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar]
  • Lichomolgus spinulifer Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar]
  • Lichomolgus varirostratus Humes & Ho, 1968 [Madagascar]
  • Lichomolgus organicus Humes & Ho, 1967
  • Lichomolgus conjunctus Humes & Ho, 1967

    LOBOMOLGUS Ho & Kim I.H., 2009

  • Lobomolgus foveolatus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Lobomolgus okinawaensis Ho & Kim I.H., 2009

    MODIOLICOLA Aurivillius, 1883

  • Modiolicola avadeevi Kim I.H., 1995
  • Modiolicola bifida Tanaka, 1961
  • Modiolicola gracilicaudus Avdeev, 1977
  • Modiolicola gracilis Wilson C.B., 1935
  • Modiolicola inermis Canu, 1891
  • Modiolicola inflatipes Humes & Cressey, 1958 (syn.Herrmannella inflatipes (Humes & Cressey, 1958) (
  • Modiolicola insignis Aurivillius, 1883
  • Modiolicola jamaicensis Wilson C.B., 1921 (syn. Ascidioxynus jamaicensis (Wilson C.B., 1921)
  • Modiolicola maximus (Thompson I.C., 1893)
  • Modiolicola peronidius Avdeev, 1987
  • Modiolicola trabalis Humes, 1959

    NEOMENICOLA Avdeev & Avdeev, 1991

  • Neomenicola gibber Avdeev & Avdeev, 1991

    PACLABIUS Kossmann, 1877

  • Paclabius tumidus Kossmann, 1877

    PARAPANAIETIS Hoshina & Sugiura, 1953

  • Parapanaietis tegulae Hoshina & Sugiura, 1953
  • Parapanaietis turbo Hoshina & Kuwabara, 1958

    PARAPHILOCONCHA Yamaguti, 1936

  • Paraphiloconcha meretricis Yamaguti, 1936

    PARASTENICOLA Kim I.H., 2007

  • Parastericola rimosus Kim I.H., 2007

    PHILOCONCHA Yamaguti, 1936

  • Philoconcha amygdalae Yamaguti, 1936
  • Philoconcha paphiae Yamaguti, 1936

    PROTOMOLGUS Moon & Kim I.H., 2011

  • Protomolgus duplex Moon & Kim I.H., 2011
  • Protomolgus singularis Moon & Kim I.H., 2011

    PTERIOIDICOLA Kim I.H., 2003

  • Pterioidicola antennatus Kim I.H., 2003

    SPHEROMOLGUS Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

  • Spheromolgus rarus Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

    STELLICOLA Kossmann, 1877 (syn. Linckiomolgus Stebbing, 1900; Paralichomolgus Thompson I. & Scott A., 1903)

  • Stellicola antheneae Humes, 1995
  • Stellicola astrivagus Humes, 1986
  • Stellicola caeruleus (Stebbing, 1900)
  • Stellicola curticaudatus (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
  • Stellicola dentifer Humes, 1969 [Jamaica]
  • Stellicola femineus Humes & Ho, 1967
  • Stellicola flexilis Humes, 1976
  • Stellicola hochbergi López-González & Pascual, 1996
  • Stellicola holothuriae (Ummerkutty, 1962)
  • Stellicola illgi Humes & Stock, 1973
  • Stellicola longicaudatus (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
  • Stellicola novaecaledoniae Humes, 1976
  • Stellicola oreastriphilus Kossmann, 1877
  • Stellicola parvulipes Humes, 1976
  • Stellicola pleurobranchi Kossmann, 1877
  • Stellicola pollex Humes & Ho, 1967
  • Stellicola stebbingi Nair & Pillai, 1986
  • Stellicola thorelli Kossmann, 1877

    SYNSTELLICOLA Humes & Stock, 1972

  • Synstellicola acanthasteris (Humes, 1970)
  • Synstellicola affinis (Humes & Ho, 1967)
  • Synstellicola carens (Humes, 1986)
  • Synstellicola gracilis (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
  • Synstellicola kossmanni (Humes & Ho, 1967)
  • Synstellicola lankensis (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
  • Synstellicola longicauda Ho, 1982
  • Synstellicola longiseta (Humes & Ho, 1967)
  • Synstellicola paracarens Kim I.H., 1992
  • Synstellicola pichoni (Humes & Ho, 1966)
  • Synstellicola similis Ho, 1982
  • Synstellicola thromidiae Humes, 1995

    ZYGOMOLGIDES Stock, 1995

  • Zygomolgides coronicolus Stock, 1995

    ZYGOMOLGUS Humes & Stock, 1972 (syn. Lichomolgides Gotto, 1954)

  • Zygomolgus cuanensis (Gotto, 1954)
  • Zygomolgus curtiramus (Bocquet & Stock, 1962)
  • Zygomolgus dentatus Kim I.H., 2006
  • Zygomolgus didemni (Gotto, 1956)
  • Zygomolgus poucheti (Canu, 1891)
  • Zygomolgus tenuifurcatus (Sars G.O., 1917)

    KELLERIIDAE Humes & Boxshall, 1996

    KELLERIA Gurney, 1927

  • Kelleria andamanensis Sewell, 1949
  • Kelleria australiensis Bayly, 1971
  • Kelleria camortensis Sewell, 1949
  • Kelleria corioensis Arnott & McKinnon, 1981
  • Kelleria gurneyi Sewell, 1949 (taxon inquirendum)
  • Kelleria gradata Stock, 1967
  • Kelleria grandisetiger Kim I.H., 2006, syn.Kelleria andamanensis Sewell, 1949
  • Kelleria indonesiana Mulyadi, 2009
  • Kelleria japonica Oomoto & Ueda, 2016
  • Kelleria javaensis Mulyadi, 2009, syn, Kelleria regalis Gurney, 1927
  • Kelleria latipes Hong & Kim, 2021 [Thailand]
  • Kelleria multiovigera Kim I.H., 2009
  • Kelleria pararegalis Oomoto & Ueda, 2016
  • Kelleria pectinata (Scott A., 1909)
  • Kelleria phuketensis Hong & Kim, 2021 [Thailand]
  • Kelleria portiviva Kim I.H., 2006
  • Kelleria propinquus (Scott T., 1894)
  • Kelleria purpurocincta Gurney, 1927
  • Kelleria reducta Gómez, 2006
  • Kelleria regalis Gurney, 1927
  • Kelleria robusta Hong & Kim, 2021 [Thailand]
  • Kelleria rubimaculata Krishnaswamy, 1952
  • Kelleria undecidentata Kim I.H., 2006
  • Kelleria vaga Kim I.H., 2000
  • Kelleria vasfera Kim I.H. & Hong, 2014

    KELLERIELLA Hong & Kim, 2021

  • Kelleriella quadridens Hong & Kim, 2021 [Thailand]

    CHORDEUMIIDAE Boxshall, 1988

    ARTHROCHORDEUMIUM Stephensen, 1918

  • Arthrochordeumium appendiculosum Stephensen, 1918
  • Arthrochordeumium asteromorphe Stephensen, 1933

    CHORDEUMIUM Stephensen, 1918

  • Chordeumium obesum (Jungersen, 1914)

    LERNAEOSACCUS Heegaard, 1951

  • Lernaeosaccus ophiacanthae Heegaard, 1951

    OPHIOICODES Heegaard, 1951

  • Ophioicodes asymmetrica (Pyefinch, 1940)

    OPHIOIKA Stephensen, 1933

  • Ophioika appendiculata Stephenson, 1935
  • Ophioika asymmetrica (Pyefinch, 1940) (syn. Ophioicodes asymmetrica (Pyefinch, 1940)
  • Ophioika ophiacanthae Stephensen, 1933
  • Ophioika tenuibrachia Heegaard, 1951

    PARACHORDEUMIUM Calvez, 1938 (SYN. Amphiurophilus Delamare-Deboutteville, 1962; Ophioithys Heegaard, 1951; Parachordemium Calvez, 1938 (misspelling).

  • Parachordeumium amphiurae (Hérouard, 1906)
  • Parachordeumium bocqueti (Goudey-Perričre, 1979)
  • Parachordeumium hendleri (Goudey-Perričre, 1979)
  • Parachordeumium humesi (Goudey-Perričre, 1979)
  • Parachordeumium tetraceros Calvez, 1938 (syn. Parachordeumium amphiurae (Hérouard, 1906)

    Amphiurophilus Delamare-Deboutteville, 1962 syn. Parachordeumium Calvez, 1938; Chordeuma Jungersen, 1914 syn. Chordeumium Stephensen, 1918; Ophioica Stephensen, 1933 syn. Ophioika Stephensen, 1933; Ophioithys Heegaard, 1951 syn. Parachordeumium Calvez, 1938; Parachordemium Calvez, 1938 syn. Parachordeumium Calvez, 1938 (misspelling)

    ASCIDICOLIDAE Thorell, 1859

    APLOPODUS Hesse, 1869

  • Aplopodus rufus Hesse, 1870

    ASCIDICOLA Thorell, 1859 (syn. Coiliacola Hesse, 1863)

  • Ascidicola aculeoretusa Lang, 1949 (syn Ascidicola rosea Thorell, 1859)
  • Ascidicola antarctica Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Ascidicola philippinensis Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Ascidicola rosea Thorell, 1859
  • Ascidicola secundus Kim I.H. & Moon, 2011 (Ascidicola secunda in Kim & Boxshall, 2021)
  • Ascidicola setigera (Hesse, 1863) (syn. Ascidicola rosea Thorell, 1859

    BATHYCOPOLA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

  • Bathycopola brevicaudata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Bathycopola dicarpae Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Bathycopola karubar Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Bathycopola setifera Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

    CERATRICHODES Hesse, 1866

  • Ceratrichodes albidus Hesse, 1866
  • Ceratrichodes flavus Hesse, 1870

    HAMISTYELICOLA Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

  • Hamistyelicola lighti (Illg & Dudley, 1980)
  • Hamistyelicola monniotorum Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021

    HYPNOTICUS Wilson C.B., 1924 (syn. Hypnodes Hesse, 1865)

  • Hypnoticus flavus (Hesse, 1865)

    LYGEPHILE Hesse, 1865

  • Lygephile violaceus Hesse, 1865

    NARCODINA Wilson C.B., 1924 (syn. Narcodes Hesse, 1865)

  • Narcodina macrostoma (Hesse, 1865)

    POLYOON Hesse, 1878

  • Polyoon luteum Hesse, 1878

    STYELICOLA Lützen, 1968

  • Styelicola bahusia Lützen, 1968
  • Styelicola elongata Kim I.H. & Boxshall, 2021
  • Styelicola lighti Illg & Dudley, 1980 (syn. Hamistyelicola lighti (Illg & Dudley, 1980)
  • Styelicola omphalus Kim I.H., Cruz-Rivera, Sherif & El-Sahhar, 2016

    Review of the family Ascidicolidae

    GADILICOLIDAE Boxshall & O'Reilly, 2015

    GADILICOLA Boxshall & O'Reilly, 2015

  • Gadilicola daviesi Boxshall & O'Reilly, 2015

    Podolabis Hesse, 1864 (taxon inquirendum); Adranesius Hesse, 1865 (syn.Mychophilus Hesse, 1865; Coiliacola Hesse, 1863 syn.Ascidicola Thorell, 1859; Hypnodes Hesse, 1865 syn. Hypnoticus Wilson C.B., 1924; Narcodes Hesse, 1865 syn.Narcodina Wilson C.B., 1924.

    Families uncertain sedis

    Ruhtra humesi Kim 2003 from the alcyonacean coral Stereonephthya inordinata

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