CYCLOPINAE Kiefer, 1927
SPEOCYCLOPS Kiefer, 1937
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The genus Speocyclops, with the exception of the widespread S. demetiensis, includes only subterranean species and subspecies, limited to Europe and Ponto-caspian area, with a single record from north Africa (Tunisie) (Lescher-Moutoué, 1973). Presently the genus includes about 40 named species and subspecies (left: S. italicus). |
Speocyclops anomalus Chappuis & Kiefer 1952 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops arregladensis Chappuis & Kiefer 1952 [France, ground waters]
Speocyclops atropatenae Monchenko, 2010 [Lesser Caucasus, interstitial waters]
Speocyclops atropatenae dispar Monchenko, 2010 [Azebbajdzhan]
Speocyclops cantabricus Lescher-Moutoué 1976 [Spain; ground waters]
Speocyclops castareti Lindberg 1954 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops cerberus (Chappuis 1943) [Austria; ground waters]
Speocyclops cinctus Monchenko 1983 [URSS; ground waters]
Speocyclops colchidanus (Borutsky 1930) [URSS; ground waters]
Speocyclops creticus Lindberg 1955 [Greece, Crete; ground waters, caves]
Speocyclops demetiensis demetiensis (Scourfield 1932) [Europe; ground waters]
Speocyclops demetiensis acrotirii Lindberg 1955 [Greece, Crete; ground waters, caves]
Speocyclops demetiensis dubiosus Lindberg 1956 [Greece, Crete; ground wters, caves]
Speocyclops demetiensis hellenicus Lindberg, 1952
Speocyclops demetiensis sitiae Lindberg 1956 [Greece, Crete; ground waters, caves]
Speocyclops fontinalis Fiers, 2005 [Belgium; groudwaters]
Speocyclops franciscoloi (Brian 1951) [Italy; ground waters, caves]
Speocyclops gallicus Chappuis & Kiefer 1952 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops hellenicus Lindberg 1953 [Greece, ground waters, caves, wells]
Speocyclops infernus (Kiefer 1930) [Italy, Bulgaria; ground waters, wells]
Speocyclops italicus Kiefer 1938 [Italy; ground waters, wells, caves]
Speocyclops kieferi Lescher-Moutoué 1968 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops lindbergi Damian 1957 [Romania, Bulgaria; ground waters, caves]
Speocyclops lussianus Borutsky 1950 [URSS; caves]
Speocyclops montenigrinus Petkovski 1955 [Yugoslavie; ground waters, caves] *
Speocyclops orcinus Kiefer 1937 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops plutonis Kiefer 1937 [Yugoslavie;caves]
Speocyclops proserpinae Kiefer 1937 [Yugoslavie;caves]
Speocyclops psezuapsensis Borutsky 1965 [URSS; ground waters, caves]
Speocyclops racovitzai racovitzai (Chappuis 1923) [France]; ground waters]
Speocyclops racovitzai boscensis Kiefer 1954 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops racovitzai gouillounensis Kiefer 1954 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops racovitzai incerta Chappuis & Kiefer 1952 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops racovitzai liquensis Chappuis & Kiefer 1952 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops racovitzai noustensis Chappuis & Kiefer 1952 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops racovitzai peyortensis Chappuis & Kiefer 1952 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops racovitzai sabartensis Kiefer 1954 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops racovitzai sandetsi Chappuis & Kiefer 1952 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops rhodopensis Pandourski 1992 [Bulgaria; ground waters, caves]
Speocyclops sardus Lindberg 1956 [Italy, Sardinia; caves, wells]
Speocyclops sebastianus Kiefer 1937 [Spain, caves]
Speocyclops sisyphus Kiefer 1937 [France; ground waters]
Speocyclops spelaeus Kiefer 1937 [Spain, caves]
Speocyclops tauricus Borutsky 1965 [URSS; ground waters, caves]
Speocyclops troglodytes (Chappuis 1923) [Yugoslavie, Romania, Ukraine; ground waters]
* probably syn. of S. demetiensis demetiensis
Walter, T.C.; Boxshall, G. (2021). World of Copepods database. Speocyclops Kiefer, 1937. Accessed at:
Siamcyclops cavernicolus Boonyanusith et al., 2018 [epikarst zone of Thailand]
Siamcyclops isanus Watiroyram & Koompoot 2024 [Thailand]
Graeteriella subgen. Graeteriella Rylov 1948
Graeteriella (Graeteriella) boui Lescher-Moutoué 1974 [France; ground waters]
Graeteriella (Graeteriella) brehmi Lescher-Moutoué 1968 [France; ground waters]
Graeteriella (Graeteriella) longifurcata Luong Tran & Chang, 2013 [Vietnam; subterranean waters]
Graeteriella (Graeteriella) rouchi Lescher-Moutoué 1968 [France; ground waters]
Graeteriella (Graeteriella) unisetigera (Graeter 1910) [Europe, URSS; caves, wells]
Graeteriella subgen. Paragraeteriella Rylov 1948
Graeteriella (Paragraeteriella) bertrandi Lescher-Moutoué 1974 [France; ground waters]
Graeteriella (Paragraeteriella) gelyensis Lescher-Moutoué 1978 [France; ground waters]
Graeteriella (Paragraeteriella) vandeli Lescher-Moutoué 1969 [France; ground waters]
Graeteriella (Paragraeteriella) laisi (Kiefer 1936) [France, Germany; ground waters]
Pseudograeteriella longiaesthetascus Sanoamuang, 2019 [Vietnam; caves]
REIDCYCLOPS Karanovic, 2000
Karanovic (2000) established the new genus Reidcyclops to accomodate the species Diacyclops trajani, Diacyclops dimorphus and Diacyclops imparilis, characterized by a 2-segmented fifth leg and sexual dimorphism in all the swimming legs, but the status of this genus is questionable. In the same occasion the author suggests as well that
the species Diacyclops incolotaenia, Diacyclops jasnitskii, Diacyclops intermedius, Diacyclops spongicola and Diacyclops eulitoralis from lake Baikal, on account of the peculiar armature of leg 5, and specific shape of the antenna, could form a distinct new genus (undefined), endemic to lake Baikal.
Type-species: Diacyclops trajani Reid & Strayer, 1994
Reidcyclops dimorphus (Reid & Strayer, 1994) [USA; hyporheic]
Reidcyclops imparilis (Monchenko, 1985) [URSS; ground waters]
Reidcyclops trajani (Reid & Strayer, 1994) [Europe; ground waters] *
Reidcyclops virgimianus (Reid, 1993) [USA]
* synonymy : Speocyclops minutissimus sensu Petkovski, 1954; Diacyclops minutissimus sensu Monchenko, 1985; Diacyclops trajani sensu Reid & Strayer, 1994; Pesce, 1996.
SERGIOSMIRNOVIA Monchenko, 2007 (syn. Smirnoviella Monchenko, 1977)
Sergiosmirnovia reducta (Monchenko, 1977)
Sergiosmirnovia unisetosa (Monchenko, 1982)
RYBOCYCLOPS Dussart, 1982
Rybocyclops defayeae Rao Totakura T.V. & Ranga Reddy Y. 2015. [India; groundwaters]
Rybocyclops dussarti Reddy & Defaye, 2008 [India; ground waters]
Rybocyclops pauliani (Lindberg, 1954) [Madagascar; damp habitat] ** Fiers (2002) reported this species as Haplocyclops (H.) pauliani.
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