


"The Copepoda represent one of the most abundant and widespread groups of invertebrates in the deep-sea hydrothermal vents of Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

Among more than 500 species of invertebrates found in the deep-sea hydrothermal vents, 73 are copepods, belonging to five orders. Of these, 51 species of copepods belong to the family Dirivultidae Humes & Dojiri, 1980 (Siphonostomatoida) and were observed as free-living or associated to invertebrates in the deep-sea hydrothermal vents only (Humes, 1996, 1997; Humes & Segonzac, 1998; Ivanenko, 1998; Heptner & Ivanenko, 2002; Ivanenko & Ferrari, 2003). Until now, only seven species (from 6 genera and 5 families) of harpacticoid copepods have been reported from deep-sea hydrothermal vents.

About 60 species of copepods belonging to five orders were described from eleven sites of the Pacific Ocean, six of which are harpacticoid species. Four species are free-living: Andromastax muricatus Conroy-Dalton & Huys, 1999 (Aegisthidae) and Argestoides prehensilis Huys & Conroy- Dalton, 1997 (Argestidae) from the Galapagos Rift; Bathylaophonte pacifica Lee & Huys, 1999 (Laophontidae) from the East Pacific Rise; and Uptionyx verenae Conroy- Dalton & Huys, 2000 (Ancorabolidae) from the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Two harpacticoid species of the subfamily Cholidyinae (Tisbidae) parasitize deep water cephalopods: Genesis vulcanoctopusi López-González et al., 2000 from the Juan de Fuca Ridge and Cholidya polypi Farran, 1914 from the East Pacific Rise (Humes & Voight, 1997). Fourteen species of copepods have been reported from five sites of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The harpacticoid Bathylaophonte azorica Lee & Huys, 1999 (Laophontidae) was found in benthic samples at 37°N (Lucky Strike, Menez Gwen).

Thirteen species are siphonostomatoids of the family Dirivultidae (Ivanenko & Ferrari, 2003). However, only three dirivultids (Aphotopontius atlanteus Humes, 1996, A. temperatus Humes, 1997; and Stygiopontius rimivagus Humes, 1997) were reported from the Lucky Strike vent field. " [from: Ivanenko & Defaye, 2004]


Tegastidae Sars, 1909 is a family of harpacticoid copepods that are identified by their laterally compressed bodies featuring significant ventral extensions on both the cephalic shield and anterior urosome (Seifried, 2003; Wells, 2007). These copepods primarily inhabit shallow phytal environments and comprise over 70 species across seven genera: Aglaogastes Huys, 2016, Arawella Cottarelli and Baldari, 1987, Parategates Sars, 1904, Peregastes Fiers, 1986, Smacigastes Ivanenko and Defaye, 2004, Syngastes Monard, 1924, and Tegastes Norman, 1903 (Kim and Lee, 2020)

AGLAOGASTES (Humes, 1981)

  • Aglaogastes cnidicus (Humes, 1981)

    Subfamily Amymoninae Boeck, 1865

    SMACIGASTES Ivanenko & Defaye, 2004

  • Smacigastes barti Gollner, Ivanenko & Martínez Arbizu, 2008
  • Smacigastes micheli Ivanenko & Defaye, 2004 [Mid-Atlantic Ridge]
  • Smacigastes methanophilus Plum & Martinez-Arbizu, 2009 [Mexico; deep-sea cold seep]
  • Smacigastes pumila Guk Kim & Lee, 2020 [Vent Field; Indian Ocean]

    ARAWELLA Cottarelli & Baldari, 1987

  • Arawella alexandri Cottarelli & Baldari,1987

    FEREGASTES Fiers, 1986

  • Feregastes wellensi Fiers, 1986

    PARATEGASTES Lang, 1948

  • Parategastes chalmersi (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
  • Parategastes caprinus Wellershaus, 1970
  • Parategastes coetzeei Kunz, 1980
  • Parategastes conexus Humes, 1984
  • Parategastes haphe Leigh Sharpe ,1936
  • Parategastes herteli Jakobi ,1953
  • Parategastes longimana Pesta, 1927
  • Parategastes pholpunthini Saetang & Maiphae, 2015 [Thailand]
  • Parategastes similis Sewell, 1924
  • Parategastes sphaerica (Claus, 1863)
  • Parategastes sphaericus Sars, 1904
  • Parategastes sphaericus v. punicus

    SYNGASTES Thomson, 1882

  • Syngastes australiensis Bartsch, 1999
  • Syngastes clausi Lang, 1948
  • Syngastes cornalinus Monard, 1924
  • Syngastes craterifer Bartsch, 1993
  • Syngastes dentipes Bartsch, 1995
  • Syngastes donnani (Thompson & Scott, 1903)
  • Syngastes foveatus Bartsch, 1994
  • Syngastes gibbus Geddes, 1968
  • Syngastes gibbosus Bartsch, 1999
  • Syngastes subgibbus Bartsch, 1999
  • Syngastes glomeratus Geddes, 1968
  • Syngastes gregoryi Pesta, 1932
  • Syngastes imthurni Lang, 1948
  • Syngastes indicus Sewell , 1949
  • Syngastes kunzi Marcus, 1977
  • Syngastes langi Geddes, 1968
  • Syngastes macrognathus Lang, 1948
  • Syngastes multicavus Kim, J.G., Jung & Yoon, 2016
  • Syngastes parilis Bartsch, 1994
  • Syngastes pietschmanni Marcus, 1977
  • Syngastes porellus Bartsch, 1994
  • Syngastes pseudofoveatus Kim, J.G., Jung & Yoon, 2016
  • Syngastes serratus Lang, 1965
  • Syngastes subgibbus Bartsch, 1999
  • Syngastes spinifer Fiers, 1983
  • Syngastes tanzaniae Marcus, 1977
  • Syngastes twynami (Thompson & Scott, 1903)

    TEGASTES Claus, 1863 (syn. Amymone Müller O.F., 1785 )

  • Tegastes acroporanus Humes, 1981
  • Tegastes acutus kim et al., 2023 [Korea]
  • Tegastes andrewi (Scott, T 1893)
  • Tegastes areolatus Pesta, 1959
  • Tegastes brasiliensis Jakobi , 1953
  • Tegastes calcaratus Pesta, 1959
  • Tegastes chalmersi Thompson & Scott, 1903
  • Tegastes clausi Dahms, 1989
  • Tegastes cnidius Humes, 1981
  • Tegastes coriaceus Brady, 1910
  • Tegastes dalmatinus Petkovski, 1955
  • Tegastes donnani Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903 (syn. Syngastes donnani (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)
  • Tegastes edmondsoni Pesta, 1932
  • Tegastes elenae Marcus, 1963
  • Tegastes sphaericus (Brady , 1880)
  • Tegastes falcatus Chislenko, 1967
  • Tegastes fernandici Pallares, 1979
  • Tegastes flavidus Lang, 1948
  • Tegastes foliatus Gagern, 1924
  • Tegastes frigidus Brady, 1910
  • Tegastes gemmeus Humes, 1984
  • Tegastes georgei Marcus & Masry, 1970
  • Tegastes harpactoides (Claus, 1863)
  • Tegastes lobus Kim et al., 2023 [Korea]
  • Tegastes longimana (Brady, 1880)
  • Tegastes longimanus Sars G.O., 1904 (syn.Tegastes clausii Sars G.O., 1910)
  • Tegastes grandimanus Lang, 1948
  • Tegastes inopinatus Lang, 1948 (nomen nudum)
  • Tegastes intermedius (Herrick, 1887)
  • Tegastes knoepffleri Mudioni & Soyer, 1967
  • Tegastes longimanus Apostolov & Marinov, 1988
  • Tegastes minutus Sewell, 1940
  • Tegastes nanus McAlice & Coffin, 1990
  • Tegastes neapolitanus (Claus, 1863)
  • Tegastes nigrans (Scott T. & Scott A., 1894) (syn. Parategastes sphaericus (Claus, 1863)
  • Tegastes okinawaensis Back, Huys & Lee, 2010
  • Tegastes paulipes Humes, 1984
  • Tegastes perforatus Lang, 1965
  • Tegastes pilosus Kim et al., 2023 [Korea]
  • Tegastes porosus Petkovski, 1955
  • Tegastes pulcher Pesta, 1932
  • Tegastes pygmaeus Marcus, 1977
  • Tegastes riedli Pesta, 1959
  • Tegastes satyrus Lang, 1948
  • Tegastes seurati Monard, 1936
  • Tegastes simplex Monard, 1936
  • Tegastes singularisaetus Marcus, 1977
  • Tegastes tenuis Pesta, 1972
  • Tegastes tresetosus Kim et al., 2023 [Korea]
  • Tegastes twynami Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903 (syn. Syngastes twynami (Thompson I.C. & Scott A., 1903)

    Key to genera of Tegastidae Sars, 1904


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