In the present, provisional inventory, World strictly subterranean freshwater species, as well as species from anchialine groundwater habitats, are listed. Marine interstitial taxa not listed.
A selected World bibliography on subterranean hapacticoid copepods can be found in: Rouch R. (1984) Copepoda: les harpacticoides souterraines des eaux douces continentales. Stygofauna Mundi: 321-355; Rouch R. (1994). Copepoda. Encyclopaedia Biospeologica. Societé de Biospéologie, Moulis, Bucarest: 105-111; Bodin P. (1997). Catalogue of the new marine Harpacticoid Copepods (1997 Edition). Doc. de travail de l' I.R. Sc. N. B., 89, pp.304.
Information and/or suggestion regarding new described species or species described after 1995, as well as improving of the list, will be welcome. Please contact the following address: pesce@univaq.it
HUYS, R., J.M. GEE, C.G. MOORE & R. HAMOND, 1996. Marine and
brackish water
harpacticoid copepods. Part 1. In: R.S.K. Barnes & J.H. Crothers
Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series), NO. 51: i-viii, 1-352.
HUYS, R. & S. OHTSUKA, 1993. A new species of Syrticola Willems
1982 (Copepoda: Harpacticoida) from Japan with notes on the type
species. -
Bull. Br. Mus. nat. Hist., Zool., 59(l): 83-94.
HUYS, R. & S. CONROY-DALTON, 1996. A revision of Leptopontia T.
(Copepoda: Harpacticoida) with description of six new species. -
Zool. J.
Linn. Soc., 118: 197-239.
MARTINEZ ARBIZU, P. & G. MOURA, 1994. The phylogenetic position of
Cylindropsyllinae Sars (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) and the systematic
of the Leptopontiinae Lang. - Zool. Beitr. N. F., 35(l): 55-77. |