Copepodi Arpacticoidi e Sincaridi (Crustacea) di acque sotterranee delle isole circumsarde.

Cottarelli V.1, M.C. Bruno 1 & C. Forniz 1
Biogeographia, 18:261-272 (1995)

In this paper we present datas on Sincarid and Harpacticoid Crustaceans from subterranean continental waters of some circumsardinian islands, achieved with the zoological researches of the "Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche" Oceanographic Ships. The Harpacticoids and Sincarids endemic from the circumsardinian islands have been recognized and compared with those endemic from Sardinia. Some aspects of the ecology and biogeography of the most significant taxa (Schizopera, Nitocrella, Parapseudoleptomesochra, Elaphoidella, Arenopontia, Parastenocaris, Phyllopodopsyllus and the Sincarids) have been discussed, with particular regard to the subterranean waters colonization processes.

1. Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali - Università della Tuscia - 01100 Viterbo

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