Description of some benthic Copepoda from Chile and a discussion on the relationships of Paraschizopera and Schizopera (Diosaccidae)

Mielke W.1
Microfauna Marina, 7: 79-100 (1992)

Several benthic copepod species from Maiquillahue and Quellon (Chile) are presented. Tisbe spec., Amphiascus spec. and Nitocra spec. were determined only up to genus level. Until now Idomene cookensi Pallares, 1975 was only known from the Argentine Isla de los Estados. Only recently some animals of this species have been founbd in Playa Miquillahue. Schizopera chiloensis and Phyllopodopsyllus mossmani chiloeneis are new findings. The only habitat of both species known so far is the beach of Quellon Viejo situated south-east of the island of Chiloe. The genus Eoschizopera, established by Wells & Rao (1976), with which the specimens of Schizopera chiloensis could be classed without problems, is rejected, because it is based only on plesiomorphic features.

1. II. Zoologisches Institut und Museum der Universitat Gottingen. Berliner Strabe 28, D-3400 Gottingen - Germany

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