Of the above species, only Thetispelecaris remex could be considered stygobitic, since it has been collected in shallow waters, originating in anchialine and submarine caves; the other two species are deep water dwelling, respectively in the Tasmanian and West Central Atlantic seas.
Gutu, Modest. 1998. Spelaeogriphacea and Mictacea (partim) suborders of a new order, Cosinzeneacea (Crustacea, Peracarida). Travaux du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa", 40:121-129.
Gutu, Modest and Thomas M. Iliffe. 1998. Description of a new Hirsutiid (n.g., n.sp.) and reassignment of this family from order Mictacea to the new order, Bochusacea (Crustacea, Peracarida). Travaux du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle "Grigore Antipa", 40:93-120, 12 figures.
Hessler, R.R., 1999. Ordre des Mictaces. In: Traite de Zoologie (P. Grasse, Ed.), Crustaces, Peracarides (sans la direction de J. Forest), 7(3A), Memories de l'Institut Oceanographique Monaco, 19:87-91.
Sanders, H.L., R.R. Hessler, and S.P. Garner. 1985. Hirsutia bathyalis, a new unusual deep-sea benthic peracaridan crustacean from the tropical Atlantic. Journal of Crustacean Biology, 5(1):30-57.