As regard the subterranean nematods, it must be remarked that often it could be difficult to distinguish between true stygobitic and occasional, stygophilic species, as they do not have particular morphological specializations to groundwater life, the only adaptation to the stygobiont way of life being their elongated and slender body shape.
Notwithstanding, several species regualarly live in the subterranean realm, where they constitute the most prolific group, both as regard the individual and species richness.
Despite their remarkable abundance and distribution, the nematods are poorly represented in ground waters of Italy.
Only eight taxa are actually known from this country and, moreover, they are confined only to the east part of the Alpine province.
Theristus athesinus Andrassy 1962 (1) * Genus Panagrolaimus Panagrolaimus ruffoi Andrassy 1962 (1) * Genus Onchulus Onchulus nolli Goffark 1950 (1) Genus Stenonchulus Stenonchulus troglodytes Schneider 1940 (1) Genus Mononchulus Mononchulus italicus Andrassy 1959 (1) * Genus Mylonchulus Mylonchulus cavensis (Schneider 1940) (1)