The Groundwater Fauna of Italy: a Synthesis
STYGOLOGIA, 1985 - vol.1, part 2:129-159. Leiden, E.J.Brill

A brief historical review of the stygobiological research in Italy is presented. Stygobionts or eustygophiles from the ground waters of this country are listed and discussed.
Through systematic and biogeographic analysis and relationship within the most significant stygobitic groups, a subdivision of the Italian territory into five stygofaunal provinces, viz. Alpine, Apennine, Sardinian, Apulian and Sicilian, is proposed.
The Apenninian province is divided in north, central and suthern districts; the Apulian province, as well, includes a north (Gargano) and a southern (Murge-Salento) district.

Giuseppe L. Pesce (1985)

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