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![]() CHECKLIST DELLE SPECIE DELLA FAUNA ITALIANA. COPEPODA Calderini ed. Italy - 1995 and to the CHECKLIST OF THE SPECIES OF THE ITALIAN FAUNA by F. Stoch (http://www.faunaitalia.it/checklist/) |
Family Arenopontiidae Martinez Arbizu & Moura, 1994
Arenopontia (Arenopontia) nesaie Cottarelli, 1975 3
Nicholls (1945) established the genus Neoleptastacus to accomodate N. spinicaudatus from Western Australia. Unfortunately this genus was not included in the harpacticoid world monograph of Lang (1948). Perhaps because of that Chappuis (1952) described one new species from Madagascar in the genus Arenopontia (Arenopontia australis), although it was obvious that the new species belonged to the genus Neoleptastacus. Later on , Chappuis (1954) cited Nicholls' paper when he described another new species (Arenopontia acantha), without mention to the genus Neoleptastacus. Successively, he cited Nicholls' paper correctly (Chappuis 1954) and synonymized the genus Neoleptastacus with Arenopontia. This last opinion was supported by many authors (Noodt 1955; Chappuis and Delamare Deboutteville 1956; Chappuis 1958; Chappuis and Rouch 1961; Bodin 1967; Bozic 1967; Rao 1967; Ito 1968; Masry 1970; Cottarelli 1973; Mielke 1987). The generic status of Neoleptastacus was supported only by Krishnaswamy (1957). As a compromise, Wells (1967) proposed a subgeneric status for Neoleptastacus, within the range of the genus Arenopontia.
The Wells's proposition has been approved until now (Kunz 1971; Ito 1978; Bodiou and Colomines 1986; Wells 1986; Apostolov and Marinov 1988; Cottarelli et al. 1994; Martinez Arbizu and Moura 1994; Huys and Conroy-Dalton 1996).
The high level taxonomy of the genus Arenopontia (subg. Neoleptastacus) is more problematic. In former times (Kunz 1937; Nicholls 1945) it was placed in the family Canthocamptidae. Successively, Lang (1948) transferred it to the family Cylindropsyllidae. After Lang's monograph many new genera of the family Cylindropsyllidae were described, and the subfamily concept was no longer tenable (Huys and Conroy-Dalton 1993). Martinez Arbizu and Moura (1994) raised Lang's subfamily Leptopontiinae to family status, including the subfamilies Leptopontiinae, Psammopsyllinae and a new subfamily Arenopontiinae (in which was placed only the genus Arenopontia). In that revision the subfamily Cylindropsyllinae was allocated to the family Canthocamptidae. A similar opinion was presented later by Moura and Pottek (1998). At present, the subgenus Neoleptastacus includes 18 species from all over the world (Karanovic, 2000).
WORLD KEY TO SPECIES IN: Karanovic T. 2000. Arenopontia (Neoleptastacus) huysi,sp. nov. (Crustacea, Copepoda, Harpacticoida) from marine interstitial of Montenegro (S.E. Europe). Helgol. Mar. Res., 54: 33-38.
Ichnusella eione Cottarelli 1971 Sa E
Psammopsyllus maricae Cottarelli, Saporito & Venanzetti, 1989 3, 4
The above genera were included in the family Cylindropsyllidae in the "Checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. Copepoda (Calderini ed. Italy - 1995 )". Recently, Martinez Arbizu & Moura (1994) considered the Cylindropsillidae as polyphyletic and desolved it, incorporating the Cylindropsyllinae in the family Canthocamptidae as well as raising to family level the subfamily Leptopontiinae, including the following other genera, not present in the Italian Fauna: Leptopontia T. Scott, 1902; Sewellina Krishnaswamy, 1956; Parasewellina Cottarelli, Saporito & Puccetti, 1986; Prosewellina Mielke, 1971; Notopontia Bodiou, 1972; Syrticola Willems & Claeys, 1982 . The genera Minervella Cottarelli & Venanzetti, 1989 and Psamathea Cottarelli & Venanzetti, 1989 (formerly in the family Cylindropsyllidae) are moved to the family Leptastacidae Lang, 1948 sensu Huys, 1992.
Leptastacus macronyx (T. Scott, 1892) 3
Paraleptastacus spinicauda (T. Scott & A. Scott, 1895) 3
Minervella baccetti Cottarelli & Venanzetti, 1989 3
Psamathea nautarum Cottarelli & Venanzetti, 1989 3
Meloriastacus ctenidis Huys & Todaro, 1997 [Italy, Meloria Shoals; interstitial] (NEW ENTRY)
The family Parastenocarididae Chappuis, 1940, formerly Parastenocaridae Chappuis, 1933, is still in a confused taxonomic state (Reid, 1994; Martinez Arbizu, 1997). Jakobi (1972) suggested a new system for the family Parastenocarididae, splitting it into 26 new genera. This artificial system was strongly criticized by Schminke (1976) and numerous other authors (Cottarelli & Maiolini, 1980; Dumont, 1981; Dussart & Defaye, 1990; Rouch, 1986; Reid, 1994; Martinez Arbizu, 1997). The Parastenocarididae is almost exclusively freshwater in distribution. Together with Canthocamptidae Brady 1880, they represent the most successful group of benthic freshwater harpacticoids in terms of diversity and aboundance.
At present, the family includes 241 species and subspecies (Gorgosinho et al. 2007) and the following valid genera (according to Gorgosinho et al. 2007 ; see ICZN 1999 article 13): Parastenocaris Kessler, 1913; Forficatocaris Jakobi, 1969; Paraforficatocaris Jakobi, 1972; Potamocaris Dussart, 1979 emend. Reid, 1991; Murunducaris Reid, 1994; Simplicaris Galassi & De Laurentiis, 2004; Remaneicaris Jakobi, 1972; Brasilibathynellocaris Jakobi, 1972; Pararemaneicaris Jakobi, 1972.
Parastenocaris is the most prolific and widespread genus, the other genera including few species, limited to the neotropical region.
Representatives of the genus Parastenocaris almost exclusivey occur in subterranean, interstitial habitats from all over the World. According to Dussart & Defaye (1990) the genus is widely distributed in Europe, most european species do not appearing to cross the southern limit of the last glaciation age, indicating their poor dispersal.
* Parastenocaris glacialis is known from numerous groundwater (krenal, hyporheal, rhithrostygal) localities of Europe (Iceland, Spitzberg, Fenno-Scandian, Lapland, Denmark, Germany, Italy); particularly it could be considered a cold stenotherm relict, which colonized the stygal biotopes during the postglacial period. From a biogeographical point of view it is a "borealpine harpacticoid in a wider sense" (Husmann, 1975). In central Apennines several other harpacticoid species (Epactophanes richardi, Hypocamptus brehmi, Limocamptus echinatus, Rheoamptus typhlops, Arcticocamptus raethicus) exibit similar pattern of distribution and ecology and, as P. glacialis, they are to be considered cold-stenotherm taxa which could be integrated in the same biogeographical group (Pesce et al., 1995)
** syn. Parastenocaris phyllura Noodt, 1955
Simplicaris lethaea Galassi & De Laurentiis, 2004 [Italy; springs] (NEW ENTRY)
Por (1986) in his review of the family Cletodidae transferred some genera of this family to a new sub-family of Canthocamptidae: Hemimesochrinae, as well as provisionally placed the genus Cletocamptus in the "Canthocamptidae incertae sedis". Later on, Gee (1999), sharing the Por's (1986) opinion, provisionally included the genus Cletocamptus in the family Canthocamptidae incertae sedis, suggestings as well that this genus "must be removed to a new family which will brobably prove to be a sister family to the Cletodidae".
More recently, Mielke (2000) confirmed that "The situation of the genus Cletocamptus is complex and in some respects inconsistent..... This uncertainty is due to the conjecture that the two families, Canthocamptidae and Cletodidae, appear to be poly- or para-phyletic assemblages".
The genus Pontocletodes Apostolov, 1980 was not defined by Por (1986) and it is provisionally assigned to Cletodidae. Bodin (1997) reported the same genus as "incertae sedis", adding some new genera to the family Cletodidae.
Pending a definitive review of the above families, the genus Cletocamptus is herein provisonally placed in the
Cletodidae sensu Scott, 1904, which presently should include the following other genera: Acrenhydrosoma, Cletodes, Enhydrosoma, Enhydrosomella, Kollerua, Limnocletodes, Stylicletodes [Monocletodes Lang], Barbaracletodes, Australonannopus, Scintis, Strongylacron, Schizacron, Monocletodes, Intercletodes, Dyacrenhydrosoma, Paracrenhydrosoma , Triathrix, Sphingothrix and Neoacrenhydrosoma (Por, 1986, Fiers, 1987; Bodin, 1997; Gee, 1998,1999).
Cletocamptus confluens (Schmeil 1894) N
Enhydrosoma caeni Raibaut, 1965 3, 4
Enhydrosomella staufferi Monard, 1935 4
Delamarella galateae Cottarelli 1971 S Sa
Harrietella simulans T. Scott, 1894 ?
Laophonte commensalis Raibaut, 1961 ?
* questionable species
Esola rosei (Monard, 1926) 3
* = Troglophonte spelaea according to Huys & Lee (2000)
Onychocamptus mohammed (Blanchard & Richard 1891) N S Sa
Pseudonychocamptus colomboi Ceccherelli, 1988 4
Heterolaophonte stroemi (Baird, 1834) 4
Paronychocamptus nanus (G.O. Sars, 1908) N, 4
Paralaophonte brevirostris (Claus, 1863) 3, 4
Asellopsis hispida Brady & Robertson, 1873 4
Laophontina dubia Norman & T. Scott , 1905 3 [syn. L. paradubia Cottarelli, 1983] (NEW ENTRY)
Echinolaophonte armiger armiger(Gurney, 1927) 3
Afrolaophonte pori Masry, 1970 3 Harrietella simulans: specie segnalata per il Mediterraneo senza dati precisi per le acque italiane; Laophonte commensalis: Sspecie segnalata per il Mediterraneo senza dati precisi per le acque italiane [from: CHECKLIST OF THE SPECIES OF THE ITALIAN FAUNA by F. Stoch (http://www.faunaitalia.it/checklist/)]
Longipedia coronata Claus, 1863 3, 4
* Nomen dubium (Wells, 1980).
Canuella furcigera G.O.Sars, 1903 4
Brianola stebleri Monard, 1926 3
Sunaristes paguri Hedsse, 1867 *
* Specie segnalata per il Mediterraneo senza dati precisi per le acque italiane.
The Darcythompsonidae are a small, widepread family including four genera viz. Leptocaris, T.Scott, 1899 (syn. Horsiella Gurney, 1920), Darcythompsonia T. Scott, 1906, Kristensenia Por, 1983, Falcocaris Fiers (not ben diagnosed so far) and the recently described Pabellonia Gomez, 2000, with species for the most part living in decomposing mangrove-tree leaves, sea waters, a few in fresh or brackish waters.
Leptocaris biscayensis (Noodt, 1955) 3
Darcythompsonia fairlensis (T. Scott, 1899) 4
Following its distribution, "the ancestral stock of Darcythompsonia could have originated in the equatorial Thetys Sea at sometime during the Late Triasic-Early Jurassic period" (Gomez, 2000). ![]() Distribution of species of the genus Darcythomsonia (after Gomez, 2000, modif.)