Nitocrella stammeri Chappuis, 1938

Nitocrella stammeri is a stygobitic species, widely distributed in coastal karstic environments (fresh and anchialine waters) of the Mediterranean basin. In Italy it is known for several localities (wells, caves, anchialine habitats) (central and southern Apennines, Sardinia, Sicily). Its wide distribution in habitats not far from the sea coasts of the Pleistocenic Mediterranen suggests a recent origin from marine ancestors.


Distribution of Nitocrella stammeri Chappuis: 1. Puglia (Ruffo, 1955, 1958; Pesce et al., 1978); 2. Turkey (Chappuis, 1953); 3. Puglia (Pesce et al., 1978); 4. Lazio (Cottarelli & Fasano, 1978); 5. Marche (Pesce, 1980); 6. Sardinia (Pesce & Maggi, 1980); 7. Sicily (Cottarelli & Fasano, 1978, ); 8. Greece (Pesce, 1981); 9. Spain (Rouch, 1985); 10. Greece, Rhodos (Pesce, unpubl.); 11. Calabria (unpublished).

Elaphoidella plutonis (Chappuis, 1938)

syn. Elaphoidella rossellae Pesce, Galassi & Apostolov, 1987

Elaphoidella plutonis is a stygobitic species, endemic to Italy (cave, phreatic and spring habitats of the central and southern Apennines).

Attheyella (Mrazekiella) wulmeri (De Kerherv 1914)

Karanovic (1999) put in evidence a great variability of Attheyella wulmeri, including A. osmana, A, naphtalica and A. paranaphtalica. In the same occasion he still preserved, for the nominate taxa, the subgenus Brehmiella Chappuis, 1929, considering this subgenus not preoccupied as Brehm (1949) and Wilson (1958) pointed out.

Distribution of Attheyella (B.) wulmeri according to Karanovic (1999) (modif.)

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