Zur Taxonomie des Genus Neocyclops Gurney 1927 (Crustacea, Copepoda Cyclopoida)

Petkovski T. K. 1986 1
Acta Mus. Maced. Sci.nat. 18 (2/148): 27-46

Neocyclops stocki Pesce was described recently (Pesce, 1985) from the Bonarie Island, Netherlands West Indies. In this paper a redescription of the species is given based on specimens collected from Bermuda Islands and San Andrès Island (Columbia).
In addition a critical review is made of the taxonomical position of all previously described species of the genus Neocyclops Gurney, confirming the opinion thet Eurycyclops Sewell and Pareuryte Herbst should be synonymized with Neocyclops.

Based on the examination of the morphological characters of the male's fifth pair of legs, two phylogenetic groups of species are recognized in the frames of the genus Neocyclops. Thus, species with 3-segmented P5 are included in the subgenus Neocyclops s. str., while species with 4-segmented P5 are included in the new subgenus Protoneocyclops n. subgen.

Neocyclops herbsti was established for the taxon from the Red Sea coast, mentioned by Herbst (1964) as N. salinarum (Gurney). Similarly, the supposed N. (Eurycyclops) affinis (Plesa) from the Mozambique coast (Wells, 1967) was here renamed Neocyclops wellsi n. sp.

At the end of the contribution a provisional determination key for all known species and subspecies of the genus Neocyclops is given, on the basis of the presented review.

1. Prirodonaucen Muzej na Makedonija - Bulevar Ilinden 86 91000 Skopje (Yugoslavia)

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