Superornatiremidae is a very primitive group of harpacticoids since they show the most plesiomorphic status of first legs among copepods. Representatives of this family are remarkable also by the peculiar habitat in which they occur, viz. anchihaline caves along the amphi-Atlantic/Mediterranean (Caribbean, Bermuda, Canary Islands) region, the same habitat of several stygobitic tethyan crustaceans.

At present the family includes 3 genera: Neoechinophora, Intercrusia, Superornatiremis.

  • Neoechinophora Huys, 1996

  • Superornatiremis Huys, 1996

  • Intercrusia Huys, 1996

    Neoechinophora fosshageni Huys, 1996 [Bermuda; cave anchialine waters]
    Neoechinophora daltonae Huys, 1996 [Bermuda; cave anchialine waters]
    Neoechinophora jaumei Huys, 1996 [Bermuda; cave anchialine waters]
    Neoechinophora karaytugi Huys, 1996 [Canary Islands; cave anchialine waters]
    Neoechinophora xoni Jaume, 1997 [Balearic Islands; anchihaline waters]

    Superornatiremis mysticus Huys, 1996 [Bermuda; cave anchialine waters]
    Superornatiremis mendai Jaume, 1997 [Balearic Islands; anchihaline waters]

    Intercrusia problematica Huys, 1996 [Bermuda; cave anchialine waters]
    Intercrusia garciai Jaume, 1997 [Balearic Islands; anchihaline waters]

    Thank are due to Dr. Rony Huys for precious collaboration and assistance.

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