CANTHOCAMPTIDAE Brady, 1880 (syn. Metahuntemanniidae Por, 1986)

The Canthocamptidae are harpacticoids living in continental waters, from the Arctic to the Antarctic, in about all types of water bodies and wetlands, most common in lake meiobenthos.

The family contains today 58 valid genera and more than 700 species, 500 of which are ascribed to the complex Attheyella-Elaphoidella-Bryocamptus. The presence of a prehensile P1 endopodite let us to consider Attheyella (Mrazekiella) and Canthocamptus as probably the most primitive freshwater Canthocamptidae

From a biogeographical point of view the distribution of the Canthocamptidae indicates a Pangean origin, and a vicariant biogeography, with indications that the most primitive groups are Holarctic-Laurasian. Several genera, such as Canthocamptus, Arcticocamptus, Attheyella s.str., Mrazekiella, and Moraria, are typically holarctic.

The family includes two subfamilies, Hemimesochrinae Por, 1986 with the following genera: Heteropsyllus, Hemimesochra, Nannomesochra, Mesopsyllus, Poria, Psammocamptus, Dahkalia, Bathycamptus, Boreolimella, Perucamptus, Pusillargillus, Carolinicola, Sympodella and Isthmiocaris and Canthocamptinae Brady, 1880 with the all remainig genera.

More recently Gomez & Rivera (2022) proposed a new subfamily, Cletocamptinae to include Amphibiperita, Cletocamptus and Cletocamptoides defined by synapomorphic subdistal ventral spinules on the rostrum, as well proposed a new genus Cletocamptoides for C. helobius,

Aenippe Philippi, 1843 syn. Goffinella Wilson C.B., 1932

Afrocamptus Chappuis, 1932

Amphibiperita Fiers & Rutledge, 1990

Antarctobiotus Chappuis, 1930

Antipodiella Brehm, 1928 syn. Epactophanes Mrázek, 1893

Antrocamptus Chappuis, 1956

Apodella Por, 1965 syn. Metahuntemannia Smirnov, 1946

Attheyella s.l. Chappuis, 1929

Australocamptus Karanovic, 2004

Baikalocamptus Borutsky, 1931 syn. Canthocamptus Westwood, 1836

Bathycamptus Huys & Thistle, 1989

Boreolimella Huys & Thistle, 1989

Boreopontia Willems, 1981

Bryocamptus s. l. Chappuis, 1928

Canthocamptus Westwood, 1836

Carolinicola Huys & Thistle, 1989

Ceuthonectes Chappuis, 1924

Cletocamptus Schmankevitsch, 1875

Cletocamptoides Gomes & Rivera, 2022

Cylindropsyllus Brady, 1880

Cylinula Coull, 1971

Dahlakocamptus Huys, 2009

Dahmsopottekina Özdikmen, 2009

Elaphoidella s. l. Chappuis, 1928

Epactophanes Mrazek, 1893

Epactophanoides Borutzky, 1966

Evansula T. Scott, 1906

Ferronniera Labbé, 1924 (nomen dubium)

Fibulocamptus Hamond, 1987

Glaciella Kikuchi, 1994

Goffinella Wilson C.B., 1932

Gulcamptus Miura, 1969

Hanikraia Huys, 2009

Hemimesochra Sars, 1920

Heteropsyllus T. Scott, 1894

Hypocamptus Chappuis, 1929

Itunella Brady, 1896

Leimia Willey, 1923 (genus incertae sedis)

Lessinocamptus Stoch, 1997

Ligulocamptus Guo, 1998

Lofflerella Rouch, 1962

Maraenobiotus Mrazek, 1893

Mesochra Boeck, 1864

Mesopsyllus Por, 1960

Moraria Scott T. & A., 1893

Morariopsis Borutzky, 1931

Nannomesochra Gurney, 1932

Navalonia Huys & Conroy-Dalton, 1993

Ophirion Por, 1967

Orthopsyllus Brady & Robertson, 1873

Paracamptus Chappuis, 1929

Paramorariopsis Brancelj, 1991

Parepactophanes Kunz, 1935

Perucamptus Huys & Thistle, 1989

Pesceus Özdikmen, 2008 (nom. nov. for Paracamptus Chappuis, 1929)

Pholetiscus Humes, 1947

Pilocamptus Wells, 2007

Pindamoraria Reid & Da Rocha, 2003

Pordfus Özdikmen, 2008 (nom. nov. for Ophirion Por, 1967)

Portierella Labbé, 1926 (nomen dubium)

Pottekia Huys, 2009 (nomen nudum, see Corgosinho, 2012)

Psammocamptus Mielke, 1975

Pseudomoraria Brancelj, 1994

Pusillargillus Huys & Thistle, 1989

Selenopsyllus Moura & Pottek, 1998

Spelaeocamptus Chappuis, 1933

Sympodella Kornev & Chertoprud, 2008

Stenocaris Sars,1909

Stenocaropsis Apostolov, 1982

Stygepactophanes Moeschler & Rouch, 1984

Taurocletodes Kunz, 1975

Thermomesochra Ito & Burton, 1960

Vibriopsyllus Kornev & Chertoprud, 2008 (syn. Mesopsyllus Por, 1960)

CAROLINICOLA Huys & Thistle, 1989

  • Carolinicola galapagoensis Mielke, 1997 = Sympodella galapagoensis (Mielke, 1997)
  • Carolinicola trisetosa (Coull, 1973)

  • Vibriopsyllus curviseta Kornev & Chertoprud, 2008 (transferred to Mesopsyllus as M. curvisetus (Kornev & Chertoprud, 2008)

  • Leimia vaga Wiillem, 1923

    To this family should be ascribred also the genus Cletocamptus (Walter, T.C.; Boxshall, G. (2021). World of Copepods Database. Cletocamptus Schmankevitsch, 1875. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2021-06-10

    Bodin (1997) and Por (1986) tentatively included also the genus Cletocamptus Schmankevitch 1875 in this family. Later, Mielke (2000) pointed out that "the situation of the genus Cletocamptus is complex and in some respectes inconsistent".

    At present time, some authors include this genus among the Cletodidae, others (Por, 1986; Mielke, 2000) consider it among Canthocamptidae incertae sedis. According to Mielke (2000) this "uncertainty is due to the conjecture that the two families, Canthocamptidae and Cletodidae, appear to be poly- or paraphyletic assemblages".

    Pending a definitive review of these families, this genus Cletocamptus is herein provisonally placed in the Cletodidae sensu Scott, 1905.

    The genus Neomaraenobiotus Flossner, 1992 is a junior synonym of Gulcamptus Miura, 1969 (Reid & Ishida, 1996)


    Isthmiocaris George & Schminke, 2003

  • Isthmiocaris laurae Bruch et al., 2011 [Angola Basin]
  • Isthmiocaris longitelson George & Schminke, 2003 [Chile; continental slope]

    Cletocamptus Schmankevitsch, 1875

    Leimia Willey, 1923

    GOFFINELLA Wilson, 1932 (syn. Aenippe Philippi, 1843; Microcryobius Brady, 1910)

  • Goffinella cristata (Philippi, 1843)
  • Goffinella nanus (Brady, 1910)
  • Goffinella stylifer Wilson, 1932

    TAUROCLETODES Kunz, 1975

  • Taurocletodes dubius (Noodt, 1958) [Canarie islands; coastal waters]
  • Taurocletodes tumenae Karaytung & Huys, 2003 [Turkey; sandy beaches]

    Recently George & Schminke (2003) and Karaytug & Huys (2004) reallocated the above genera to Canthocamptidae.



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